You probably have already heard about it – even if you haven’t been watching the Olympics, I’m sure it’s been popping up on your newsfeed & social media. Simone Biles, after experiencing what gymnasts called “the twisties” (or a loss of awareness of where you are in the air), pulled herself out of the Olympics competition last week. She returned at the beginning of this week to compete & win bronze on beam. Biles is an Olympic champion, winner of multiple gold medals, but she was quoted saying that this bronze medal “means more than all the golds because I’ve pushed through so much the last five years & the last week I’ve been here.”
Given certain circumstances, bronze means more than gold.
I want that statement to sink in for a moment. We may not all be Olympic athletes (I’m venturing a guess that no one reading this is currently competing in Tokyo), but we all have our own competitions, our own daily challenges, our moments when we are put to the test. And the message most often, when we come to these moments less prepared, not in the right headspace, or feeling unwell, is to push through. Keep going. Don’t let anything stop you.
Simone Biles, one of the greatest gymnasts & athletes of all time, just showed everyone that it’s okay to listen to your body & pull yourself out, even in what seems to be the most important moment of your life, the climax of your story.
Simone Biles spent last week cheering on her teammates from the sidelines, congratulating them on their gold medals when she should have been winning medals of her own. She voluntarily went from being the center of attention to the cheerleader on the sidelines. And we all love her even more for it.
And when she finally did return, & won bronze, we all cheered even harder than before. Because, in that moment, we watched someone who was not only a terrific athlete, but someone who was human, just like us, defy the odds, advocate for mental health, & still take home an Olympic medal when we would have been just as proud of her if she hadn’t come home with anything.
Given certain circumstances, bronze means more than gold.
Where in your life are you pushing too hard, & what are you sacrificing for it? Is there an area where you have the spotlight, but perhaps it would be better for you, or those around you, if you gave it to someone else? Is there an area of your life where giving up achieving the “best” could actually afford you the chance to have something better, to enjoy life more, to take care of yourself & others?
It’s not an easy decision to make. It’s hard to pull back when we know we could be capable of more. But just because we can do it does not mean we should. Just because we can do the workload of that promotion doesn’t mean it’s worth sacrificing family time. Just because we can work overtime doesn’t mean it’s worth the lack of sleep & toll on our physical well-being. Just because we can deal with & make a toxic relationship work doesn’t mean it is worth the damage to our mental health.
Just because we can achieve gold, it doesn’t make the bronze any less valuable.
Me waiting in the doctor’s office during the COVID-19 pandemic
There is a parasite living inside of me.
It’s been there since I was 10 years old. I have very few memories before this parasite was a part of my life. And yet, for much of the last 10 years, I didn’t even realize it was still there, burrowing into the tissues of my body, making itself a home in a place it didn’t belong.
I have Post-Lyme Disease Syndrome (PLDS), a disease that, until the last few years, was thought to not be real. Because of this, the last decade of my life has been consumed by trying to figure out & treat whatever was causing so much insufferable pain & fatigue.
I had high moments, of course. There would be times when a treatment would work, & I would have a few great months. But then a flare would rear its ugly head without me realizing what was happening. It was frustrating, knowing that I was seemingly doing everything right to be healthy. The problem was, I was treating the wrong illnesses. Without the correct name for what I had, I was exhausted trying to treat 12 different misdiagnoses that had been given to explain my symptoms.
Lyme Disease is caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. It is transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected tick. It is one of the most common vector-borne diseases, & yet, it is under-researched & under-studied, meaning many people go years without realizing they have it. This is troubling, because the more time people have Lyme disease, the harder it is to fight.
This was the case for me. We now believe Lyme disease could have been living inside of me for years without me knowing. This is because Lyme Disease likes to mimic other illnesses, making it difficult to catch. In addition to this, the testing for Lyme Disease is flawed in many ways. Lyme Disease is discovered through antibody testing, which makes it all too common for a patient to have Lyme Disease & still test negative for it because their immune system had not created enough antibodies on its own to fight the infection.
Back when I had Lyme Disease, we knew much less than we do now. Knowing what I know now, I should have received much more antibiotic therapy than I did, but at the time, it was believed the customary two weeks of antibiotics was sufficient. When my pain, fatigue, headaches, & insomnia returned just a short six months later, the doctors insisted i was fine & just wanted attention. It took another year to finally convince them I was truly in pain. It was then that I received my first misdiagnosis of fibromyalgia.
A few years passed, during which I paid little attention to my worsening condition. I became less active, succumbing to my pain, but that gave me an opportunity to thrive in my more artistic passions.
It wasn’t until high school that I noticed the brain fog, although, at the time, I didn’t have a name for it. I simply noticed that my mind was not what it used to be. As an avid reader & writer, it was odd to me that my reading comprehension was not up to par with my classmates. My memory continued to work properly, which meant, in the American education system of memorizing & regurgitating facts, my grades were still exemplary. But anytime I was asked to think abstractly, my famously creative brain failed to think through even simple problems or equations.
