The holidays are a busy time of year. Between shopping for gifts, holiday parties, preparing for the end of the year, and keeping up with our regular commitments, it can be difficult to find little pockets of serenity amidst the chaos. But the holidays are also a beautiful time of warmth and reflection. It is a time to nurture our wellness, to spend time with loved ones, and to recall traditions that give us a sense of home.
This holiday season, find balance and tranquility amidst the busyness with these six tips to help you practice mindfulness and focus on the beauty of the present moment.
1. Practice Mindful Breathing
Take a few moments each day to focus on your breath. You can have this at a regularly scheduled time or just when you feel your stress levels rising. Take a deep inhale through your nose, hold for a few seconds, and then exhale through your nose or mouth. Repeat a few rounds of this, allowing your eyes to gently close if you are in a safe space to do so, and/or focus on your surroundings: What can you see, hear, smell, taste and touch? Bringing our awareness to our five senses helps to ground us in the present moment. Paired with mindful breathing, it can help calm our minds and help us come back to what is happening now, instead of focusing on what has happened or will occur.
2. Set Boundaries
Saying “no” can be challenging, especially to activities we feel obligated to attend or to people we know are expecting us to show up, but it is a right you reserve. You are the only person who can protect your peace. And saying “no” to some events and activities may mean you are able to be more invested in the activities that mean more to you and be more present with the people who matter most. Protect your time, and make sure you are leaving enough space to take care of yourself. Just because there is a block of free time on the calendar does not mean it should be filled with another event or activity.
3. Mindful Eating
There are plenty of delicious holiday treats around this time of year. First, know that you can eat whatever you please. Food is fuel — there are more nutrient dense foods and less nutrient dense foods, but all of it is food. As long as we are making an effort for the majority of our diets to be more nutrient dense, treats can be a regular and healthy part of our nutritional intake. And at this time of year, food can take on an extra special meaning for us. The holidays just don’t seem the same if I do not get to enjoy a gingerbread cookie or a glass of eggnog.
Enjoy your food and the memories that come with it, but when you do so, enjoy it mindfully. Engage your five senses again — what can you see, taste, feel, smell, and hear? Pay attention to your surroundings as you enjoy these treats. Appreciate the warm glow from your Christmas tree or the sounds of laughter from the party. Eating mindfully will not only help you truly enjoy these treats, but it will help curb any overindulgence that can lead to painful inflammation and stomach discomfort later.
5. Create Rituals for Relaxation
Create space in your calendar for rest, and spend this time taking care of you. Try meditation, yoga and gentle stretching, or sipping some herbal tea with a good book. Engage in one of your favorite hobbies, or try a new holiday-themed craft. Establishing these rituals before bedtime can also help create a routine that signals to your body that it is time to rest. This will help you fall asleep faster and aid your mind and body in better recovery, so you can enjoy all the holiday festivities even more.
6. Connect with Nature
We are a part of nature, and nature is a part of us. We are meant to spend time outdoors in the fresh air, but as the weather cools, many of us find ourselves cooped up inside more than usual. Bundle up and get back out there! Enjoy a walk, engage in grounding activities, or simply sit outside with a hot drink.
Many of us also struggle with Vitamin D deficiencies in the winter because of the lack of sunlight, which can lead to feelings of sadness and depression. If you can, spend time outdoors during hours when there is sunshine, or invest in a sun lamp to help bring the sunshine with you indoors.
The holiday season is a beautiful time of connection and celebration. With these six tips, I hope you are able to find moments of rest within the busyness and more spaces for serenity and joy. I wish you a very healthy and happy holiday season and a serene beginning to your new year.
If you’re feeling a little stumped as to what your New Year’s resolutions should be in 2023, I have 23 suggestions that will positively impact your mental & physical health.
In fact, even if you already have your resolutions made, these 23 healthy habits are ones that anyone can incorporate into their life. They focus on your mental & physical wellbeing, as well as the wellbeing of those around you. Some of the habits will challenge you to step outside your comfort zone, while others will encourage you to stay safe & cozy inside.
Adopt a few habits that resonate most with you, or make 2023 the year of radical change in your life & adopt them all. By the end of the year, you may find your lifestyle has changed for the better, your mindset is one of abundance & gratitude, & your health is the best it’s ever been.
1. Be intentional with your time
We are all guilty of it, myself included. In fact, this is my main resolution for 2022 – be more intentional with my time. It’s too easy to work until we feel burnt out, & then spend an hour or two scrolling through social media or bingeing TV shows on Netflix. The activities may seem restful, but I never feel filled after doing them. In fact, I feel just as tired as ever & less productive.
This is the year I decided that would change. I bought some colorful pens & a planner with which I could plan every hour of my day. With it, I schedule everything: Work, play, house chores, & more. With scheduled time every day for self-care, I always know when the next rest period is coming. That makes my hours of work more productive, & my self-care time much more meaningful. I’m actually sitting down to read a book or rolling out my yoga mat to stretch! House chores are getting done, & I can spend date night focused on my husband instead of thinking about what I have to get done the next day.
You don’t have to plan every hour of your day to be intentional with your time. Setting timers on apps, making to-do lists, & focusing on the present moment are all great ways to bring more intentionality & productivity to your day.
2. Fuel your body
As a nutrition coach, I know that food has many meanings for us. It can be source of comfort or stress. Certain foods can bring back warm, comforting memories, & there are certain dishes that are traditional to eat at various family gatherings & holidays. But first & foremost, food is fuel. It is what gives us energy & makes our brains & bodies work.
When we eat to fuel our bodies, we are more likely to focus on nourishment rather than restriction, & we are more likely to eat healthier options. There is nothing wrong with indulging in a treat every once in a while, but when you eat to fuel your body, you are more likely to eat whole food sources throughout your daily life. And in order for your brain & body to work at peak performance, they must be fueled adequately, which means no more restrictive dieting or starvation. Good food, & lots of it, is what your body needs.
3. Drink more water
This is something almost all of us can improve on. Aim for at least eight cups of water a day (if you can drink more, even better!). Our bodies need water for proper organ function, gut health, brain function, & more.
4. Spend more time outdoors
The sun has lots of benefits for our mental & physical health, including an increase in serotonin (one of our “happy hormones”), an increase in Vitamin D, & stronger bones. Aim to get at least 15 minutes of sunlight a day. You can go for a walk, sit outdoors at a restaurant, or even just enjoy a cup of coffee on your porch.
5. Move your body in loving ways
Too often, I see people exercising as a form of punishment or as a trade-off for food (because they burned this many calories, now they can eat these many calories). Exercise is meant to make us feel better. It strengthens our muscles & bones, releases serotonin, improves our sleep, improves gut health, gives us an energy boost, & more! It is not meant to be a punishment for indulging in a special treat, or to be a required activity before eating.
Move your body in loving ways. Find types of exercise that you enjoy, & do them because they make you feel good. When your body is sore, make time to stretch your tired muscles. It’s a wonderful feeling to discover how far you have progressed in an exercise regimen & to feel yourself getting stronger & healthier. Make it a regular self-care habit in your life, & appreciate your body for all that it does.
6. Make time for self-care
Whether it be exercise, reading, taking hot baths, or spending time doing a hobby, it is important to regularly engage in self-care. Schedule in that time with yourself, & make it as much of a priority as you would a meeting with your boss. Do activities you know you love, or try something new! The most important part is that you are taking time out of your day to take care of your mind, body, and/or spirit. The activity is up to you!
7. Spend time with people you love
Do something positive for your mental health & for the mental health of your loved ones by spending time with them. Studies show spending time with family & friends can help improve your self-confidence & self-worth, help you cope with difficult stressors, & can give you a greater sense of purpose. Even better, spending time with those we love decreases stress, which, in turn, means less inflammation in the body.
Whether it’s in person or over the phone, make time regularly in your schedule to talk to & spend time with the people that matter most in your life.
8. Become fiscally fit
Money is a huge stressor for many people. Debt looms over the heads of college students, new home owners, & anyone who has ever missed a credit card payment, & trying to pay off that debt while paying other bills, buying food, & trying to enjoy life can be a major stressor.
