I am blessed to be a woman who studies energy, especially the energy of love.
We are the creators of our own existence through our intent and our energy. But how often are we taking the time to look at our experiences and break them down into the energy of our creation, especially when it comes to love?
Love does not just refer to romantic love, but the energy of love for all things. Most are familiar with 1 Corinthians 13: “Love is patient, love is kind….” Break that down into energy. Are you approaching that which you love – whether it be a parent, a child, a sibling, a romantic partner, your career, your home, or yourself – with the energy of kindness and the energy of patience?
I was recently reading a book, The Path of Empowerment by Barbara Marciniak, and it talked about how if something in your life is not going according to plan, look at it, take responsibility for it, and then begin again. I had a situation about a week ago that deeply hurt and angered me. Through closer contemplation, I realized that I had not been in the energy that what I wanted mattered in my relationship with the person who upset me. I had allowed this person to continually think that what they wanted mattered more.
To begin again, I revisited 1 Corinthians 13: “Love does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.” How many of us can say that we truly function in life this way? And again, this is not just with love of others, but includes love of self. Is there something you are beating yourself up about in regard to choices you may have made in the past? Past words spoken? Let it go. Love keeps no record of wrongs and that includes holding onto things of the past you regret or wish you had done different. There is no wrong turn – all of it lead us to this moment right here today and you are exactly where you are supposed to be. There are so many beautiful energies in the world, and they are all yours to be experienced.
As you move into 2023 think about what you want the year to feel like. What energy do you wish to experience? Know that you are capable of creating it and worthy of all of it.
Would you like to learn more about Energy Coaching? Visit our website here.
Are you interested in writing a guest blog post for my blog? Contact me at TylerVLayne@gmail.com
If you’re feeling a little stumped as to what your New Year’s resolutions should be in 2023, I have 23 suggestions that will positively impact your mental & physical health.
In fact, even if you already have your resolutions made, these 23 healthy habits are ones that anyone can incorporate into their life. They focus on your mental & physical wellbeing, as well as the wellbeing of those around you. Some of the habits will challenge you to step outside your comfort zone, while others will encourage you to stay safe & cozy inside.
Adopt a few habits that resonate most with you, or make 2023 the year of radical change in your life & adopt them all. By the end of the year, you may find your lifestyle has changed for the better, your mindset is one of abundance & gratitude, & your health is the best it’s ever been.
We are all guilty of it, myself included. In fact, this is my main resolution for 2022 – be more intentional with my time. It’s too easy to work until we feel burnt out, & then spend an hour or two scrolling through social media or bingeing TV shows on Netflix. The activities may seem restful, but I never feel filled after doing them. In fact, I feel just as tired as ever & less productive.
This is the year I decided that would change. I bought some colorful pens & a planner with which I could plan every hour of my day. With it, I schedule everything: Work, play, house chores, & more. With scheduled time every day for self-care, I always know when the next rest period is coming. That makes my hours of work more productive, & my self-care time much more meaningful. I’m actually sitting down to read a book or rolling out my yoga mat to stretch! House chores are getting done, & I can spend date night focused on my husband instead of thinking about what I have to get done the next day.
You don’t have to plan every hour of your day to be intentional with your time. Setting timers on apps, making to-do lists, & focusing on the present moment are all great ways to bring more intentionality & productivity to your day.
As a nutrition coach, I know that food has many meanings for us. It can be source of comfort or stress. Certain foods can bring back warm, comforting memories, & there are certain dishes that are traditional to eat at various family gatherings & holidays. But first & foremost, food is fuel. It is what gives us energy & makes our brains & bodies work.
When we eat to fuel our bodies, we are more likely to focus on nourishment rather than restriction, & we are more likely to eat healthier options. There is nothing wrong with indulging in a treat every once in a while, but when you eat to fuel your body, you are more likely to eat whole food sources throughout your daily life. And in order for your brain & body to work at peak performance, they must be fueled adequately, which means no more restrictive dieting or starvation. Good food, & lots of it, is what your body needs.
This is something almost all of us can improve on. Aim for at least eight cups of water a day (if you can drink more, even better!). Our bodies need water for proper organ function, gut health, brain function, & more.
4. Spend more time outdoors
Me running in some snow flurries
The sun has lots of benefits for our mental & physical health, including an increase in serotonin (one of our “happy hormones”), an increase in Vitamin D, & stronger bones. Aim to get at least 15 minutes of sunlight a day. You can go for a walk, sit outdoors at a restaurant, or even just enjoy a cup of coffee on your porch.
