“Without Tyler Didra, I certainly would not be where I am today. Today, I am in charge of my own health, nutrition, and fitness goals. I first sought out Tyler after seeing advertisements for her on campus at Stevenson University. I was on the verge of an eating disorder and a heartbreaking tear from my family who at the time did not know how to properly encourage my weight loss goals. Having a myriad of health problems and physical immobility challenges, Tyler tailored each aspect of her services directly to me. Half-way throughout personal training season, I had ankle surgery and Tyler jumped at the chance to customize my exercise program to chair positions, sitting kick-boxing, and non-weight bearing drills.
“My biggest challenge before experiencing Tyler’s phenomenal training was fear of the gym and a general lack of education regarding both nutrition and physical fitness. I would have never stepped into a gym before Tyler encouraged me it wasn’t such a scary place after all. My body is completely different than it was three years ago; healthy, muscular, confident, and flexible. We started our journey together understanding food groups, different types of workouts, and how to live confidently. Over time she helped me graduate to yoga and today I am strong enough to challenge myself bi-weekly to Barre classes. She took an ankle that was unbearable to walk on and helped me strengthen it to this day where I can walk, run, and even do the most complex ankle yoga-poses.
“Tyler is a joy to her clients and each member of her Stevenson University fitness classes. From Yoga, to Pilates, and Women on Weights, she inspires young men and women to branch out and try something new to further challenge their minds and bodies. I give her my highest praise and openly endorse each and every one of her services from ZYTO scans, personal training, nutrition coaching, and group fitness classes. Because of her, I live an active and healthy lifestyle led by my own personal choices and goals.”
-Caitlin’s Testimonial, Winter 2019