In my junior year of high school, my symptoms hit an all-time low. I had developed a number of food allergies, as is common with Lyme patients, & my gut health was suffering tremendously. I was diagnosed with IBS & leaky gut, but none of the treatments ever seemed to work (in fact, they only seemed to make my symptoms worse), so after a while, I refused any prescription pills. In addition to this, my anxiety seemed to heighten, & anything that deviated from my regular schedule sent me into a tight-chested panic attack. I thought it was simply stress-induced, brought on by having to deal with difficult illnesses. Compared to my physical symptoms, I felt it was less important & paid little attention to it.
Me on the first day of my senior year of high school.
In college, my symptoms finally found some relief. I cleaned up my diet even more than I had before, & I found a holistic doctor who treated my symptoms in the first way that ever worked. Exercise helped tremendously. I got off every prescription medication I had been taking, & for the first time in years, I felt relaxed & free. My senior year in college was bliss. I felt healthy, carefree & strong. I signed up & trained to run across the country. I met the love of my life. I ate whatever I wanted, went out with friends, & enjoyed every moment of beginning my adult life.
The thing about Lyme disease is you never know when a flare is coming. The unhealthy eating, long training runs, & lack of sleep finally caught up with me, & the flare came at the worst possible time – while running to help those in need. While my teammates were supportive, without the diagnosis or words to describe what was happening to them, I struggled with feelings of loneliness & misunderstanding.
My 4K for Cancer team on the final day of our run. Over 49 days, we relayed across the country, from San Francisco to Baltimore.
When I returned, I felt beaten & hopeless. I cleaned up my diet again, started taking my supplements, but it just didn’t seem to work. My brain was worse than before – I was stuttering over my words & mispeaking. Once able to capture a room full of people with 20-minute long speeches, all done without notes of any kind, I was now struggling to find words on the tip of my tongue in frequent conversations.
Answers finally came just a few months ago. After years of searching, months of talking to doctors & going to appointments yet again, I received the diagnosis I had been waiting for. I had treatment that finally helped. The right diet, the right supplements, & the recommendation to make self-care & sleep a priority rather than a luxury actually made a difference.
As of now, it doesn’t seem I will ever be symptom-free. At this point, PSLD, at least in my case, can be characterized as an auto-immune disease. When Lyme flares, I can try my best to fight the bug, but Lyme is a spirochete, meaning it has a spiral shape that makes it easy to hide in tissues of the body. When Lyme is hiding, my immune system is depleted, so the best I can actually do is not continue to break down my body by trying to kill the Lyme, but to boost my immune system as much possible. This, in turn, will reduce inflammation, improve my digestion, &, in the end, help me to feel healthy, as if there is nothing wrong. And if Lyme ever does flare, I know what to do to fight it back.
It’s been a long journey getting here, one that I normally don’t like to think about or share. But since learning my diagnosis, I have met so many other people who have struggled with it, & I have realized I am not alone. Which means there must be so many other people out there feeling the same way that I did, & sometimes still do. And I want to let you know that you are not alone, & that this illness does not define you. It is part of your story, but it doesn’t even have to be the worst part.
Like the plot twists & challenges in any story, it’s not what happens in the plot line but how we respond to it that makes us who we are. And we are warriors. Lyme has made me stronger, more resilient, & more patient than I ever would have been. But most importantly, I am more empathetic, more kind, & more compassionate. And that is why I am sharing my story. I want my blog to be a safe space, where people, no matter what it is that has shaped their story, can find a safe & supportive community.
Lyme changed my life, but it doesn’t have to define it. What I do with my life will define it, & all I want to do with my life is to bring a little more love & kindness into this world. I believe that love, truly, is what heals most. I could not be where I am in my journey now without the love I have in my life, from my family, my friends, & from Joseph. Love truly does heal all wounds. The love we extend to others has greater value than we will ever know.
The one thing I felt Lyme took from me was my self-worth. For so many years, I felt shame about my illness. I was embarrassed to share my story. I thought no one would want to hear it, & I didn’t want it to be what I was known for. But now, as I have said, I have learned love is what is most important. So, as much as this blog post is for you, it’s for me, too.
This is a letter to myself. It’s finally remembering my story in every painstaking detail, & it’s telling myself that it’s okay. It’s okay to be me. Its okay what happened to me. I still have value, & I am still worthy of love.
My blog is a safe place, for me & for you. If you need a reminder of your self-worth, of your value, pay this blog a visit.
No matter what your story, you are worthy of love. And I want to share with you what I am just now beginning to learn – the best love you will ever have is the love that you give to yourself.
There is a parasite living inside of me, but I am in charge of my body. And today I am choosing to show my body respect & gratitude for all it has done, & love for the strong & resilient body it is today.
Hello all, I am Shayla from and I’m so happy to be collaborating with Tyler! We both decided to share our top 5 ways to practice self-care, so when you’re done here, please be sure to check out her 5 over on my blog!
Ahh, stress! We all know what it feels like to be stressed, right? Exhaustion and the feeling of being overwhelmed are things we all go through in our day-to-day lives. I for one am no stranger to the many stresses of life and it is so important that I find ways to reduce those feelings and practice some self-care for my mind body and soul. And you should be doing the same!