Too often, I see people exercising as a form of punishment or as a trade-off for food (because they burned this many calories, now they can eat these many calories). Exercise is meant to make us feel better. It strengthens our muscles & bones, releases serotonin, improves our sleep, improves gut health, gives us an energy boost, & more! It is not meant to be a punishment for indulging in a special treat, or to be a required activity before eating.
Move your body in loving ways. Find types of exercise that you enjoy, & do them because they make you feel good. When your body is sore, make time to stretch your tired muscles. It’s a wonderful feeling to discover how far you have progressed in an exercise regimen & to feel yourself getting stronger & healthier. Make it a regular self-care habit in your life, & appreciate your body for all that it does.
6. Make time for self-care
Me meditating by the water
Whether it be exercise, reading, taking hot baths, or spending time doing a hobby, it is important to regularly engage in self-care. Schedule in that time with yourself, & make it as much of a priority as you would a meeting with your boss. Do activities you know you love, or try something new! The most important part is that you are taking time out of your day to take care of your mind, body, and/or spirit. The activity is up to you!
7. Spend time with people you love
Me with my family on Father’s Day
Do something positive for your mental health & for the mental health of your loved ones by spending time with them. Studies show spending time with family & friends can help improve your self-confidence & self-worth, help you cope with difficult stressors, & can give you a greater sense of purpose. Even better, spending time with those we love decreases stress, which, in turn, means less inflammation in the body.
Whether it’s in person or over the phone, make time regularly in your schedule to talk to & spend time with the people that matter most in your life.
8. Become fiscally fit
Money is a huge stressor for many people. Debt looms over the heads of college students, new home owners, & anyone who has ever missed a credit card payment, & trying to pay off that debt while paying other bills, buying food, & trying to enjoy life can be a major stressor.
Take time this year to become more fiscally fit. Find a budget that works for you & stick to it. If you need help, there are lots of books & online programs available. Find one that works best for you. Simply having the knowledge of how much money you have & where it is allocated can be an enormous relief. Once you know what you can afford to spend, it becomes less stressful to be spending. And creating a savings account that you regularly add to can be a great self-confidence boost & a source of comfort for the future.
You don’t have to go far to reap the benefits of traveling. Even just going on a road trip to a nearby state or a day trip around your own city is a great place to start. Make an itinerary, or just see where the wind takes you! Explore, try new foods, meet someone new – make it a trip you will never forget, even if it’s just a short walk from your own neighborhood.
10. Try a new hobby
Baking mini pumpkin pies for Thanksgiving
There are so many things to try in this life! Kayaking, painting, baton twirling – the list is endless! Find something new that you have always wanted to try & give it a shot! Whether it ends in you mastering the skill, or in a heap on the floor laughing at yourself, it’s a great experience to step outside your comfort zone & try something new.
11. Live more sustainably
Grove provides sustainable cleaning, beauty & health products that are healthy for you & the environment – click here to get your first box FREE
As I always say, we only have two homes – our bodies & the earth. We have to take care of both of them.
Whether it’s a huge change like biking to work each day, or a smaller change like remembering to turn off the light whenever you leave the room, you are making a difference in the sustainability of our planet. And a lot of the changes you can make are healthier for you as well! Biking to work means increased physical fitness, better cardiovascular health, & more time spent in sunlight. Turning off the lights means a decreased energy bill, which is a fiscally fit lifestyle change. Natural cleaners are great for the environment & for reducing the toxins we breathe, & eating more vegetables & fruits means fewer animal products eaten, which is healthier for you & for reducing carbon emissions.
It can be overwhelming to try to live a completely sustainable lifestyle, so instead, pick at least one sustainable living habit & make it a regular practice in your daily life.
Brighten someone else’s day (& your own day as well) by doing random acts of kindness! It can be huge gestures like paying for someone’s meal at a restaurant, or smaller things like holding the door open for someone. The idea behind it is that it goes without notice – don’t pull attention to yourself or take credit for what you have done. And, if someone does insist on thanking you, tell them to pay it forward! Keep the kindness train moving!
We all need a little encouragement. Give out compliments as if you have too many to hold. Let people know what you like about them! You get bonus points if you can move past appearance. Compliment someone’s work ethic, their positive attitude, or how they parent their kids. It can be a huge boost to someone’s self-confidence, & their smile will be infectious – you will end up smiling, too!
If you can, read lots of books. Whether it’s to learn something new or to escape into another world, books are a great way to engage in self-care. Additionally, reading has been shown to strengthen our brains, increase empathy, reduce stress, & improve our memory retention. Find a book in a subject that interests you or a story that makes you want to keep turning the pages & get reading!