Take time this year to become more fiscally fit. Find a budget that works for you & stick to it. If you need help, there are lots of books & online programs available. Find one that works best for you. Simply having the knowledge of how much money you have & where it is allocated can be an enormous relief. Once you know what you can afford to spend, it becomes less stressful to be spending. And creating a savings account that you regularly add to can be a great self-confidence boost & a source of comfort for the future.
You don’t have to go far to reap the benefits of traveling. Even just going on a road trip to a nearby state or a day trip around your own city is a great place to start. Make an itinerary, or just see where the wind takes you! Explore, try new foods, meet someone new – make it a trip you will never forget, even if it’s just a short walk from your own neighborhood.
10. Try a new hobby
There are so many things to try in this life! Kayaking, painting, baton twirling – the list is endless! Find something new that you have always wanted to try & give it a shot! Whether it ends in you mastering the skill, or in a heap on the floor laughing at yourself, it’s a great experience to step outside your comfort zone & try something new.
11. Live more sustainably
As I always say, we only have two homes – our bodies & the earth. We have to take care of both of them.
Whether it’s a huge change like biking to work each day, or a smaller change like remembering to turn off the light whenever you leave the room, you are making a difference in the sustainability of our planet. And a lot of the changes you can make are healthier for you as well! Biking to work means increased physical fitness, better cardiovascular health, & more time spent in sunlight. Turning off the lights means a decreased energy bill, which is a fiscally fit lifestyle change. Natural cleaners are great for the environment & for reducing the toxins we breathe, & eating more vegetables & fruits means fewer animal products eaten, which is healthier for you & for reducing carbon emissions.
It can be overwhelming to try to live a completely sustainable lifestyle, so instead, pick at least one sustainable living habit & make it a regular practice in your daily life.
12. Do random acts of kindness
Brighten someone else’s day (& your own day as well) by doing random acts of kindness! It can be huge gestures like paying for someone’s meal at a restaurant, or smaller things like holding the door open for someone. The idea behind it is that it goes without notice – don’t pull attention to yourself or take credit for what you have done. And, if someone does insist on thanking you, tell them to pay it forward! Keep the kindness train moving!
13. Hand out compliments for free
We all need a little encouragement. Give out compliments as if you have too many to hold. Let people know what you like about them! You get bonus points if you can move past appearance. Compliment someone’s work ethic, their positive attitude, or how they parent their kids. It can be a huge boost to someone’s self-confidence, & their smile will be infectious – you will end up smiling, too!
14. Read a book
If you can, read lots of books. Whether it’s to learn something new or to escape into another world, books are a great way to engage in self-care. Additionally, reading has been shown to strengthen our brains, increase empathy, reduce stress, & improve our memory retention. Find a book in a subject that interests you or a story that makes you want to keep turning the pages & get reading!
15. Keep your environment clean
The environment we live in has a direct impact on our physical & mental wellbeing. Just keeping our desk clean can greatly reduce stress & improve our productivity. Even more than this, keeping a clean home means fewer germs & reduced stress in the space that is supposed to give us rest.
If you want to go above & beyond, get a plant! Despite the climate-controlled buildings we have been living in for so long, humans used to live in nature, & our minds & bodies still reap benefits from having nature in our living quarters.
I am absolutely fascinated by biophilic design, which connects people with nature within our buildings & communities. People have done some really amazing architectural feats to achieve this balance between architecture & nature, but simply bringing some plants into your home can have some incredible health benefits, including reduced stress & air purification.
16. Focus on what you’re grateful for
Gratitude transforms our mindset from one of scarcity to abundance. It turns what we have into enough.
Ending each day by writing down a few things you are grateful for can have enormous benefits for your mental health, including reduced stress, better emotional regulation, & increased resilience. The more specific you are in the things you write, the more effective this practice will be.
17. Use positive self-talk
Just like we should be handing out compliments regularly to the people we are with, we should also be sharing them with ourselves. How long would you stay in a relationship with someone who spoke to you the way that you do? Would it be a healthy, long marriage, or would you not even make it past the first date?
Use kind words. When things go wrong, have grace for yourself. Encourage yourself & take time each day to build yourself up, not tear yourself down. It seems simple, but speaking more positively to ourselves can radically transform our lives. Our mindset is in control of how we perceive the world & ourselves, & when we have a more positive outlook of our life situation & an appreciation for who we are, we can gain increased self-confidence, increased self-worth, & perhaps even a better understanding of what purpose we may play in this world.
18. Engage positively with social media
Social media can be a source of information & connection, but it can also be draining & stressful. Take some time to go through the accounts that you are following & unfriend the ones that are no longer adding value to your life or, even worse, are contributing to any toxic thoughts or habits you may be engaging in. Fill your feed with positivity & useful information that helps you engage in healthier habits. And when you do interact, consider setting a time limit. Time slips away when we are scrolling through our feeds, & that can be a huge detriment to our productivity & quality of life.
19. Do something that scares you
I don’t necessarily mean face your darkest fears, but do something this year that makes you step outside of your comfort zone. Whether that’s standing up for yourself at work or telling a friend how much they mean to you, doing something that makes us cringe can increase our self-confidence & self-worth. Go on a trip, try a new food, sign up for a talent show – even if it doesn’t go as planned, you can still look back with pride knowing that you faced your fear.
20. Have a regular morning & nighttime routine
Regular routines can help us de-stress & feel motivated for our days. Have a regular morning routine that excites you to get out of bed in the morning can help you feel refreshed & energized for your day. You can spend time journaling, reading, washing your face, exercising, making a fancy breakfast – there are so many possibilities. And at night, engage in activities that help you relax & rewind from the day. Journal about what you’re grateful for, wash the day off your face, & spend time reading or engaging in a quiet activity away from screens. It will improve your sleep, reduce stress, & help you feel more refreshed the next morning.
21. Listen more
Too often, we spend the moments other people are talking to think about what we want to say next instead of really listening to what they are saying. Make listening a priority this year.
When I was little, I was always told the phrase, “You have two ears & one mouth, & they should be used in that proportion.” I find this holds up in almost every situation in my life. Even when I feel I have something meaningful to say, or when I am debating about an important topic, I find whatever point I wanted to make or thought I wanted to share can always wait. And when I take the time to listen to the person I am talking with, I often find we are more aligned in our thoughts than we realize. Coming to a conclusion, having empathy for one another, & building a healthy relationship all become more more probable when I take the time to listen to what someone is saying.
22. Practice mindfulness
Engaging in a regular mindfulness practice has numerous benefits. From lowering stress to decreased blood pressure, mindfulness exercises like meditation, mindful walking & yoga can help increase our quality of life. This year, your resolution can be to set aside regular time in your day – when you first wake up, right before you go to bed, or whenever you are feeling stressed – to take time to be present & mindful.
22. Check-in with yourself regularly
The best habit I can ever recommend to anyone is to have regular check-ins with yourself. Make time each morning to think about how you are feeling, & based on that information, schedule in time that day for what you need. If you are still feeling tired, maybe a little 20-minute nap would be good this afternoon, or maybe a nice hot cup of coffee is a good way to start the day. If you are feeling sore, take some time to stretch. Or, if you’re feeling lonely, make it a point to call someone you love today.
Check-in with yourself at the end of a long week & see how you are feeling. Are you energized by the work & want to be productive this weekend, or do you need some extra time to relax & recharge before Monday comes again?
Scheduling regular check-ins about work, school, exercise programs, relationships, & just general well-being can be immensely helpful in discovering what you actually need in your life to be healthier, mentally, physically & spiritually. Too often we rush through life without actually thinking about how we feel. Sit down with yourself the way you would with a good friend & make time for your inner voice to be heard.
What are your resolutions for 2023? What healthy habits are you adding to your lifestyle? Leave me a comment below!
It may seem like summer is almost over, but if you live in Maryland or anywhere else in the southern United States, you know August can be the most brutally hot month of all.
If you are already finding yourself dreaming of cooler days, check out this list of 10 fun ways to stay cool from the relentless summer heat.
1. Take a dip in your local pool
There’s nothing more refreshing than a nice dip in cool water! Visit your local pool, go to the beach, or even take a splash in a lake at a nearby park. It feels great & it’s normally free or relatively inexpensive.
