When planning our trip to Wyoming & Montana, I honestly thought the Grand Tetons would be the most underwhelming part. Of course, they are “grand,” but I thought Yellowstone & Glacier would easily steal the show. However, our day spent in Grand Teton National Park had some of the most stunning views & amazing hikes I have ever been on.
We wanted to get an early start to our day, so we woke up before dawn in our Airbnb, took what would probably be our last real shower for days, & started the drive to Mormon Row.
The drive took longer than expected, & we unfortunately arrived far too late to take the sunrise photos we wanted. Still, the view was spectacular, & we managed to get a few romantic shots of the iconic barn in front of the row of snow-specked Teton mountains. The view was truly breathtaking. The mountains stretched high, the rocky fortress at the top looming down at us. The land below was quiet – it felt like a sacred space where the view of the mountains should be without any form of distraction.

Our next stop was Kelly, WY, an incorporated town not far from Mormon Row. The population is less than 200, & the town only consists of two businesses – a post office & a cafe. Unfortunately for us, the cafe did not open until noon, so our rumbling tummies had to wait to eat breakfast. We wound our car through the windy roods that led into Grand Teton National Park, eager for our first hike of the day. As we drove, we gazed at the magnificent Teton Mountains while listening to music, the windows rolled down & cool morning air blowing back our hair.
“I can’t think of a more chill moment than right now,” Joseph said as we listened to “Come & Get Your Love” by Redbone at full volume, singing along to the words & letting the moment sink in. We were finally back in the mountains.
Our first stop in Grand Teton National Park was Jenny Lake. We stopped by the camp store for coffee & a breakfast sandwich for Joseph. I ate some fruit & a protein bar we had bought from the grocery store. We packed our lunch at the car & then suited up with our Nathan Hydration Packs & headed to the trails.
The hike around Jenny Lake to Hidden Falls is one of the most beautiful I have ever done. Normally, on a hike, you are hiking through rather mundane scenery to get to the spectacular promised view. But on this hike, there was something to marvel at every step of the way. With the mountains on one side & the serene blue lake on the other, we were constantly turning our heads to gaze out at the view. Along the way, an orange fox ran across the trail only a few yards in front of us, & countless chipmunks & squirrels scurried around our feet.

Hidden Falls was a crowded spot. The majority of visitors had taken the boat across Jenny Lake & then did the short 1/2-mile hike up to the falls. Still, the waterfall was stunning. Cool, clear water cascaded down the rocks to a rushing river that cut through the landscape. Joseph & I stayed a few minutes to watch before finally trekking down towards the ferry.
We had decided to take the boat back to the mainland rather than hike all the way back the way we came. I think I would always like to take a boat back after my hike after today’s experience. The worst part of a hike is always the walk back after seeing the spectacular view, but today, the hike was over within minutes after over an hour of walking to get to our destination, & the trip back to the start was nothing but relaxing. We sat back, feeling the wind & spray from the water on our faces, & we drank in the view of the Tetons from our incredible vantage point.
We ate our lunch in the park, gazing up at the mountains, & then we went to talk to a park ranger at the Visitors’ Center. We had already completed our itinerary for the day & there were still hours left to explore the park. The kind ranger recommended a hike & scenic spot to visit, so we hopped in our car & drove to Jackson Lake.
It was a short, figure-eight shaped hike, but the views were spectacular. The multi-colored pebble beach led to serene, still waters that reflected the mountains like a mirror. On the hike, we were met by a family of birds that ran right up to our feet looking for food.

The afternoon went by faster than expected, & soon we had arrived at our campsite. We put up our tent together & then made our first freeze-dried meals of the trip. I am happy to report that it actually tasted really good! For our first meal, we had Creole-Style Chicken, & it was spicy & full of flavor.
We had a bit of a sweet tooth after our meal, so despite the dark clouds rolling in, we drove to the park’s general store to pick up some dessert. We went back to our campsite to get ready for bed, & we ducked inside our tent for the night just as the rain was beginning to fall. It wasn’t the quintessential night of camping we had wanted, with a crackling fire & star gazing. But lying in our tent, listening to the rain patter on our tent’s canvas walls, I couldn’t think of a more perfect night. It had been a full day of adventuring, & we were both exhausted. Like a lullaby, the rain lulled us into a much-needed night’s rest.