The environment we live in has a direct impact on our physical & mental wellbeing. Just keeping our desk clean can greatly reduce stress & improve our productivity. Even more than this, keeping a clean home means fewer germs & reduced stress in the space that is supposed to give us rest.
If you want to go above & beyond, get a plant! Despite the climate-controlled buildings we have been living in for so long, humans used to live in nature, & our minds & bodies still reap benefits from having nature in our living quarters.
I am absolutely fascinated by biophilic design, which connects people with nature within our buildings & communities. People have done some really amazing architectural feats to achieve this balance between architecture & nature, but simply bringing some plants into your home can have some incredible health benefits, including reduced stress & air purification.
Gratitude transforms our mindset from one of scarcity to abundance. It turns what we have into enough.
Ending each day by writing down a few things you are grateful for can have enormous benefits for your mental health, including reduced stress, better emotional regulation, & increased resilience. The more specific you are in the things you write, the more effective this practice will be.
Just like we should be handing out compliments regularly to the people we are with, we should also be sharing them with ourselves. How long would you stay in a relationship with someone who spoke to you the way that you do? Would it be a healthy, long marriage, or would you not even make it past the first date?
Use kind words. When things go wrong, have grace for yourself. Encourage yourself & take time each day to build yourself up, not tear yourself down. It seems simple, but speaking more positively to ourselves can radically transform our lives. Our mindset is in control of how we perceive the world & ourselves, & when we have a more positive outlook of our life situation & an appreciation for who we are, we can gain increased self-confidence, increased self-worth, & perhaps even a better understanding of what purpose we may play in this world.
Social media can be a source of information & connection, but it can also be draining & stressful. Take some time to go through the accounts that you are following & unfriend the ones that are no longer adding value to your life or, even worse, are contributing to any toxic thoughts or habits you may be engaging in. Fill your feed with positivity & useful information that helps you engage in healthier habits. And when you do interact, consider setting a time limit. Time slips away when we are scrolling through our feeds, & that can be a huge detriment to our productivity & quality of life.
I don’t necessarily mean face your darkest fears, but do something this year that makes you step outside of your comfort zone. Whether that’s standing up for yourself at work or telling a friend how much they mean to you, doing something that makes us cringe can increase our self-confidence & self-worth. Go on a trip, try a new food, sign up for a talent show – even if it doesn’t go as planned, you can still look back with pride knowing that you faced your fear.
Regular routines can help us de-stress & feel motivated for our days. Have a regular morning routine that excites you to get out of bed in the morning can help you feel refreshed & energized for your day. You can spend time journaling, reading, washing your face, exercising, making a fancy breakfast – there are so many possibilities. And at night, engage in activities that help you relax & rewind from the day. Journal about what you’re grateful for, wash the day off your face, & spend time reading or engaging in a quiet activity away from screens. It will improve your sleep, reduce stress, & help you feel more refreshed the next morning.
Too often, we spend the moments other people are talking to think about what we want to say next instead of really listening to what they are saying. Make listening a priority this year.
When I was little, I was always told the phrase, “You have two ears & one mouth, & they should be used in that proportion.” I find this holds up in almost every situation in my life. Even when I feel I have something meaningful to say, or when I am debating about an important topic, I find whatever point I wanted to make or thought I wanted to share can always wait. And when I take the time to listen to the person I am talking with, I often find we are more aligned in our thoughts than we realize. Coming to a conclusion, having empathy for one another, & building a healthy relationship all become more more probable when I take the time to listen to what someone is saying.
Engaging in a regular mindfulness practice has numerous benefits. From lowering stress to decreased blood pressure, mindfulness exercises like meditation, mindful walking & yoga can help increase our quality of life. This year, your resolution can be to set aside regular time in your day – when you first wake up, right before you go to bed, or whenever you are feeling stressed – to take time to be present & mindful.
The best habit I can ever recommend to anyone is to have regular check-ins with yourself. Make time each morning to think about how you are feeling, & based on that information, schedule in time that day for what you need. If you are still feeling tired, maybe a little 20-minute nap would be good this afternoon, or maybe a nice hot cup of coffee is a good way to start the day. If you are feeling sore, take some time to stretch. Or, if you’re feeling lonely, make it a point to call someone you love today.
Check-in with yourself at the end of a long week & see how you are feeling. Are you energized by the work & want to be productive this weekend, or do you need some extra time to relax & recharge before Monday comes again?
Scheduling regular check-ins about work, school, exercise programs, relationships, & just general well-being can be immensely helpful in discovering what you actually need in your life to be healthier, mentally, physically & spiritually. Too often we rush through life without actually thinking about how we feel. Sit down with yourself the way you would with a good friend & make time for your inner voice to be heard.