2. Make fun iced summer cocktails (or mocktails)
Who else loves summer cocktails? I love the bright citrusy flavors with punches from fresh herbs like mint & lavender.
Refresh yourself this season with delicious homemade iced cocktails or mocktails. You can find lots of healthy recipes to try here.
3. Make homemade popsicles
Popsicles are my daily treat in the summer time. I have one every morning after my run to cool off, & often every evening as well after a long day spent in the heat. There are lots of healthy options on the market now, or you can make your own! You can find some delicious & healthy popsicle recipes here.
4. Try a new indoor hobby
If it’s too hot to go outside, consider finding new fun hobbies to enjoy indoors! Read a new book, binge watch a show, try a craft, do yoga – the possibilities are endless! You can’t beat air conditioned fun in the summer.
5. Stay Hydrated
Drink your water! When you’re spending time in the heat, it’s more important than ever to keep your body hydrated. This will not only help you avoid heat exhaustion, but it will also keep you sweating, which is a good thing! Your sweat helps to keep your body cool. If you’re struggling to get in enough liquids, or if you are spending active or extended periods of time outdoors, consider adding electrolytes to your drink. Electrolytes help to replace the other nutrients you are losing in your sweat, including magnesium, sodium & potassium.
If you haven’t tried it yet, Coffee Over Cardio makes a delicious electrolyte option called Hydrate, & right now, you can get 10% off with promo code 10TYLERVLAYNE. Click here to shop.
6. Make a yummy smoothie for breakfast
Start your day off right with a delicious & healthy smoothie that will help you cool down from any early morning activities outdoors. Add fresh fruits & vegetables, nut & seed butters, granola, or any of your favorite ingredients, & enjoy in a bowl in on-the-go in your smoothie cup. You can find lots of healthy smoothie recipes here.
7. Eat light meals with fresh ingredients
Leaving your oven off is a great way to keep your house cool! And eating meals made with fresh fruits & vegetables is an easy way to keep your body cool as well. This summer salad recipe is a great seasonal option for a filling & delicious summer meal. You can find the recipe here.
8. Stay cool with this portable fan that looks like headphones
I have to thank my good friend Emma Cathy for this tip. If you have to venture outdoors, this portable fan is a life saver! It looks just like a pair of headphones, so you can take it anywhere. And it blows cold, refreshing air on your face & neck! Buy it 30% off on Amazon now.
9. Dress for the weather
This is the season to break out your flowy sundresses & brightly colored tops. Choose lightly colored fabrics & loose, baggy clothing to help keep your body cool. If you are exercising outdoors, remember to bring a change of clothes & a towel to dry off afterwards to help avoid chafing.
10. Tailor your self-care routine for the season
Your self-care routine should evolve with the seasons. In the summer, use products to help brighten & cool your skin, stay hydrated, move your body in ways that you find fun, & make time for rest & relaxation. The Aceology Ice Globe Facial Massagers are one of my favorite products to incorporate in my summer self-care routine. They are naturally cooling, & they help to reduce redness & stimulate blood circulation & oxygenation to the skin!
What is your favorite way to stay cool in the summer? Let me know in the comments below!
Around this time last year, I posted a blog post about easy ways to incorporate sustainable living practices into your daily life. Today, I want to share with you why it is important to focus on sustainability, not just for the environment, but for our own physical & mental health.
Often, the mentioned benefits of sustainable living include reducing climate change, limiting fossil fuels, & making the world a cleaner place. These benefits are important, but they are not the only advantages of sustainable living. Like I always say, we only have two places to live: our bodies & the earth. We have to take care of both of them. Sustainable living practices help us to do that.
First, sustainable living practices encourage limiting waste in our world. This includes not only our garbage, but also food & water waste. Sustainable living practices encourage us to only purchase the foods we need to limit the amount of food we are throwing away. And, when we do have leftover food, it is recommended that we package it & eat it as leftovers the following day. Instead of focusing on meat-heavy diets, plant-based foods limit the amount of fossil fuels released into the air, but this is also a healthy choice for your body. Eating a diet heavy in animal-based foods raises your intake of saturated fats to unhealthy levels & it can increase your risk for disease, including heart disease & cancer. Eating plant-based foods, however, increases your intake of healthy dietary fiber, which promotes a healthy gut. It naturally increases our water intake, as many plant-based foods have water in them, & it supplies you with a number of antioxidants, which help prevent diseases.
I will never advocate for anyone to eat an entirely plant-based diet (while it is a healthy choice for some people, not everyone benefits from completely eliminating meat from their diet). However, when you do eat meat, try to choice organic and/or grass-fed options. These animals are raised in better living conditions, which is good for you & the environment. Fewer fossil fuels are used in the raising of these animals, & the meat is of a higher quality, which means there are fewer chemicals entering your body.
To reduce waste even further, if you are able, you can use your food scraps to create a compost, which can be used to nourish gardens. If you have waste from packaging, try to recycle or reuse what you can to keep your garbage levels low.
Second, sustainable living practices encourage reducing the amount of energy consumed. This helps decrease the amount of fossil fuels released. You can do this by making sure to turn off lights & electronics when not in use & by using energy-efficient light bulbs. This is not only good for the environment, but it’s good for your financial as well as mental health. Less money spent on energy means more financial freedom, & more financial freedom often means less mental stress about money. Additionally, if you are able to walk or bike to work or school, this can be a great way to take some time for your mental health & benefit your physical health, while doing something healthy for the environment.
Third, sustainable living often finds new ways to make products we use every day to have less impact on the environment. Using these products can be just as or even more enjoyable than their alternatives, which is good for your mental & physical wellbeing. For instance, switching to sustainable cleaners means fewer chemicals in your home, which is good for your immune & digestive systems. Similarly, switching to natural beauty products also decreases the amount of chemicals your body is absorbing, & they can even be better for your skin health. I often find sustainable clothing is softer & more comfortable than their alternatives. And for over a year, I have been using paper towels & toilet paper made of bamboo – it has had no affect on my life, & to be honest, I feel like these products are higher quality than their paper alternatives.
Sustainable living practices do not have to greatly disrupt your life. In fact, most of the sustainable living practices I have adopted have made my life simpler. My biggest recommendation for adopting a sustainable lifestyle is to take it one step at a time. What is one small change you can make in your everyday life to make the world a better place, & to benefit your own physical & mental wellbeing? It may seem small, but if every person made just one small change, we would be living in a much healthier & happier place.
It feels like the to-do list never ends. There are so many different areas of your life to manage, & the tasks to get done keep piling up. What you want to get done never does – there are too many other last-minute things that pop-up & take up your time. The to-do list from one day simply gets transferred to the next page of the journal, with few, if any, items ever being crossed off.
If this sounds like you, I have seven simple tips that will transform your daily life. These productivity tips will help guide you to take charge of your schedule, get your most important tasks done, & still have time to rest & recharge.
1. Write a to-do list
This seems like the most simple step, but many people have to-do’s simply running around in their head that never get written on paper. This makes it difficult to remember all that has to be done, which means more mental energy is spent trying to remember the day’s tasks. It also makes it more difficult to prioritize which tasks are most important. Take out a pen & paper or open a note in your phone & write out everything that has to be done & everything you would like to get done today.
2. Highlight the three most important tasks
There are only so many hours in a day, but if you are strategic, you can get a lot done in those hours. Now that you have all of your tasks written down, highlight the most important three that need to get done today. If you like, you can take this a step further & number the remaining tasks in order of highest to lowest priority.
3. Write a schedule for the day
Based on the information from the last step, create a schedule for the day. Write what you are going to do every hour or, even better, every half hour. Make sure your most important tasks are on that schedule. For at least the first few days of doing this, try to also keep track on what you actually do during your scheduled hours to see if the allotted time you give for regular tasks is realistic, or if it’s too long or too short. You want your schedule to be realistic to follow, or you will find yourself not adhering to it at all.
I recommend also writing out your schedule with pen & paper, not on your phone. Schedules written in phones are too easy to edit. Write out the schedule with pen & paper & put it somewhere where you will see it all day.