Self-care literally means to take care of yourself and should be a regular habit in your daily routine. Whether it’s a cup of tea in the morning or a full on pamper session to release your worries; finding something that you enjoy and something that will take your mind off things is vital every once in a while!
Whether it be reading a book with a cup of coffee or squeezing in something you truly enjoy, starting your day by focusing on yourself can feel extremely gratifying. Especially as a parent, my entire day is focused around my daughter- so those few hours in the morning before she wakes are absolutely magical.
f you know me or have read my blog, you’ll know that fitness is my no.1 form of self care. Getting up and keeping active is a brilliant way to care for the mind, body and soul! Now, I don’t necessarily mean you should intensely workout for an hour or more; but for some, just a simple walk in the park may be all you need to release those endorphins.
Ways I love staying active are:
Dancing the Night Away
Blast some of your favourite tunes and dance like nobody’s watching! This is such a fun way to block everything negative out and let those positive vibrations in. You are able to really enter your own world and perform like a superstar. A Serotonin boost for sure!
Simple Stretches
Doing some simple stretches after you wake up or before you go to sleep is a great way to get your blood flowing. It also benefits your body by relaxing your muscles and increasing your flexibility.
Walk & Talk
Going for an evening stroll whilst talking to a friend can be very enjoyable. Catching up with someone will relieve so much stress and add some positivity to your day. Before you know it, you’ve done several laps around the park all whilst gossiping to your heart’s content.
Minimising your schedule may be just what you need to minimise excessive stress. We often get overwhelmed and flustered when we have a lot to do- eventually leading to not doing anything at all. Some days, I opt not to work-out or even take breaks from completing blog activities, just to give my mind a rest and allow myself to recuperate.
It’s so important to take time out for you and to listen to your mind and body when it becomes engulfed in tasks. Also, learn to say “no” to things if your ‘plate’ is overloaded- it is okay to be selfish when it is needed.
Whatever is on your mind, jot it down on some paper, everything will be easier to process then. Or even better, start a journal! Spill out your thoughts on the past, present and future and lift some of that weight off your mind. One of my favourite things to write in my journal are several to-do lists; as I know my future self will thank me for it later! It can be fun just to plan your days ahead of time and fully clear-out your mind.
You see!? It’s as simple as that- even the smallest of things can be beneficial towards your mental health! Taking some time out to breathe and recalibrate may be just what you need when life becomes a little too much. These are just the things I like to do, but what are your favourite ways to practice self-care? Let us know in the comments below!
Note: This article contains affiliate links. If you purchase a product after clicking a link, I may earn a commission off of that purchase.
Note: Read all the way to the end of this article for a special summer giveaway opportunity!
Summer is finally here, which means it’s the perfect time to get some sunlight, relax & recharge. And especially after the year we all had, I think it’s time for a little extra self-care time.
Self-care is a very personal experience, & it should always be spent doing things that specifically bring you joy & comfort. But, there’s nothing wrong with switching up your self-care activities to reflect the unique joys that each season brings. Summer is full of fun ways to show yourself some love.
Read on for 10 easy ways to practice self-care this season.
This is by far the simplest way to practice self-care this season, but it’s still super important. When we are exposed to sunlight, our brains release serotonin, otherwise known as the “happy hormone.” Serotonin not only boosts our mood; it also helps us to feel calm & focused, which means more productive lives. In addition to this, the sun gives us Vitamin D, which is linked to better bone health, & it can actually help promote healthy skin! That glowing look you want can be achieved by spending time in the sun’s rays! Just make sure you show your skin a little extra self-care & wear lots of sunscreen.
Physically & socially, spend some time off the grid this summer. Get out of town. Plan a vacation & treat yourself. And when you do, consider staying unplugged from your phone. I know, there are tons of Instagrammable photos to share on vacation, but you can always share them later. Give yourself a little time to be present with those around you, or just to yourself, because you deserve your undivided attention as well.
3. Spend time with people who make you feel good
Joseph & me at brunch with my parents
Distance yourself from negativity & spend time with people who make you feel good. Now that COVID-19 restrictions are lifting, you can finally go out to brunch, swim in the pool, or go to a concert with the people that matter most to you. Plan a picnic, go on a walk, or just give someone you love a phone call. Studies show that spending time with people helps reduce the symptoms of many mental health conditions, including anxiety & depression, & building strong relationships helps provide support when you are experiencing challenging situations.
Every body is a beach body. Whether it’s a bikini, a sundress, a one-piece, or a sarong, wear what makes you feel most beautiful & confident to the beach, & don’t give one thought to what other people think. There is nothing more beautiful than a woman who dresses with dignity & carries herself with confidence.