What are your resolutions for 2023? What healthy habits are you adding to your lifestyle? Leave me a comment below!
As I reflect back on the past year, I am reminded of all the good memories, the amazing new places I visited, & the new friends I made. But I am also reminded of the lessons I learned that have made me into who I am today. Some I had to relearn from years before, & some are new life lessons in my 24th year of life.
These 22 lessons are ones that have changed the way I view myself & the world around me, & my hope is to carry them into my next year of life.
Read on for the 22 lessons I learned this year, & leave a lesson you learned in the comments! Let’s all share some of our wisdom from the past year.
1. My emotional health is my responsibility. Boundaries are healthy, even with the people we love.
2. Adult friends are hard to make. It’s easier when you take the initiative to invite people out for a cup of coffee.
3. However, not everyone likes coffee (I know, shocking). It makes it less awkward if you have a second place in mind as a back-up.
4. It’s okay to treat yourself every once in a while. It’s okay to treat yourself every day. It’s okay to treat yourself whenever you feel like it. It’s okay to treat yourself…period.
5. Getting up early to exercise is self-care. Sleeping in a little more is also self-care. Figure out what it is your body needs.
6. My body this year has more curves & less muscle tone than it ever has. It is also my most loved body. It is still strong & nimble, but it has also been given space & time to rest. Your most loved body does not have to look like what other people consider healthy.
7. The people you have the hardest time understanding are the people you should take more time to understand.
8. Introversion & extroversion is a scale. We all need alone time, & we all need time spent with the people we love.
9. Lots of people are opinionated. The goal is not to find people without opinions – it is to find people who are willing to learn & not push their opinions on others. You should try to be this kind of person, too.
10. Compassion & empathy are different, & each one has its place.
11. You are who your younger self needed.
12. But also, it is okay if there are things about you your younger self would not be proud of. You are still growing, & also, your younger self did not know everything.
13. Three of the best things we can give ourselves: Movement, sunlight & water. These can also be called love, light & nourishment.
14. The word “no” does not always have to be followed by “I’m sorry.” Sometimes just “no” is sufficient.
15. You’re welcome is not the only way to respond to “thank you.””My pleasure,” “of course,” or (my favorite) “I love you” are much better choices.
16. It does not matter how slow you go. The miles pass anyway, & the finish line is still there when you reach the end.
17. You know the things you are willing to lose sleep over because they make you so happy & excited? Fill your life with more of those things.
18. Forgive yourself for any unhealthy habits you picked up when you were in survival mode. They helped you make it through to where you are now.
19. But also, just because those habits served you then does not mean they are serving you now. You do not have to keep doing them. Have grace for yourself in the process of letting them go.
20. It is okay if people do not understand why you love your passions. Do them anyway.
21. Dairy is not good for you. Also, I am going to eat dairy until the day I die.
22. It is okay if you look different now than you did going into the pandemic. Believe it or not, it has been a few years. And none of us were prepared for that.
I am excited to announce that I am partnering with One More Day in the month of September to help raise awareness for suicide prevention!
One More Day is a nonprofit organization started by a friend of mine, Amanda Murray. One More Day creates apparel to help raise awareness of suicide & encourage those struggling that it only takes “the strength to see it through to one more day…”
This month, we are offering a Sunshine Box special – buy a personalized box filled with self-care items for you or a loved one, & receive a One More Day shirt to spread awareness to this worthy cause!
Learn more & buy here (this link will open another tab & take you to our secure Evolve website to purchase the box).
It feels like the to-do list never ends. There are so many different areas of your life to manage, & the tasks to get done keep piling up. What you want to get done never does – there are too many other last-minute things that pop-up & take up your time. The to-do list from one day simply gets transferred to the next page of the journal, with few, if any, items ever being crossed off.
If this sounds like you, I have seven simple tips that will transform your daily life. These productivity tips will help guide you to take charge of your schedule, get your most important tasks done, & still have time to rest & recharge.
This seems like the most simple step, but many people have to-do’s simply running around in their head that never get written on paper. This makes it difficult to remember all that has to be done, which means more mental energy is spent trying to remember the day’s tasks. It also makes it more difficult to prioritize which tasks are most important. Take out a pen & paper or open a note in your phone & write out everything that has to be done & everything you would like to get done today.
There are only so many hours in a day, but if you are strategic, you can get a lot done in those hours. Now that you have all of your tasks written down, highlight the most important three that need to get done today. If you like, you can take this a step further & number the remaining tasks in order of highest to lowest priority.