4. Think about when you are most creative, most productive, & when your body wants to move
This step goes along with the previous one, but it’s important enough to get its own section. This step is not possible for everyone, especially those that have to adhere to strict work schedules, but for those who have more flexibility in their scheduling, it can be incredibly helpful.
When scheduling out your day, think about when you are most productive, when you are most creative, & when your body most wants to move. It doesn’t make sense to schedule something tedious & that you have to sit in your office for if it’s at the time of day when you feel most restless. Schedule your workout session for that time of day & schedule the office tasks for when your body is more relaxed but your mind is alert. Similarly, you don’t want to schedule your creative time for when you are feeling productive & want to knock out tasks. Many of us are naturally creative either early in the morning or late at night – schedule your creative tasks accordingly.
It will be easier to stick with your schedule & you will have a more productive day if you schedule tasks according to when your body & mind naturally feel most attuned to doing them.
5. When the hour or half hour starts, focus solely at the task at hand
Try to stick to your schedule as closely as possible. When an hour or half hour block starts, focus solely on the task you have scheduled. Resist trying to multitask. If you finish early, you can spend that time on another task or to rest & reset for a few minutes. If the hour or half hour ends before you finish the task, make a note in your journal of how long it actually takes you to do that task &, if it is not a high priority task to finish that day, move on. This will help you stay on track with your schedule & not fall behind.
6. Create a healthy work environment
Make sure the environment you are working in is conducive to a productive day. This may mean different things to different people. Some people work great at a neat & tidy desk, while others work best outdoors. Some people enjoy a cup of hot tea within close reach, while others would rather have a glass of cool water. Change your environment to reflect what you need to work at your best. For me, natural light is a must. I enjoy sitting on my couch in front of my fireplace, a cup of hot tea or coffee on the table in front of me, my journal opened beside me, & natural light streaming through the window. Here, I am at my most productive.
7. Schedule in self-care breaks
Because you are now so productive & you have a schedule to follow, make sure you also schedule in self-care breaks throughout your day. This is something to help you stay on track because you know a break is coming soon, & it is a reset before whatever else is left in your day. When I schedule self-care breaks into my day, I find I am even more productive in what I do with this time. Instead of mindlessly scrolling TikTok at whatever time in the day because I feel burnt out, I schedule in time to read, write, go for walks, & do yoga. These self-care habits are much healthier for my mental & physical health, & they leave me feeling much more refreshed & ready to tackle the rest of my day.
What are your favorite productivity tips? Share in the comments below!
If you’re feeling a little blue this month, you may be one of the estimated 10 million Americans that struggle with seasonal affective disorder (SAD).
SAD is a type of seasonal depression that affects 10-20% of Americans every year. The exact cause for SAD is not known, but it is associated with the reduced amount of sunlight, which lowers our serotonin production, increases our production of melatonin, & messes with our natural circadian rhythms, altogether leaving patients feeling drowsy, less happy, & even disoriented.
Accordingly, if there’s less sunlight, that means there are more hours of darkness, which creates an increase in the hormone melatonin. Melatonin is the hormone that makes us feel tired at night & helps us fall asleep. The excess amount of melatonin produced in the winter can make us feel more tired & lead to lower energy levels throughout our day.
This change in the amount of daylight also messes with our natural circadian rhythms. When we sleep at different hours of the day than normal or get more or less sleep than our bodies naturally desire, it can lead to feelings of grogginess & disorientation. It can also negatively affect our sleep quality, which also leads to lower energy levels throughout the day.
If you believe you are struggling with SAD or another form of seasonal depression, here are 10 holistic strategies for fighting off the winter blues & taking care of your mental health this season.
1. Get more sunlight
This is one of the most important coping mechanisms for SAD. As stated above, SAD is associated with the reduced amount of sunlight, so a reasonable treatment is to increase your daily dose of the sun’s rays. Even just 15 minutes spent in direct sunlight can have enormous benefits on your mental health. Going for a walk or just sitting on your porch drinking coffee & soaking in the sun’s rays can increase your levels of serotonin & vitamin D, leading to increased levels of energy & feelings of happiness.
If you are unable to spend more time in the sun, consider purchasing a sun lamp. These lamps imitate the sun’s rays, & spending time basking in their glow can have similar benefits as spending time outdoors.
2. Exercise regularly
One of the causes of SAD is decreased levels of serotonin. Exercise naturally boosts our serotonin levels as well as the levels of our endorphins & other “happy” hormones. Aim to exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. Rhythmic, cardiovascular activities are linked to higher releases of serotonin & endorphins, so activities like running & walking, which can also be done outdoors in the sunlight, can have enormous benefits. However, any type of exercise, including dance, weight lifting, swimming, & more will boost your serotonin production.
3. Spend time with family & friends
Feelings of loneliness can contribute to depression & lowered self-esteem. On the contrary, studies show spending time with our loved ones can boost our self-esteem, self-worth & lower our stress levels. Make time in your schedule to spend with loved ones. Even if you can’t meet in person, a phone call with a friend can have enormous benefits for your mental health & the mental health of your loved one.
To help your mood, incorporate more omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. Studies show increasing your consumption of omega-3 fatty acids, which can be found in fish, nuts & seeds, & plant oils, can lessen the symptoms of various mood disorders, including depression.
Additionally, increasing your consumption of Vitamin B12 & Vitamin D can improve your mood as well. Vitamin B12 is not produced naturally in our bodies, so it must be consumed through diet. A deficiency of Vitamin B12 is associated with fatigue & mood disturbances. Most people do not need supplementation of Vitamin B12, but increasing this vitamin naturally in your diet can help improve your mood. Vitamin B12 is found in animal products, such as meats, cheeses & eggs. You can also find it in fortified foods such as cereals.
We get much of our natural Vitamin D consumption from the sun, so we are often deficient in this vitamin in the winter. Vitamin D supplements are available, & you can consume the vitamin naturally by eating tuna fish, salmon, egg yolks, & cereals, milks & orange juice fortified with Vitamin D.
5. Practice self-care for stress relief
Many people who struggle with SAD feel higher levels of stress. Limiting the stressors in your life can improve symptoms of SAD.
For stressors you cannot eliminate, developing coping mechanisms to deal with them can be helpful. Make time for activities you enjoy, & make sure you give yourself breaks when you are doing stressful activities. If needed, seek our professional counseling to help you learn emotional regulation skills & different coping mechanisms to deal with life stressors.
6. Stick to a regular sleep schedule
One symptom of SAD that leads to increased feelings of depression & fatigue is the disrupted sleep schedule. The decrease of serotonin, increase of melatonin, & disrupted circadian rhythm all lead to increased drowsiness & decreased energy.
Setting a regular sleep schedule can help with these symptoms. Set a time to wake up & fall asleep each day, & stick to it as closely as you can, no matter how your schedule varies. Before bed, make sure you have a “wind down” hour, when you put away the screens & engage in self-care to relax your mind.
If you still feel you are struggling because of the longer hours of darkness, consider investing in a Dawn Simulator. These are alarm clocks that simulate natural light to ease you into waking in the morning. I personally own one of these clocks because I wake up before the sun for much of the year & it has been a game-changer in my morning energy levels.
7. Limit alcohol consumption
SAD has been associated with increased risk for drug & alcohol abuse. Depression can increase the temptation for using alcohol as a coping mechanism, but alcohol actually makes depression worse. The result is an increased dependency for this substance but no benefits for your mental health.
If you find yourself drinking more, consider reaching out to a professional counselor for assistance.
8. Keep a journal
Journaling can help us process our feelings & emotions. Studies show journaling can lead to reduced feelings of stress & anxiety. Additionally, keeping a gratitude journal can increase our self-esteem & lower stress levels. Take time each evening to journal about your thoughts & feelings & write down a few things that you are grateful for. The more specific you are with what you write, the more effective this practice will be.
9. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a mental health treatment that teaches techniques & tools to help you change your thinking & improve your mood. CBT can provide you with coping mechanisms that can be used, not just this season, but throughout your life. A study by the American Journal of Psychiatry found that when patients used light therapy or CBT alone, they had similar positive effects. However, one year later, the group that used CBT was experiencing fewer recurrences of SAD & less severe symptoms than the group that only used light therapy.