This is important all year long, but it’s especially important in summer. When we sweat, we lose water, & when our bodies are dehydrated, they don’t function properly. Signs of dehydration include fatigue, constipation, dry skin, & headaches, & severe dehydration can cause low blood pressure, heat exhaustion, seizures, heat stroke, kidney failure, & coma. Keep your body hydrated by drinking water throughout your day. You can add more flavor to your water by adding fresh fruits, herbs, or vegetables. One refreshing combination I love is cucumber, mint & lime. Or, if I’m in the mood for something sweet, I love adding freshly chopped berries. If you’re doing activities outdoors, consider adding electrolytes to your water – choose low-sugar brands that will replenish the sodium, magnesium, & potassium you are losing through your sweat without loading up on sugar. When you keep your body hydrated, it gives you more energy & helps you to feel your best.
6. Visit a farmer’s market
Joseph & me at the farmer’s market picking out fresh produce for a picnic dinner
With spring & early summer gardens finally in full bloom, this is the perfect opportunity to visit your local farmer’s market & pick out fresh produce to cook with. It supports a local business, & it also a fun way to eat healthy. Look for recipe inspiration on Pinterest, or just start experimenting in the kitchen!
Get outside & enjoy the warm weather while exercising. There are lots of fun summer activities that are also great forms of exercise, including kayaking, swimming, & hiking. Try to go out early in the morning or later in the evening to avoid the hottest parts of the day, & make sure to wear sunscreen while you’re outdoors.
Enjoy your summer days to the fullest by waking up with the sun. Bringing natural light into your room & waking up with the sunrise is a much more gentle way to wake up, as opposed to a blaring alarm clock. This means you wake up more refreshed & ready to tackle your day! And, if you do this consistently, your circadian rhythm will adjust, which means deeper sleep & more productive days.
Whether you’re relaxing on the beach or spending a day indoors away from the heat, summer is the perfect time to start a new book. Why not find something inspirational? Pick a topic you are interested in, or simply search for inspirational books online or at your local library to find your new uplifting read.
Alright, as promised, it is giveaway time!
Much of my blog is dedicated to helping my readers find more self-care in their lives. To help inspire you to take better care of yourself this summer, I have a challenge that could help you win some special prizes!
The Summer Self-Care Bingo Challenge includes all the self-care activities listed above, plus 14 more ways to show yourself some extra love this summer. Complete 5 activities in a row, column, or diagonally to win a month-long subscription to Sticker of the Month & the weekly newsletter. Complete the entire board, & you will a FREE Sunshine Box! That’s right – spend more time this summer dedicated to self-care, & you can get more self-care delivered right to your doorstep!
To complete a bingo square, post a selfie of you completing the activity on Instagram & tag me @TylerVLayne with the hashtag #SummerSelfCareBingo, & I will do the rest of the work for you. The Summer Self-Care Bingo Challenge will start June 15 & will end August 30.
After a season of growth, summer is the perfect season to relax & find joy in the present moment.
Positive affirmations are a great way to reframe your perspective on life & keep your mind focused on what’s most important. Your mindset has the power to give you more confidence & positivity in your daily life, or to bring you down. By repeating affirmations in your mind, you can ease anxieties & help yourself to focus on what’s most important.
These five affirmations are geared towards summer fun & relaxation. Whether you are trying to clear your mind while lounging by the pool, or if you’re attempting to ease anxieties before a big trip, these affirmations will help you enjoy your summer to its fullest. Feel free to share on social media, or save these graphics to make them your new phone background! It’s an easy way to remind yourself to repeat these words when you need them most.
Note: This post contains affiliate links. If you purchase a product after clicking a link, I may earn a commission off of that purchase.
Summer grilling season has arrived, & with it, the Memorial Day holiday weekend.
While for many this is a somber occasion, but it’s also a time to gather with loved ones & appreciate the simple joys in life, like gathering for a good meal in the beautiful outdoors.
To keep achieving your summer body goals & to feel good during your cookout, check out these delicious & healthy Memorial Day recipes that everyone will enjoy!
Forget the bread! Enjoy this delicious burger sandwiched between a portobello mushroom & melted Pepper Jack cheese topped with caramelized onions. Check out the recipe from Living Chirpyhere.
If you’re in the mood for something other than burgers, try this Honey Garlic Sticky Ribs recipe from The Asian-inspired glaze is finger-licking good, but it uses honey instead of sugar for a naturally-sweetened recipe. Check out the recipe here.
Don’t have a grill? No problem! Try this easy & healthy Crockpot BBQ Chicken recipe from Skinny Fitalicious. It only has three ingredients, & all you have to do is throw them all in a Crockpot & cook it on low for 6-8 hours (or on high for 3-4 hours). It could not be simpler for a day of entertaining. Check out the recipe here.
It wouldn’t be Memorial Day without some creamy potato salad. Try this lighter recipe from Whole New Mom that uses cauliflower instead of potatoes. It’s still just as rich & filling, thanks to the vegancashew sauce that’s used in place of mayonnaise. Check it out here.
I love fresh fruit at any party – that’s always the platter I grab from first. But, if you would rather have a fruit dish than a fruit platter, try this nutty & bright Coconut Greek Yogurt Fruit Salad from Skinny Fitalicious. It combines berries with nonfat Greek yogurt & unsweetened coconut for a tasty dish that’s filled with healthy fats & protein, without adding any extra sugar! You could sub in your favorite fruits for different flavors. Check out the recipe here.