Based on the information from the last step, create a schedule for the day. Write what you are going to do every hour or, even better, every half hour. Make sure your most important tasks are on that schedule. For at least the first few days of doing this, try to also keep track on what you actually do during your scheduled hours to see if the allotted time you give for regular tasks is realistic, or if it’s too long or too short. You want your schedule to be realistic to follow, or you will find yourself not adhering to it at all.
I recommend also writing out your schedule with pen & paper, not on your phone. Schedules written in phones are too easy to edit. Write out the schedule with pen & paper & put it somewhere where you will see it all day.
4. Think about when you are most creative, most productive, & when your body wants to move
This step goes along with the previous one, but it’s important enough to get its own section. This step is not possible for everyone, especially those that have to adhere to strict work schedules, but for those who have more flexibility in their scheduling, it can be incredibly helpful.
When scheduling out your day, think about when you are most productive, when you are most creative, & when your body most wants to move. It doesn’t make sense to schedule something tedious & that you have to sit in your office for if it’s at the time of day when you feel most restless. Schedule your workout session for that time of day & schedule the office tasks for when your body is more relaxed but your mind is alert. Similarly, you don’t want to schedule your creative time for when you are feeling productive & want to knock out tasks. Many of us are naturally creative either early in the morning or late at night – schedule your creative tasks accordingly.
It will be easier to stick with your schedule & you will have a more productive day if you schedule tasks according to when your body & mind naturally feel most attuned to doing them.
5. When the hour or half hour starts, focus solely at the task at hand
Try to stick to your schedule as closely as possible. When an hour or half hour block starts, focus solely on the task you have scheduled. Resist trying to multitask. If you finish early, you can spend that time on another task or to rest & reset for a few minutes. If the hour or half hour ends before you finish the task, make a note in your journal of how long it actually takes you to do that task &, if it is not a high priority task to finish that day, move on. This will help you stay on track with your schedule & not fall behind.
Make sure the environment you are working in is conducive to a productive day. This may mean different things to different people. Some people work great at a neat & tidy desk, while others work best outdoors. Some people enjoy a cup of hot tea within close reach, while others would rather have a glass of cool water. Change your environment to reflect what you need to work at your best. For me, natural light is a must. I enjoy sitting on my couch in front of my fireplace, a cup of hot tea or coffee on the table in front of me, my journal opened beside me, & natural light streaming through the window. Here, I am at my most productive.
Because you are now so productive & you have a schedule to follow, make sure you also schedule in self-care breaks throughout your day. This is something to help you stay on track because you know a break is coming soon, & it is a reset before whatever else is left in your day. When I schedule self-care breaks into my day, I find I am even more productive in what I do with this time. Instead of mindlessly scrolling TikTok at whatever time in the day because I feel burnt out, I schedule in time to read, write, go for walks, & do yoga. These self-care habits are much healthier for my mental & physical health, & they leave me feeling much more refreshed & ready to tackle the rest of my day.
What are your favorite productivity tips? Share in the comments below!
For the past year, I have given special affirmations for spring, summer & fall. Now, after three seasons focusing on growth & peace of mind, it’s time to turn inward & focus on joy & self-love.
Winter is the perfect time to check-in with yourself & find out how you are doing emotionally. As much of nature is hibernating, we, too, should be taking time to rest. With the cold weather, it’s important for us to give ourselves comfort during this time. And most importantly, we must remember that winter does not last forever – we are strong & resilient, & spring will come again.
These five affirmations are meant to help you recenter yourself & engage in more self-love. The design is perfect to share to your Instagram story, or to save for yourself as your phone background. Make sure they are placed somewhere you can see every day to remind yourself of your worth & to help you stay motivated this season.
Hello all, I am Shayla from thedailyshayla.com and I’m so happy to be collaborating with Tyler! We both decided to share our top 5 ways to practice self-care, so when you’re done here, please be sure to check out her 5 over on my blog!
Ahh, stress! We all know what it feels like to be stressed, right? Exhaustion and the feeling of being overwhelmed are things we all go through in our day-to-day lives. I for one am no stranger to the many stresses of life and it is so important that I find ways to reduce those feelings and practice some self-care for my mind body and soul. And you should be doing the same!
Self-care literally means to take care of yourself and should be a regular habit in your daily routine. Whether it’s a cup of tea in the morning or a full on pamper session to release your worries; finding something that you enjoy and something that will take your mind off things is vital every once in a while!