You can read books on CBT, but I highly recommend seeking a medical professional to help you learn the initial techniques & treatment.
10. Know that you are not alone
When our mental health is struggling, it is easy to believe we are the only ones feeling this way. This can lead to increased feelings of isolation, & even worse, make you feel that you cannot share about your emotions & struggles.
If you are struggling with SAD, know first & foremost that you are not alone. As stated above, 10-20% of Americans struggle with SAD, & even more than that report milder symptoms of depression during this time of year. Additionally, depression itself is one of the most common mental health disorders, affecting an estimated 5% of the global population.
Talking to someone about the way you are feeling can help you cope with the stressors in your life, & discovering that someone else is also struggling may help you feel less alone & lead to increased feelings of self-worth. Seeking help from a medical professional can also be a great first step in managing your depressive symptoms. Your mental health is a priority, & it should be treated as such.
The winter may seem long, but there is always the bright ending of spring at the end. Take care of yourself this season, have grace for yourself during your mental health journey, & always remember that you are not alone.
If you’re feeling a little stumped as to what your New Year’s resolutions should be in 2022, I have 22 suggestions that will positively impact your mental & physical health.
In fact, even if you already have your resolutions made, these 22 healthy habits are ones that anyone can incorporate into their life. They focus on your mental & physical wellbeing, as well as the wellbeing of those around you. Some of the habits will challenge you to step outside your comfort zone, while others will encourage you to stay safe & cozy inside.
Adopt a few habits that resonate most with you, or make 2022 the year of radical change in your life & adopt them all. By the end of the year, you may find your lifestyle has changed for the better, your mindset is one of abundance & gratitude, & your health is the best it’s ever been.
1. Be intentional with your time
We are all guilty of it, myself included. In fact, this is my main resolution for 2022 – be more intentional with my time. It’s too easy to work until we feel burnt out, & then spend an hour or two scrolling through social media or bingeing TV shows on Netflix. The activities may seem restful, but I never feel filled after doing them. In fact, I feel just as tired as ever & less productive.
This is the year I decided that would change. I bought some colorful pens & a planner with which I could plan every hour of my day. With it, I schedule everything: Work, play, house chores, & more. With scheduled time every day for self-care, I always know when the next rest period is coming. That makes my hours of work more productive, & my self-care time much more meaningful. I’m actually sitting down to read a book or rolling out my yoga mat to stretch! House chores are getting done, & I can spend date night focused on my husband instead of thinking about what I have to get done the next day.
You don’t have to plan every hour of your day to be intentional with your time. Setting timers on apps, making to-do lists, & focusing on the present moment are all great ways to bring more intentionality & productivity to your day.
2. Fuel your body
As a nutrition coach, I know that food has many meanings for us. It can be source of comfort or stress. Certain foods can bring back warm, comforting memories, & there are certain dishes that are traditional to eat at various family gatherings & holidays. But first & foremost, food is fuel. It is what gives us energy & makes our brains & bodies work.
When we eat to fuel our bodies, we are more likely to focus on nourishment rather than restriction, & we are more likely to eat healthier options. There is nothing wrong with indulging in a treat every once in a while, but when you eat to fuel your body, you are more likely to eat whole food sources throughout your daily life. And in order for your brain & body to work at peak performance, they must be fueled adequately, which means no more restrictive dieting or starvation. Good food, & lots of it, is what your body needs.
3. Drink more water
This is something almost all of us can improve on. Aim for at least eight cups of water a day (if you can drink more, even better!). Our bodies need water for proper organ function, gut health, brain function, & more.
4. Spend more time outdoors
The sun has lots of benefits for our mental & physical health, including an increase in serotonin (one of our “happy hormones”), an increase in Vitamin D, & stronger bones. Aim to get at least 15 minutes of sunlight a day. You can go for a walk, sit outdoors at a restaurant, or even just enjoy a cup of coffee on your porch.
5. Move your body in loving ways
Too often, I see people exercising as a form of punishment or as a trade-off for food (because they burned this many calories, now they can eat these many calories). Exercise is meant to make us feel better. It strengthens our muscles & bones, releases serotonin, improves our sleep, improves gut health, gives us an energy boost, & more! It is not meant to be a punishment for indulging in a special treat, or to be a required activity before eating.
Move your body in loving ways. Find types of exercise that you enjoy, & do them because they make you feel good. When your body is sore, make time to stretch your tired muscles. It’s a wonderful feeling to discover how far you have progressed in an exercise regimen & to feel yourself getting stronger & healthier. Make it a regular self-care habit in your life, & appreciate your body for all that it does.
6. Make time for self-care
Whether it be exercise, reading, taking hot baths, or spending time doing a hobby, it is important to regularly engage in self-care. Schedule in that time with yourself, & make it as much of a priority as you would a meeting with your boss. Do activities you know you love, or try something new! The most important part is that you are taking time out of your day to take care of your mind, body, and/or spirit. The activity is up to you!
7. Spend time with people you love
Do something positive for your mental health & for the mental health of your loved ones by spending time with them. Studies show spending time with family & friends can help improve your self-confidence & self-worth, help you cope with difficult stressors, & can give you a greater sense of purpose. Even better, spending time with those we love decreases stress, which, in turn, means less inflammation in the body.
Whether it’s in person or over the phone, make time regularly in your schedule to talk to & spend time with the people that matter most in your life.
8. Become fiscally fit
Money is a huge stressor for many people. Debt looms over the heads of college students, new home owners, & anyone who has ever missed a credit card payment, & trying to pay off that debt while paying other bills, buying food, & trying to enjoy life can be a major stressor.
Take time this year to become more fiscally fit. Find a budget that works for you & stick to it. If you need help, there are lots of books & online programs available. Find one that works best for you. Simply having the knowledge of how much money you have & where it is allocated can be an enormous relief. Once you know what you can afford to spend, it becomes less stressful to be spending. And creating a savings account that you regularly add to can be a great self-confidence boost & a source of comfort for the future.
You don’t have to go far to reap the benefits of traveling. While much of the world is still shut down to travel, going on a road trip to a nearby state or even just a day trip around your own city is a great place to start. Make an itinerary, or just see where the wind takes you! Explore, try new foods, meet someone new – make it a trip you will never forget, even if it’s just a short walk from your own neighborhood.
10. Try a new hobby
There are so many things to try in this life! Kayaking, painting, baton twirling – the list is endless! Find something new that you have always wanted to try & give it a shot! Whether it ends in you mastering the skill, or in a heap on the floor laughing at yourself, it’s a great experience to step outside your comfort zone & try something new.
11. Live more sustainably
As I always say, we only have two homes – our bodies & the earth. We have to take care of both of them.
Whether it’s a huge change like biking to work each day, or a smaller change like remembering to turn off the light whenever you leave the room, you are making a difference in the sustainability of our planet. And a lot of the changes you can make are healthier for you as well! Biking to work means increased physical fitness, better cardiovascular health, & more time spent in sunlight. Turning off the lights means a decreased energy bill, which is a fiscally fit lifestyle change. Natural cleaners are great for the environment & for reducing the toxins we breathe, & eating more vegetables & fruits means fewer animal products eaten, which is healthier for you & for reducing carbon emissions.
It can be overwhelming to try to live a completely sustainable lifestyle, so instead, pick at least one sustainable living habit & make it a regular practice in your daily life.
12. Do random acts of kindness
Brighten someone else’s day (& your own day as well) by doing random acts of kindness! It can be huge gestures like paying for someone’s meal at a restaurant, or smaller things like holding the door open for someone. The idea behind it is that it goes without notice – don’t pull attention to yourself or take credit for what you have done. And, if someone does insist on thanking you, tell them to pay it forward! Keep the kindness train moving!
13. Hand out compliments for free
We all need a little encouragement. Give out compliments as if you have too many to hold. Let people know what you like about them! You get bonus points if you can move past appearance. Compliment someone’s work ethic, their positive attitude, or how they parent their kids. It can be a huge boost to someone’s self-confidence, & their smile will be infectious – you will end up smiling, too!
