“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?'” –Martin Luther King, Jr.
Last week, I shared about how important it is to take care of yourself. This week, we are going to talk about the importance of serving others.
We all play a part in making our world a better place. Every day, our actions affect those around us. It is up to us whether these people are impacted in a positive or negative way.
When many people think of service, they think of building homes in impoverished communities or volunteering at a soup kitchen. But there are small things you can do every day in your life to help others, and many of them take minimal effort, if any. Giving someone a compliment, smiling at passerby, or letting someone merge in front of in you in traffic are all examples of random acts of kindness that give other people hope and encouragement.
I think we can all agree that the world right now is hurting even more than usual, and we can all use a pick-me-up because of it. Start the chain of kindness by committing to doing one random act of kindness a day. These can be grand gestures, like paying for someone’s bill at a restaurant, or as simple as holding the door for someone. If you need inspiration, check out the free printable below – it has a different random act of kindness every day so you are constantly challenging yourself to have new experiences and serve your community in new ways.
To keep spreading the positivity, please share any positive or noteworthy experiences you have while serving this month in the comments below.