Whether it be reading a book with a cup of coffee or squeezing in something you truly enjoy, starting your day by focusing on yourself can feel extremely gratifying. Especially as a parent, my entire day is focused around my daughter- so those few hours in the morning before she wakes are absolutely magical.
f you know me or have read my blog, you’ll know that fitness is my no.1 form of self care. Getting up and keeping active is a brilliant way to care for the mind, body and soul! Now, I don’t necessarily mean you should intensely workout for an hour or more; but for some, just a simple walk in the park may be all you need to release those endorphins.
Ways I love staying active are:
Dancing the Night Away
Blast some of your favourite tunes and dance like nobody’s watching! This is such a fun way to block everything negative out and let those positive vibrations in. You are able to really enter your own world and perform like a superstar. A Serotonin boost for sure!
Simple Stretches
Doing some simple stretches after you wake up or before you go to sleep is a great way to get your blood flowing. It also benefits your body by relaxing your muscles and increasing your flexibility.
Walk & Talk
Going for an evening stroll whilst talking to a friend can be very enjoyable. Catching up with someone will relieve so much stress and add some positivity to your day. Before you know it, you’ve done several laps around the park all whilst gossiping to your heart’s content.
Minimising your schedule may be just what you need to minimise excessive stress. We often get overwhelmed and flustered when we have a lot to do- eventually leading to not doing anything at all. Some days, I opt not to work-out or even take breaks from completing blog activities, just to give my mind a rest and allow myself to recuperate.
It’s so important to take time out for you and to listen to your mind and body when it becomes engulfed in tasks. Also, learn to say “no” to things if your ‘plate’ is overloaded- it is okay to be selfish when it is needed.
Whatever is on your mind, jot it down on some paper, everything will be easier to process then. Or even better, start a journal! Spill out your thoughts on the past, present and future and lift some of that weight off your mind. One of my favourite things to write in my journal are several to-do lists; as I know my future self will thank me for it later! It can be fun just to plan your days ahead of time and fully clear-out your mind.
You see!? It’s as simple as that- even the smallest of things can be beneficial towards your mental health! Taking some time out to breathe and recalibrate may be just what you need when life becomes a little too much. These are just the things I like to do, but what are your favourite ways to practice self-care? Let us know in the comments below!
Note: This article contains affiliate links. If you purchase a product after clicking a link, I may earn a commission off of that purchase.
Note: Read all the way to the end of this article for a special summer giveaway opportunity!
Summer is finally here, which means it’s the perfect time to get some sunlight, relax & recharge. And especially after the year we all had, I think it’s time for a little extra self-care time.
Self-care is a very personal experience, & it should always be spent doing things that specifically bring you joy & comfort. But, there’s nothing wrong with switching up your self-care activities to reflect the unique joys that each season brings. Summer is full of fun ways to show yourself some love.
Read on for 10 easy ways to practice self-care this season.
This is by far the simplest way to practice self-care this season, but it’s still super important. When we are exposed to sunlight, our brains release serotonin, otherwise known as the “happy hormone.” Serotonin not only boosts our mood; it also helps us to feel calm & focused, which means more productive lives. In addition to this, the sun gives us Vitamin D, which is linked to better bone health, & it can actually help promote healthy skin! That glowing look you want can be achieved by spending time in the sun’s rays! Just make sure you show your skin a little extra self-care & wear lots of sunscreen.
Physically & socially, spend some time off the grid this summer. Get out of town. Plan a vacation & treat yourself. And when you do, consider staying unplugged from your phone. I know, there are tons of Instagrammable photos to share on vacation, but you can always share them later. Give yourself a little time to be present with those around you, or just to yourself, because you deserve your undivided attention as well.
3. Spend time with people who make you feel good
Joseph & me at brunch with my parents
Distance yourself from negativity & spend time with people who make you feel good. Now that COVID-19 restrictions are lifting, you can finally go out to brunch, swim in the pool, or go to a concert with the people that matter most to you. Plan a picnic, go on a walk, or just give someone you love a phone call. Studies show that spending time with people helps reduce the symptoms of many mental health conditions, including anxiety & depression, & building strong relationships helps provide support when you are experiencing challenging situations.
Every body is a beach body. Whether it’s a bikini, a sundress, a one-piece, or a sarong, wear what makes you feel most beautiful & confident to the beach, & don’t give one thought to what other people think. There is nothing more beautiful than a woman who dresses with dignity & carries herself with confidence.