Broccoli salad is another one of my favorite dishes at any event. Get some greens on the table with this delicious low-carb, high-protein Greek Yogurt Broccoli Salad from Skinny Fitalicious. All of your guests are going to be asking you for the recipe. Check it out here.
You can still enjoy coleslaw without having to layer it with endless globs of mayonnaise & cups of sugar. This Paleo Coleslaw recipe from Paleo Cupboard uses apple cider vinegar, olive oil, & raw honey to create a light & subtly sweet coleslaw recipe that everyone is going to love. Check out the recipe here.
If you are in need of a red, white & blue dessert to end the evening, try this delicious Triple Berry Cobbler recipe from Whole New Mom. It uses liquid stevia instead of sugar, so the only sugar you get from this dish is from the berries themselves! And there are two topping options: One is grain-free & low-carb, & the other is egg-free. No matter which diet you are following or what accommodations your guests need, you can modify this dessert to be a dish everyone will enjoy. Check it out here.
Want to end the evening with a campfire & s’mores? Try these delicious Sugar-Free Marshmallows from Whole New Mom! By using a low-carb sweetener, these tasty confections are a low-carb & Keto dream, & it gets rid of all that nasty corn syrup that is in normal marshmallows. Get the recipe here.
Thank you to our veterans & to the service men & women we have lost who have given us the opportunity to gather safely with our loved ones. Let us always remember & honor those who have courageously given their lives for us.
When the mid-afternoon slump comes around, or when you’re watching TV late at night, it’s natural to want something to much on. And sometimes, such as during that afternoon slump, you need food to give you the energy you need to get through the rest of your day. Unfortunately, many of the foods we reach for don’t actually give us the energy we need – they taste good & satisfy our sweet or savory craving, but they do little to fuel our bodies.
When you need some energy, or if you’re just looking for something yummy to munch on & kick your craving, it’s important to give your body what it needs, instead of just giving your taste buds what they want. People often give cravings a bad rap – they happen when you’re thirsty or bored & should be avoided at all costs to achieve your health goals. Sometimes this is true, but other times, our bodies are actually trying to signal us that they need something. When your stomach starts to growl & you feel your energy waning, that means your body needs food. Food is fuel, & not only does it help us focus, but eating every two to four hours also increases your metabolic rate, which actually helps you lose weight!
When you are craving a certain food, think also about what it is about that food that you are craving. Sometimes, you just really want a bowl of ice cream, & it is just a legitimate craving for that particular food. But other times, your body is trying to tell you what it needs. If you are craving ice cream, maybe your body needs sugar or calcium, which it can get from fruit, yogurt or milk. If you are craving potato chips, you might need sodium, which you can get from cheese or roasted, salted nuts. If you are craving red meat (which can be enjoyed in moderation), perhaps your iron levels are low & some dark leafy greens would help. It doesn’t always satisfy your craving, but clients I work with are often surprised how much this practice helps in satisfying their body & cravings without indulging in unhealthy foods.
However, if you just can’t kick the craving, there is still another option. There are plenty of healthy foods on the market & recipes you can make in your kitchen that taste just as good (or even better!) than the unhealthy snack you are craving, but eating the healthy swap won’t derail your health goals. Read below to find 10 healthy food swaps for your favorite unhealthy snack, & say goodbye to the diet culture idea of deprivation.
Craving potato chips? Try plantain chips
Plantain chips are actually one of my favorite snacks. It’s a little more dense than a potato chip, which I actually enjoy, & it still has the salty flavor that I love. Plantain chips have only two ingredients – plantains & salt. They aren’t fried, & the plantain itself is a little more nutrient dense than a potato, making plantain chips a healthy alternative to this salty snack. My favorite plantain chips are made by Aurora Natural.
Swap dark chocolate for your favorite candy bar
I know, this isn’t quite the same. But dark chocolate’s rich & bold flavor is something I personally enjoy. The darker you can go, the better, but start with 72% if you’re used to sweeter chocolate. If you go darker, I personally recommend Lindt chocolate – it’s the only brand I have found (at a decent price point) that maintains the creaminess of chocolate even as the cacao content goes up.
Dark chocolate, unlike a regular candy bar, has health benefits, too! It’s full of minerals & has lots of antioxidants to help keep your body healthy.
If you want something a little more nuanced than just plain chocolate, spread a thin layer of natural peanut butter on top for a sophisticated peanut butter cup flavor.
Instead of buying trail mix, make your own at home!
Store-bought trail mix (or, as I like to call it, chocolate with obstacles) is loaded with added sugar. And let’s be honest, it’s normally pretty peanut heavy, instead of including a range of different, healthy nuts. Make your own trail mix at home with a variety of roasted nuts & unsweetened dried fruit. If you need a little chocolate flavor, try adding carob chips instead of chocolate chips or M&Ms for a healthier alternative that still satisfies your sweet & salty craving.
Ice cream? How about n’ice cream?
N’ice cream, or banana ice cream, is just as creamy & sweet as regular ice cream, but it has none of the added sugar! And it’s so easy to make!