14. Read a book
If you can, read lots of books. Whether it’s to learn something new or to escape into another world, books are a great way to engage in self-care. Additionally, reading has been shown to strengthen our brains, increase empathy, reduce stress, & improve our memory retention. Find a book in a subject that interests you or a story that makes you want to keep turning the pages & get reading!
15. Keep your environment clean
The environment we live in has a direct impact on our physical & mental wellbeing. Just keeping our desk clean can greatly reduce stress & improve our productivity. Even more than this, keeping a clean home means fewer germs & reduced stress in the space that is supposed to give us rest.
If you want to go above & beyond, get a plant! Despite the climate-controlled buildings we have been living in for so long, humans used to live in nature, & our minds & bodies still reap benefits from having nature in our living quarters.
I am absolutely fascinated by biophilic design, which connects people with nature within our buildings & communities. People have done some really amazing architectural feats to achieve this balance between architecture & nature, but simply bringing some plants into your home can have some incredible health benefits, including reduced stress & air purification.
16. Focus on what you’re grateful for
Gratitude transforms our mindset from one of scarcity to abundance. It turns what we have into enough.
Ending each day by writing down a few things you are grateful for can have enormous benefits for your mental health, including reduced stress, better emotional regulation, & increased resilience. The more specific you are in the things you write, the more effective this practice will be.
17. Use positive self-talk
Just like we should be handing out compliments regularly to the people we are with, we should also be sharing them with ourselves. How long would you stay in a relationship with someone who spoke to you the way that you do? Would it be a healthy, long marriage, or would you not even make it past the first date?
Use kind words. When things go wrong, have grace for yourself. Encourage yourself & take time each day to build yourself up, not tear yourself down. It seems simple, but speaking more positively to ourselves can radically transform our lives. Our mindset is in control of how we perceive the world & ourselves, & when we have a more positive outlook of our life situation & an appreciation for who we are, we can gain increased self-confidence, increased self-worth, & perhaps even a better understanding of what purpose we may play in this world.
18. Engage positively with social media
Social media can be a source of information & connection, but it can also be draining & stressful. Take some time to go through the accounts that you are following & unfriend the ones that are no longer adding value to your life or, even worse, are contributing to any toxic thoughts or habits you may be engaging in. Fill your feed with positivity & useful information that helps you engage in healthier habits. And when you do interact, consider setting a time limit. Time slips away when we are scrolling through our feeds, & that can be a huge detriment to our productivity & quality of life.
19. Do something that scares you
I don’t necessarily mean face your darkest fears, but do something this year that makes you step outside of your comfort zone. Whether that’s standing up for yourself at work or telling a friend how much they mean to you, doing something that makes us cringe can increase our self-confidence & self-worth. Go on a trip, try a new food, sign up for a talent show – even if it doesn’t go as planned, you can still look back with pride knowing that you faced your fear.
20. Have a regular morning & nighttime routine
Regular routines can help us de-stress & feel motivated for our days. Have a regular morning routine that excites you to get out of bed in the morning can help you feel refreshed & energized for your day. You can spend time journaling, reading, washing your face, exercising, making a fancy breakfast – there are so many possibilities. And at night, engage in activities that help you relax & rewind from the day. Journal about what you’re grateful for, wash the day off your face, & spend time reading or engaging in a quiet activity away from screens. It will improve your sleep, reduce stress, & help you feel more refreshed the next morning.
21. Listen more
Too often, we spend the moments other people are talking to think about what we want to say next instead of really listening to what they are saying. Make listening a priority this year.
When I was little, I was always told the phrase, “You have two ears & one mouth, & they should be used in that proportion.” I find this holds up in almost every situation in my life. Even when I feel I have something meaningful to say, or when I am debating about an important topic, I find whatever point I wanted to make or thought I wanted to share can always wait. And when I take the time to listen to the person I am talking with, I often find we are more aligned in our thoughts than we realize. Coming to a conclusion, having empathy for one another, & building a healthy relationship all become more more probable when I take the time to listen to what someone is saying.
22. Check-in with yourself regularly
The best habit I can ever recommend to anyone is to have regular check-ins with yourself. Make time each morning to think about how you are feeling, & based on that information, schedule in time that day for what you need. If you are still feeling tired, maybe a little 20-minute nap would be good this afternoon, or maybe a nice hot cup of coffee is a good way to start the day. If you are feeling sore, take some time to stretch. Or, if you’re feeling lonely, make it a point to call someone you love today.
Check-in with yourself at the end of a long week & see how you are feeling. Are you energized by the work & want to be productive this weekend, or do you need some extra time to relax & recharge before Monday comes again?
Scheduling regular check-ins about work, school, exercise programs, relationships, & just general well-being can be immensely helpful in discovering what you actually need in your life to be healthier, mentally, physically & spiritually. Too often we rush through life without actually thinking about how we feel. Sit down with yourself the way you would with a good friend & make time for your inner voice to be heard.
What are your resolutions for 2022? What healthy habits are you adding to your lifestyle? Leave me a comment below!
It’s that time of year again. Early January is the time to set lofty goals we are often inspired to achieve for about a month & then forget about until another year has passed. The new year brings with it the desire to better ourselves, but how to achieve our goals can sometimes seem elusive.
While we have been taught how to set goals & told that we should set them every year, we often don’t know the necessary steps we need to take to achieve them. Achieving an attainable goal should only take a bit of your time each day, but it is something you have to dedicate yourself to daily to achieve it. The steps to achieve your goal should becoming a habit, not a chore.
Follow these four simple steps to make this the year you achieve your New Year’s resolutions & create lasting change in your life.
1. Set the goal
What is it you really want to achieve this year? What passion do you have that gets you really excited? Where do you see yourself being truly happy? Nothing is off limits. Nothing is unattainable. Sit down & brainstorm ideas. Think about where you like to be year from now, & then…
2. Write it down
A goal in your head is erased as soon as a new thought enters. Write down your goal & put it in a place you will see it every day, such as your bathroom mirror. It should be something you see every morning so you remember to focus on it throughout your day. And every evening, you should see it so you can evaluate what you did that day to attain your goal & how much closer you are to achieving it.
When you write down your goal, make sure it is a SMART goal – Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant & Time-bound. Don’t be vague about what you want – put some thought into what it is & be specific in your wording. Make sure it is measurable so you can track your progress. You don’t just want to lose weight – you want to lose 50 pounds. Now, make sure it is attainable. Maybe 50 pounds seems a little too daunting, but 30 pounds? That is doable. Make sure you aren’t limiting yourself, but you don’t want to set a goal that you can’t achieve either. Next, make sure your goal is relevant. Do you need to lost 30 pounds? Do you even want to lose 30 pounds? Maybe there is another goal that would be better for you to focus on this year. And lastly, your goal should be time-based. For most New Year’s resolutions, this timeframe is one year.
3. Make the steps to achieve your goal
A goal without a plan to attain it is as useful as a box of cake mix without any other ingredients. It has the potential to make a delicious cake, but without the eggs & oil, it’s just another box in your pantry.
Set a timeline for your goal, & then write out a list of smaller goals you have to achieve in order to make your big goal happen. Make sure the smaller goals are SMART goals as well.
For example, if you want to lose 50 pounds, just getting a gym membership & buying some celery is not going to make that happen. You need a plan & multiple steps to help you achieve that goal. Set aside time each day for a workout. Even better, mark the specific time on your calendar to make sure it happens. Look up healthy recipes & make a list of what you are going to eat each day. Keep a food journal. And then set timely goals for each month. By the end of month two, your goal should be about 10 pounds lost, which means each week you have to lose about one to two pounds. Focus on these smaller goals that will lead up to your bigger one, & by this time next year, you will be 50 pounds smaller.
This process applies to every goal you may set, not just losing weight. Set smaller goals along the way that will help you reach your big goal, & set aside time each day to achieve them. How much money do you have to save a month to save $1,000 by the end of the year? If you want to make this the year of trying new things, maybe make the third Saturday every month the day you try something new, like sky diving, so by the end of the year you have tried 12 new crazy things you never thought you would do. If you want to travel more, start planning your trip to Italy now, & each month set a goal you want to attain to make it closer to that trip: Save $1,000, get in touch with a travel agent, buy a fancy new dress you will only wear when you are finally being serenaded on a gondola. Whatever the goal is, set the steps you need to attain it, & then focus on those. They aren’t nearly as overwhelming, but if you follow the plan, the big goal will be achieved.