This is important all year long, but it’s especially important in summer. When we sweat, we lose water, & when our bodies are dehydrated, they don’t function properly. Signs of dehydration include fatigue, constipation, dry skin, & headaches, & severe dehydration can cause low blood pressure, heat exhaustion, seizures, heat stroke, kidney failure, & coma. Keep your body hydrated by drinking water throughout your day. You can add more flavor to your water by adding fresh fruits, herbs, or vegetables. One refreshing combination I love is cucumber, mint & lime. Or, if I’m in the mood for something sweet, I love adding freshly chopped berries. If you’re doing activities outdoors, consider adding electrolytes to your water – choose low-sugar brands that will replenish the sodium, magnesium, & potassium you are losing through your sweat without loading up on sugar. When you keep your body hydrated, it gives you more energy & helps you to feel your best.
6. Visit a farmer’s market
Joseph & me at the farmer’s market picking out fresh produce for a picnic dinner
With spring & early summer gardens finally in full bloom, this is the perfect opportunity to visit your local farmer’s market & pick out fresh produce to cook with. It supports a local business, & it also a fun way to eat healthy. Look for recipe inspiration on Pinterest, or just start experimenting in the kitchen!
Get outside & enjoy the warm weather while exercising. There are lots of fun summer activities that are also great forms of exercise, including kayaking, swimming, & hiking. Try to go out early in the morning or later in the evening to avoid the hottest parts of the day, & make sure to wear sunscreen while you’re outdoors.
Enjoy your summer days to the fullest by waking up with the sun. Bringing natural light into your room & waking up with the sunrise is a much more gentle way to wake up, as opposed to a blaring alarm clock. This means you wake up more refreshed & ready to tackle your day! And, if you do this consistently, your circadian rhythm will adjust, which means deeper sleep & more productive days.
Whether you’re relaxing on the beach or spending a day indoors away from the heat, summer is the perfect time to start a new book. Why not find something inspirational? Pick a topic you are interested in, or simply search for inspirational books online or at your local library to find your new uplifting read.
Alright, as promised, it is giveaway time!
Much of my blog is dedicated to helping my readers find more self-care in their lives. To help inspire you to take better care of yourself this summer, I have a challenge that could help you win some special prizes!
The Summer Self-Care Bingo Challenge includes all the self-care activities listed above, plus 14 more ways to show yourself some extra love this summer. Complete 5 activities in a row, column, or diagonally to win a month-long subscription to Sticker of the Month & the weekly newsletter. Complete the entire board, & you will a FREE Sunshine Box! That’s right – spend more time this summer dedicated to self-care, & you can get more self-care delivered right to your doorstep!
To complete a bingo square, post a selfie of you completing the activity on Instagram & tag me @TylerVLayne with the hashtag #SummerSelfCareBingo, & I will do the rest of the work for you. The Summer Self-Care Bingo Challenge will start June 15 & will end August 30.
After a season of growth, summer is the perfect season to relax & find joy in the present moment.
Positive affirmations are a great way to reframe your perspective on life & keep your mind focused on what’s most important. Your mindset has the power to give you more confidence & positivity in your daily life, or to bring you down. By repeating affirmations in your mind, you can ease anxieties & help yourself to focus on what’s most important.
These five affirmations are geared towards summer fun & relaxation. Whether you are trying to clear your mind while lounging by the pool, or if you’re attempting to ease anxieties before a big trip, these affirmations will help you enjoy your summer to its fullest. Feel free to share on social media, or save these graphics to make them your new phone background! It’s an easy way to remind yourself to repeat these words when you need them most.
Note: This post contains affiliate links. If you buy a product after clicking a link, I may earn a commission off of that purchase.
Moms are the best. No matter what, they are always there to support us. For her child, a mother’s love is unconditional. But for herself – well, Moms tend to be a little hard on themselves.
Just like the rest of us, Moms need some rest & love. This Mother’s Day, give your Mom the gift she really needs: The gift of self-care. Check out the list below for gifts that will not just show how much you love your mom, but also will help her love herself better.
For the mom who loves bubble baths, this spa gift set
Bring the spa home to your mom with this delightful, citrus-scented care package from Lizush. Made with all-natural ingredients, all of the products are scented with essential oils & colored with spices & herbs – there are no artificial dyes or colors! The gift set includes everything your mom would need for a full day of pampering: a citrus soap bar, grapefruit body oil, a facial clay mask, a shower steamer, lip balm, a soy candle, a grapefruit bath bomb, & a facial towel & sponge. Check it out on Amazon.
For the mom who needs time to de-stress, this gratitude journal boxed set
Gratitude has a way of changing our entire outlook on life. It helps us to appreciate more of what we have, & it can make things that once seemed ordinary much more extraordinary. If your mom is in need of some de-stressing & mindset shifting, this Gratitude Boxed Gift Set from Inner World is a great choice. It comes with a 90-day morning- & night-reflection journal to help mom cultivate a daily gratitude practice, as well as mini book full of quotes, meditations, & more gratitude inspirations, & a little candle to help her get into the right mindset when she sits down to reflect. You can buy it on Amazon here.