Chop your banana into 1-inch slices & freeze. When frozen, blend in the bowl of a food processor with your favorite ice cream flavors (I personally enjoy adding unsweetened dark chocolate cocoa powder & peanut butter for a chocolate peanut butter flavor, or adding fresh strawberries for a strawberry banana flavor). If needed, add a small bit of milk (1 tablespoon at a time) until the mixture is able to blend into a smooth, creamy confection. If needed, add a little honey or pure maple syrup (not pancake syrup) to get the sweetness level that you desire.
The only downside to n’ice cream is that it doesn’t freeze well – you have to eat it immediately. But it’s so easy to make, & there are so many flavor combinations to try, you could make a new batch every night if you wanted!
Instead of buying a sugar-laden fruit cup, meal prep some small fresh fruit cups for the week
Many fruit cups have hidden sugar & preservatives added. Instead of buying this faux healthy snack from the store, consider prepping little fruit cups for the week so you have a healthy snack that’s easy to grab & go. Chop up your favorite fruits & store them in small foodstorage containers in your refrigerator. It tastes even better, & it’s much healthier.
Want some crackers with your cheese? Sub your starchy favorites for Nut Thins
If you have ever ventured to look at the serving size of your favorite cracker, you may have been shocked to see it’s far fewer than the amount of crackers you probably eat in a serving. In fact, some crackers have as few as four crackers per serving! Instead of eating these starchy, high-carb choices, try Blue Diamond Nut Thins. They are gluten-free, made with ground nuts, & their serving size is 19 crackers (a much more reasonable serving size in my opinion). They are a great low-calorie, low-carb alternative to your favorite cracker, & they still make a great vehicle for your favorite toppings. And, if you are a fan of flavored, cheese-y crackers, try their Pepper Jack Nut Thins for a healthy, savory snack!
Not all protein bars are created equal – try Simply Protein for a healthier snack
I hate to say it, but many protein bars on the shelves are basically candy bars in disguise. With sugar contents that sometimes reach over 30g per serving, it’s a wonder to me how they get away with this marketing scam. If you’re looking for a quick, grab-and-go snack that’s high in protein but won’t derail your health goals, try Simply Protein. Unlike many of its counterparts, Simply Protein never has more than 3g of sugar, & many of its bars don’t have any sugar at all. Additionally, instead of the ingredients being a long list of unpronounceable words that make me think the snack was made by people in white lab coats instead of chefs, Simply Protein bars are made with high-quality natural ingredients that are easy to read & pronounce. When you take a bite of a Simply Protein bar, you know that you are nourishing your body. Their Peanut Butter Cookie Bar is my personal favorite, but check out their website for more flavors & other fun snacks!
Craving cookies with milk? Try these healthy banana oatmeal cookies
Cookies with milk is a nostalgic snack that I still crave every once in a while. Instead of grabbing a package of OREO cookies or baking a batch of Pillsbury sugar cookie dough, try making these easy banana oatmeal cookies for a healthy snack with no added sugar!
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F. Line cookie sheets with parchment paper. In a bowl, mash 2 bananas with a fork. Add 1 1/2 cups oats & stir until combined. Now comes the fun part – add your favorite flavors. Cocoa powder, cinnamon, semisweet chocolate chips, unsweetened dried fruit, or natural peanut butter all make great additions to this recipe. Add your mix-ins & then scoop out tablespoon-sized balls onto your cookie sheet. Press the balls flat (they will not spread in the oven) to give them a cookie shape. Bake for 12-15 minutes, or until lightly golden brown. Enjoy!
If you need something a little sweeter, try adding a touch of raw honey or pure maple syrup to the batter before baking.
Do you enjoy cereal for breakfast? Swap the sugary selections for healthier options
Cereal is one of my secret vices. It’s one of my favorite breakfasts (even though I know I’ll end up feeling hungry again within the hour), & I absolutely love it as a late night snack. If you just can’t kick your craving for cereal, there are plenty of healthier choices on your store shelves. Choose organic brands, selections without added colors & dyes, & those that have less than 10g added sugar (or less than 5g if you’re really trying to stay healthy) per serving. Cascadian Farm’s Purely O’s, Barbara’s Original Puffins, & Nature’s Path Flax Plus Raisin Bran all make great choices that taste just as good as their sugary counterparts. Cereal isn’t all bad either! When you choose healthier selections, they can be a great source of fiber, & many cereals are fortified with essential vitamins & minerals that your body needs.
What’s your favorite healthy snack swap? Leave me a comment below!
Read to the end for a bonus quick & easy recipe to make with stale bread.
I hate wasting food. It’s one of my biggest pet peeves. So, when the baguette in my fridge went a little stale, I immediately knew what I was going to make: Strata.
Strata is a classic American egg casserole dish made with stale bread cubes, eggs & cheese. It is one of my favorite breakfasts. It’s comforting & filling, but it also has lots of protein & carbs to keep me fueled for my entire morning. And it can be made ahead of time for an easy, grab-and-go breakfast.