4. Evaluate as you go
Do not wait until December to discover you have or have not attained your New Year’s resolution. Evaluate your progress as you go. Now that you have daily, weekly & monthly stepping stones put in place for the year, you are able to evaluate if you are on the right track to achieve your resolution, or if you need to set more attainable goals, work harder, or change another habit that’s getting in your way or limiting your progress. Whatever you do, do not get discouraged. If you have not made one stepping stone, you can still be successful. It is much easier to make small adjustments along the way than to make a big life change at the end of the year.
What are your New Year’s resolutions this year? Leave me a comment below & let’s support each other this year!
P.S. Newsletter subscribers this month receive a FREE set of planner sheets for their journal to help them keep their New Year’s Resolutions all year long. Receive this & more perks all year by signing up for the weekly newsletter here.
P. P. S. Evolve is offering a 30-Day New Year, New You program to help you achieve your health & wellness goals. You can learn more by emailing me with any questions at
With the weather growing colder, the lack of sunlight, & much of the natural world around us lying dormant, it can be easy to feel the winter blues creeping in. We tend to spend more time indoors & be less active, which can be detrimental to our physical & mental wellbeing, & the stress of the holidays & pressure of the new year can make things even worse.
But winter, like all seasons, has its own unique joys to offer. I love to tailor my self-care practices & hobbies to the season I am in, & winter is the perfect season to reflect on your lifestyle & make some healthy changes.
As mentioned in previous blog posts, self-care is a very personal experience, & you should always make time to do things that bring you joy & comfort. But, there is nothing wrong with switching up your regular routine to reflect the unique joys & challenges that each season brings. Try a few activities, find what works best for you, & keep it in your back pocket for the next stressful day ahead.
1. Get some sunshine
One of the biggest challenges winter brings for our mental & physical health is the lack of sunshine. Even if you don’t suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD) (a type of depression caused by the lack of sunlight), the reduced levels of Vitamin D can still negatively impact your mental & physical wellbeing. And many of us are less active indoors, which means our bodies & minds only suffer more.
Make an effort this winter to get some sunshine. Even if it’s only for a few minutes a day, soaking in the sun’s rays can greatly improve your mental & physical health by regulating your melatonin levels, improving your sleep, reducing the effects of SAD, & strengthening your immune system. Take a walk, or just sit outside with a hot cup of tea or coffee & relax.
If you can’t get outdoors during the day, consider investing in a sun lamp. It’s not as good as the real thing, but spending 15 minutes basking in the glow of this fake sun can help improve your mental health.
2. Hydrate
Despite the lack of sunlight, our bodies are still losing water all the time, & it’s one of the most important elements we need to survive. When we don’t drink enough water, it negatively impacts our organ function, immune system, & energy.
Try to drink at least 64 ounces of water a day. If you are traveling, regularly exercising, struggling to get in enough sleep, or fighting off illness, consider also adding electrolytes to your drink. Nuun is a great choice – it has different options depending on your activity & personal needs. Nuun Vitamins, Nuun Immunity, & Nuun Rest can all be great options to drink daily.
Your skin also needs some extra hydrating love in the winter. Buy yourself a quality, unscented moisturizer to nourish your skin with daily.
3. Treat yourself
The holidays are full of yummy treats to indulge in, & once the holidays end & the winter blues often kick in, we can find ourselves craving those indulgent cookies & cakes again.
It’s important to treat our food as fuel. The goal at feeding times should always be to nourish ourselves. But when you are craving a special treat, there is nothing wrong with indulging yourself. In fact, studies show when you satisfy a craving with a small treat instead of restricting yourself, you are less likely to binge later, which means you will be more successful at achieving your health & wellness goals.
So, go ahead – have that cup of hot cocoa & a cookie, snuggle up in a warm blanket, & enjoy those chilly winter evenings.
4. Exercise
The limited daylight means we are often less active in the winter. This can lead to weight gain, inflammation, & fatigue. Energize your body by moving it in loving ways. Go for a run or walk, lift weights, do yoga, or even join a fun class at your local gym! Just getting your body up & moving releases happy hormones like serotonin that will help you feel better throughout your day & give you the energy to tackle your goals.
5. Take a bubble bath
The weather outside is frightful, but a hot, bubbly bath is so delightful.
Warm yourself up with a hot bubble bath on cold winter nights. You can even add some epsom salts to help detox your body of any toxins it may be holding & decrease unhealthy inflammation. You could also add some therapeutic-grade lavender essential oil to help calm your senses. Light some candles to add to the ambience & turn on some relaxing music or read a book to relax & decompress.
6. Spend time with those you love
When we spend more time indoors, we tend to spend more time alone, which can lead to feeling isolated from the world. Make it a point to reach out to friends & family members, even after the holidays. Invite friends over for dinner, or even just make time for a weekly phone call with someone you love. It can help you to feel more connected to others, which is important for your mental health & wellbeing. Studies show that people who feel connected to others have lower levels of anxiety & depression, & they also tend to have higher levels of self-esteem & self-confidence.
7. Explore new hobbies
With all this time cooped up indoors, winter is the perfect season to explore new hobbies & interests. Why don’t you read that book that’s been sitting on your shelf for months, or why don’t you finally start learning to paint? Try something creative, or sit down to research & learn about something new. You might find you discover a new passion you never knew you had.
8. Make goals for the new year
Winter is the perfect time to set goals & resolutions for the year ahead. What have you been wanting to achieve in your life? What passions do you have? Set new goals for the year, & then make a point every week to do something to help you achieve them. If you want to lose weight, make it a goal every week to exercise & eat healthy. If you want to improve your financial literacy, make a weekly/monthly budget. If you want to read more, pick out a new book every month. Whatever your goal is, write out a list of smaller steps to help you achieve that lofty long-term resolution so it seems more manageable & achievable.
9. Stay cozy inside
If you’re stuck inside looking out at the cold, you might as well make the best of it. Cozy up with a hot drink, a good book, & a warm blanket, or have a movie night with your family, huddled up in a blanket fort in your living room. You can have a pyjama day, or spend time practicing hygge in your space.
10. Eat healthy
As stated above, the winter season is full of tasty treats that are meant to make us feel warm & cozy inside. It’s the perfect time to indulge & enjoy, but those winter treats can also add up, which means more inflammation, weight gain & bloating.
Focus on eating lots of protein & vegetables in your daily life. Decrease your consumption of processed foods, & instead, eat more foods that come from the earth. Your physical & mental wellbeing will improve, which means the next time you see a tasty treat, you can enjoy it without feeling regretful later.
What are your favorite winter self-care activities? Leave me a comment below!
The holidays are upon us, which means lots of time spent with loved ones, enjoying the warmth of the indoors, a lavish dessert table always just a few steps away.
The holiday season is a wonderful time of year that should be enjoyed & indulged. But with a different party at every turn, it can be easy for those holiday treats to add up.
In my holistic wellness business, I focus less on the number on the scale & more so on the numbers of health biomarkers. Put more simply, I focus on how my clients are feeling & how healthy they are. When people engage in healthy habits, they feel better, mentally & physically, & a healthy weight will come from those healthy habits in its own time.
This holiday season, it’s important that we focus less on our weight & more so on how we are feeling. Despite the fun festivities this time of year, there are many factors that impact our emotional & physical health in a negative way. The limited sunlight, busyness of the season, & tempting sugary treats can cause anyone’s health to decline. Given most of us would like to enjoy this special time of year, it’s important that we take care of ourselves, emotionally & physically.
If you are struggling to find ways to keep your health goals on track this season, read below for seven healthy habits that will help you take care of your body & mind. And like I said before, if you are worried about those holiday pounds, these habits will also keep your waistline in check, or possibly even shrink it a little.