For the mom who likes to sit with a warm cup of tea, this organic tea gift set
There’s nothing like curling up with a warm blanket & a hot cup of tea. If your mom likes to start her day with a hot mug between her hands, or if it’s how she winds down at night, she will love this Numi organic tea gift set. It comes with 4 different types of organic tea & a glass infusion bottle with a strainer. It’s the perfect way to enjoy tea at home or on-the-go! You can buy it from Amazon here.
For the mom who loves a relaxed ambience, this candle-making set
If your mom loves candles, this is the perfect gift for her. Now she can make her own with this premium soy candle kit from DIY Gift Kits. It comes with therapeutic grade essential oils rather than fragrance oils for adding scents to the candles, so she won’t be inhaling any chemicals from her finished candle product. You can buy the gift set on Amazon here.
For the fitness-focused mom, this restore self-guided kit
If mom likes to spend her time pounding the pavement or lifting weights at the gym, chances are, she’s feeling a little sore. Give her muscles a good stretch with this restore self-guided kit from Gaiam. The 10-mm thick, cushioned mat; 65cm stability ball; 18″x6″ foam roller; & resistance bands all come with illustrated, printed instructions on the products for ways to use them. Now, Mom doesn’t have to search through Pinterest to find the correct stretches to relax her sore muscles. You can find the full kit here.
For the mom who needs a cup of coffee to get her day started, this healthy flavored coffee set
Coffee Over Cardio makes flavored coffee that’s both healthy & delicious! With no added sweeteners, this Keto-friendly coffee brand makes drinking coffee shop-quality coffee every day both possible & affordable. You can get 10% off the Flavored Barista Bundle, which includes ground or K-pod coffee, energizing coffee creamer, hydrating electrolytes, a FREE T-shirt, & a reusable K-pod, with the promo code 10TYLERVLAYNE (or use this code for any product you like on the website!). You can find the Flavored Barista Bundle here.
For the yogi mom, this yoga mat, strap & block kit
Give mom the tools she needs for a relaxing yoga session at home with this Yoga Kit from Gaiam. There are three different color options to choose from, & if Mom is just beginning her yoga practice, two of the colors (the purple & blue) come with indicators on the mat of where to place her hands & feet. Each set comes with a 4mm yoga mat & a yoga block & strap to help improve mobility & flexibility. You can find the yoga kits here.
The last thing you want to be distracted by during your meditation is body aches & pains. Bring some comfort to Mom’s meditation session with this Zafu & Zabuton meditation kit from Gaiam. They are soft & comfortable, with body conforming cotton & a removable, machine-washable, microfiber cover. It will help Mom get into the zone, as well as improve her posture & relieve any pressure on her joints & spine. You can find the meditation kit here.
For the mom who enjoys a little indulgence, this gourmet bonbons & macarons gift set
As Charles M. Schulz so wisely said, “All you need is love. But a little chocolate now & then doesn’t hurt.” If Mom enjoys a little indulgent treat at the end of the day, give her this lovely, gourmet chocolate bonbons & French macarons set from MAE Fine Foods. It’s made with all-natural ingredients, including fruit purees by Les vergers Boiron imported from France & gourmet chocolate imported from Belgium. It’s a delicious gift Mom is going to love. You can find it here.
For the mom who is trying to eat healthy, this box full of tasty snacks
Have you heard of CraveBox? It’s a subscription box that delivers fun snacks right to your door! This healthy care package has a mix of 30 different sweet & savory snacks to satisfy any craving. It’s the perfect yummy treat that won’t ruin her diet. Check it out on Amazon.
For the mom who enjoys a glass of vino at the end of the day, this wine-making kit
If your mom is a wine enthusiast, she is going to love this wine-making kit from Fontana. This award-winning kit uses high-quality ingredients from California, so Mom can make the best tasting glass of wine she has ever had, right in the comfort of her home! You can choose the wine flavor & buy the kit here.
And no matter what your mom enjoys, she is going to love the Sunshine Box
The Sunshine Box is a personalized, self-care kit made just for Mom. You can fill out the form below with all of your mom’s likes & dislikes, & I will personally create a box specially made just for her! You can choose a one-month subscription for just $30 + shipping, or get FREE SHIPPING when you buy a 6-month subscription (a PayPal link is sent to your email after purchasing for payment). It’s the perfect way to show Mom how well you know & how much you love her.