Bell pepper & feta strata
Makes: 4 large servings
8 eggs
1 cup milk of choice (I like unsweetened almond milk)
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
8oz day-old baguette, cut into 1-inch cubes
2 bell peppers, thinly sliced
1/2 cup crumbled feta cheese
Parsley, for garnish (optional)
Salt & pepper, to taste
Preheat your oven to 400 degrees F. Spray an 8-inch by 8-inch dish with cooking spray.
Whisk together eggs, milk, & grated Parmesan cheese. Add salt & pepper, to taste. Toss bread cubes in egg mixture until coated, & then pour into the prepared baking dish.
In a nonstick pan, sauté bell peppers until soft. Top egg mixture with bell peppers, feta cheese, & fresh parsley.
Bake for 1 hour, or until the center of the strata is puffed up & the eggs are no longer liquid. Let sit for 5 minutes before slicing. Enjoy!
Bonus Recipe: I had a little extra bread leftover (it was a BIG baguette), so I made fresh croutons. Honestly, I could just eat these as a snack.
Parmesan Croutons
8oz day-old baguette, cut into 1-inch cubes
1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
Salt & pepper, to taste
Grated Parmesan cheese, to taste
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Cover a baking pan in foil & spray with cooking spray.
Toss bread cubes in olive oil until coated. Add salt, pepper, & Parmesan cheese, to taste.
Bake for 15-20 minutes. Enjoy!
Note: Bread cubes can be stored at room temperature in an airtight container for up to one week.
Read to the bottom of this article to learn about a special FREE gift just for you!
Happy Earth Day!
For some time, I have wanted to switch to more natural products & sustainable living practices. I made a few changes here & there, but I struggled with finding ways to reduce my waste or carbon footprint that weren’t unbelievably inconvenient. And many of the natural products that I encountered were far too pricey for my young adult budget. I knew switching to natural products was good for the environment & myself, but I thought it would have to be something that I did when I was more established with a full-time job & benefits.
Grove Collaborative changed everything. Grove is a natural home & personal care brand that delivers everything you need for a sustainable, healthy home right to your door. All of the products are made with natural ingredients that are healthy for you & the environment, & they all help reduce household waste. Additionally, Grove carbon offsets every delivery, & every purchase benefits the Arbor Day Foundation, which plants trees to help solve a number of the world’s problems today, including air & water quality, climate change, deforestation, & hunger.
Grove is a monthly subscription, but you can skip months & edit your cart to include the products you want, so it’s honestly a great way to get the products you want, when you want or need them. You can customize the process every step of the way.
My future sister-in-law (but already sister-at-heart) Joanna introduced me to Grove just after I moved into my new house. She was already a subscriber, & she recommended it to me when I mentioned that I wanted to switch to more sustainable products. After checking out the app, I knew immediately that it was something I was interested in, & I purchased my first box the same day.
I could not be more pleased with my first Grove delivery. My box contained silicone straws, reusable bags, walnut & cellulose sponges, bamboo tissues, a glass spray bottle, a glass soap dispenser, toilet bowl cleaner, moisturizing hand sanitizer, dishwasher detergent packs, gel hand soap, glass cleaner concentrate, toilet spray, three reusable cotton face masks, compostable cleaning wipes, & bamboo toilet paper. Now that I have had the chance to try out all of these products, I am happy to report they are all up to my cleanliness standards, & I am quite sure I am going to be a Grove subscriber for life.
The silicone straws are a cute, turquoise blue color, so now I can sip my summer drinks in style. They are durable, & the pack of four straws comes with a bottle brush to help keep them clean.
The reusable bags are adorable. I purchased a set of two, one large & one small, that had a lemon design to match my kitchen (which is tones of blue & green with lemon yellow accents). The bags are air-tight & keep my snacks fresh, & they are easy to clean as well. All you have to do is rinse them out with soap & water & let them dry.
Seedling Tissues by Grove on my coffee table
The walnut & cellulose sponge is another great product. The sponge scrubs as hard as I want it to, but it’s still gentle on my pots & pans & it’s durable, too. It’s made from plant cellulose & walnuts, so when the time does come to throw it away, it will naturally break down (no more plastic sponges sitting in landfills).
The bamboo tissues are one of my favorite products in this box. The tissues are thick & soft, which feels great on my irritated nose during allergy season. They are made from sustainable bamboo instead of trees, so there’s less deforestation. The bamboo toilet paper is made the same way, and, this may be too much information but to be perfectly honest, my butt has never felt more pampered. The toilet paper is three-ply, which I wasn’t aware that I needed but now that I’ve had it, I don’t think I can ever go back. It’s soft & thick, which means it feels good & I need less toilet paper per toilet visit. This means that, despite it maybe being a little more expensive than your average roll, it lasts longer, which I think makes up for the price.
I wish I had been using the moisturizing hand sanitizer all winter. It has a lovely scent, & it feels so good on my dry hands. After lathering up with hand sanitizer regularly for over a year now, I needed this product. It is my new best friend whenever I leave the house.