1. Prioritize eating enough vegetables & protein at parties
There is no doubt that there will be plenty of carbohydrates & fats at every party. Dishes laden in butter always find themselves on the dinner table, along with rolls & potatoes, & the desserts are always full of delicious sugar. To keep your goals on track, instead of focusing on & limiting foods deemed “unhealthy,” intentionally nourish yourself with protein & vegetables.
Focusing on limiting our intake of certain foods can negatively impact our mental health. While portion control is always a good idea, completely restricting or starving ourselves of foods we love can make us feel unhappy, & it is correlated with unhealthy binges when we finally give in to our desires.
Instead of limiting or restricting, focus instead of what your body needs. There will be plenty of carbs & fats, so fill your plate first with protein & vegetables. Nourish your body. Then, if you are still hungry, enjoy some of your favorite fat- or carb-heavy dishes. By making your protein & veggie intake a priority, you are more likely to have a balanced plate, which means a well-nourished body. Remember, carbs & fats are an important party of our daily nutrition intake, too, so they do not need to be entirely avoided.
2. Exercise
The easiest way to keep your metabolism running, gut moving steadily, & to get a lovely serotonin (or happy hormone) boost is to exercise. Keeping your body moving can also help you detox from anything you have eaten that your body doesn’t enjoy, & it will help you use up some of the extra energy (food) you have consumed.
Most importantly, exercise makes our bodies feel good. Eating more sugar can increase inflammation, eating more salt can increase water retention, & eating rich foods in general can cause bloating & discomfort. Exercise can help combat all of these symptoms, which will help us feel our best for our next celebration.
Exercise also impacts our mental health in a positive way. Despite the extra exertion of energy, exercise releases hormones in our body that make us feel happy & energized. This means more productive work days & more fun at parties. Engaging in regular exercise can also help us have more productive sleep, which brings us to our next topic.
3. Get enough sleep
Sleep is one of the most important things we can do for our health. It is essential for our bodies to rest in order to grow strong & healthy. Our muscles repair & grow from exercise when we sleep, & our minds are able to decompress during REM sleep from anything stressing us in our lives.
When we don’t get enough sleep, it impacts us both mentally & physically. Limited sleep actual causes a reversal in the hormones released in our bodies. Normally, sleep releases leptin, which makes us feel rested & satisfied. But when we don’t get enough sleep, cortisol & ghrelin are released instead. Ghrelin makes us feel hungrier & causes sugar cravings, which means the morning donut you might normally pass up for a healthier choice suddenly becomes a donut or two for breakfast. Cortisol causes stress & inflammation in the body, & it can also cause an unhealthy weight gain around your stomach & thighs. Limited sleep is directly related to a weakened immune system & higher risk for disease.
Cortisol negatively impacts our mental health as well. When we have higher levels of cortisol, even small stresses in our daily lives seem unmanageable. There is a mind-body connection, & when we don’t take care of & let our bodies rest, our minds feel it, too.
If you are feeling extra stressed in your life, think about whether or not you are getting enough sleep. The phrase “Have you tried turning it off & on again?” applies to humans, too. Aim to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night for the best results. This will also allow for an ample amount of REM sleep, which, as stated above, is our body’s way of handling daily stresses in our lives. If you have a big problem you can’t solve, you may want to sleep on it. You might find in the morning, your subconscious brain has created a solution for you.
4. Practice mindfulness
We can’t always use sleep as our means for rest, especially in the middle of a work day. If you find yourself feeling stressed during your day, take a few minutes to practice mindfulness exercises.
Engaging in a regular mindfulness practice has numerous benefits. From lowering stress to decreased blood pressure, mindfulness exercises like meditation, mindful walking & yoga can help increase our quality of life. Even if you only have 30 seconds to spare, sit, focus on your breath, & be present. You will be amazed at how much this simple exercise can make you feel more at peace in your daily life.
5. Enjoy small indulgences
Like stated above, completely restricting or starving yourself of your favorite foods can negatively impact your mental & physical health. We tend to feel discouraged & saddened when we completely restrict ourselves from the foods we love, & when we do give in to temptation, its all too common to go on an all-out binge & eat way more than we would have initially.
The holidays are a perfect time to enjoy special treats. When you go to a party, give yourself a chance to make a selection of one or two desserts instead of sampling every single one. Walk down the table once to take a look at the options, & then a second time to get a piece of the ones you want. This helps you to avoid the all-too-common mistake of grabbing the first dessert that looks good, & then realizing the one you really wanted was all the way at the end of the table. Eating only one or two desserts will also help keep those carbs & sugars in check, so you can enjoy the holidays while keeping the inflammation & weight gain to a minimum.
6. Incorporate more movement into your day
Intentional exercise is not the only time we should be moving our bodies. Many people engage in regular exercise, but then spend the rest of their days sedentary at their desks. This not only increases your chance for weight gain, but it can increase inflammation & muscle tightness, which can lead to more chronic illness.
If you find yourself sitting for most of your day, set a timer to get up & take a walk every once in a while. Even if it’s only for 15 minutes on your lunch break, or a quick 2-minute walk to the water cooler each hour, your body will reap the benefits, & it may help you feel better mentally, too! Working all day can be draining, but taking a quick break to move & breathe can help you to refocus & re-energize.
There are fewer hours of daylight in the winter, which means more time spent indoors. Often, this time spent inside is much less active than the time spent outside, which means people tend to get more sedentary. The extra energy we are getting from holiday foods is stored rather than burned, & our muscles get stiff from the lack of use. The limited sunlight can also cause a deficiency in Vitamin D, which can weaken your immune system.
The best remedy is to get outdoors. It may be cold, but even just spending15 minutes in sunlight daily can combat all of the regular effects of the winter darkness. Go for a walk, meditate, or just relax on your front porch drinking a hot cup of tea.
If you absolutely can’t get outdoors during the day, consider getting a sun lamp. It’s not as good as the real thing, but spending 15 minutes basking in the glow of this fake sun can help improve your mental health.
8. Eat mindfully
There is so much good food during the holidays that we often tend to stuff ourselves far beyond what our bodies need. Remember, food is fuel, & the goal at feeding times is to nourish ourselves.
When you arrive at a buffet-style party, use the same strategy as used for the dessert table. Walk down once to peruse what the options are, & then walk through a second time to fill your plate with what you want. Remember to make the majority of your plate proteins & vegetables, & then add smaller portions of the carbs & fats you want. Eat slowly, engage in conversation, & relax for at least 15 minutes after eating before getting up for seconds. You may find you are satisfied with the amount that you initially ate.
The holidays have a lot of fun foods that we don’t normally get, so to make sure you don’t feel like you are missing out with smaller portions, eat mindfully. Chew slowly & savor the flavor of what you eat. Pay attention to the smell, texture & taste, & feel how good it feels to put these warm, comforting foods in your stomach. The goal of eating mindfully is to feel satisfied, instead of restricted or stuffed, at the end of the meal.
9. Drink your water
One of the most important things you can do for your health is to hydrate your body. In the winter, your body will thank you for this in many ways.
Our bodies need water to operate. When we don’t drink enough water, it negatively impacts our organ function, immune system, & energy.
Try to drink at least 64 ounces of water a day. If you are traveling, regularly exercising, struggling to get in enough sleep, or fighting off illness, consider also adding electrolytes to your drink. Nuun is a great choice, with different options depending on your activity level & personal needs. Nuun Vitamins, Nuun Immunity, & Nuun Rest can all be great every day options to drink.
10. Check-in with yourself
The most important thing you can ever do for your health is to check in with yourself. We all have different needs, & you know your body best. What is your lifestyle lacking? What practices would add more quality to your life? If it’s more sleep, create a regular sleep schedule & set a timer to go to bed each night. If it’s drinking water, set a timer on your phone to remind you to drink, or get a fancy water bottle that helps you keep track of how much you have consumed throughout your day. If it’s making healthy food choices, bring the healthy food choice to a party so you know there is at least one dish there that you can enjoy & share with others. If it’s exercising, find a buddy to keep you accountable or a gym class that you enjoy. If you need more time for self-care, schedule it into your planner & be intentional about what you do during that time.
Whatever it is that your body or mind needs, have grace & love for yourself & take the time to engage in self-care. More than anything, this is what will help you live your healthiest lifestyle & feel your very best.