And speaking of COVID-19, the three reusable, cotton face masks I received are some of the most comfortable face masks I have ever had! They fit perfectly, which is something no face mask has done yet, & they are super cute. I love the striped yellow & white one – it perfectly fits my vibe. And the two green & blue toned masks match so many outfits. And they aren’t just fashionable! The masks have three layers, and the inner layer is anti-microbial, making it a great choice to stay safe during this pandemic.
Me & my new reusable face masks from Grove
One thing I often hear about natural cleaning products is that they aren’t as effective as the ones made with harsh chemicals. Until trying Grove, I actually believed this, but I am happy to report that this is a myth. The dishwasher detergent packs gave me sparkling clean dishes – I honestly think they look better than when I use my normal dish detergent. The glass cleaner concentrate worked wonders on my smudgy windows, & the toilet bowl cleaner got everything clean with minimal effort. And the compostable cleaning wipes are the first product yet that has gotten my counters as clean as I want them. I cannot wait to try more cleaning products from Grove.
Speaking of toilets, the toilet spray was also quite pleasant. I have used Poo-Pourri before, & I thought this had just as nice of a scent, albeit not as strong. So, if you’re looking for a more mild scent (Poo-Pourri has a very strong scent – it’s for the bigger poos), this toilet spray is a great choice.
The lavender & thyme hand soap smells so lovely, but it’s not over-powering or super feminine like a lot of nice smelling soaps are. Even Joseph liked it, & we almost never agree on a soap scent (he even put up his own soap dispenser in the bathroom because he can’t stand the lemon soap I have in there). My hands also feel squeaky clean after using this soap, which means it gets an A+ grade from me. The glass soap dispenser & spray bottle are both a simple but fashionable design that will match any decor, & they both have a durability to them that makes me believe they are going to last for a while.
Me & my new lavender & thyme hand soap from Grove
If you’ve been looking for a way to switch to natural cleaning products, reduce waste, live in a healthier environment, or just to live a little more sustainably, Grove is a great choice. The chemicals that are harsh for the environment are bad for our bodies as well. Grove makes it easy to make your home a healthy environment, for you & the earth.
Do you want to try Grove without the commitment? I have a great surprise for you. Use this link to try your first Grove box for FREE! If you don’t like it, you can cancel your subscription at any time (but if you enjoy lovely smelling cleaning & beauty products that are good for you & the environment, you’re going to love it).
Switching to sustainable living can seem overwhelming, but small changes, like using natural cleaning products or drinking from reusable water bottles, make an impact. It might not seem like much, but if we all do it, those small changes add up to having a big impact on our earth’s health.
We only have two places to live: Our bodies & our world. Appreciate them, love them, & take care of them.
Can I be real with you all for a minute? It’s been a tough week.
I recently started listening to a podcast called Deeply Human that I highly recommend. It’s about why we do the things that we do, like get angry when we stand in lines or why it seems to get harder to find the perfect match the more we date, even though it seems like it should be the other way around. This past week, I listened to an episode on pain that hit deep. Pain is something I am no stranger to. I have dealt with chronic illness since I was 10 years old – there has not been a day in the last decade of my life that I have not experienced pain.
This may come as a surprise to some people. I am very active, & I normally consider myself to be a rather optimistic person as well. And, just to be clear, this illness has not made me feel any less grateful in my life. In fact, I think it’s helped me to realize just how blessed I am. I love my life. But, as much as I don’t want my illness to define my life, it is a part of it, just as much as my job, my relationship, or my cultural background. So, why am I comfortable talking about those things, but not about the pain I experience?
This podcast had a really good answer. Pain is something we all struggle to talk about first & foremost because it’s a private feeling. I can’t explain in words what it feels like to experience chronic pain. You can only kind of understand if you have chronic pain as well, but then, we still don’t quite have an understanding because everyone’s experience of pain is different. We all have different levels of tolerance. For example, if I burn my hand on a stove, & you burn your hand on the same stove, we could feel completely different levels of pain. So, even though we both are experiencing the same burn, we don’t truly have an understanding of what the other person is experiencing.
Secondly, there is a bit of a taboo associated with pain. When we express the pain we are going through, we try to make light of it – we diminish our experience because we don’t want people to feel sorry for us or make things awkward. To the same respect, the people we are telling about our pain feel pressured to keep things light as well. The topic moves on quickly. The trouble with this is that pain, whatever type it may be (mental, physical, acute, chronic) can seem very isolating.
Pain is interesting because it is simultaneously a universal & very personal experience. We all experience pain, yet we can’t ever truly understand anyone’s pain but our own.
So, let me tell you about my week. It was an awesome week. I spent time with family & friends; I finished all of my work during the week (something that rarely happens), so I had the opportunity to have a lovely, relaxing weekend; I received my second vaccine shot; and my dad, brother & future sister-in-law came to visit me at my new house with a surprise gift: a new grill! It was a fun & exciting week, & yet, I spent quite a few days of it breaking down in tears because I received a disappointing letter. After years of fighting chronic illness, a trial program at Johns Hopkins was finally created to help bring relief to patients like me, but I didn’t get in.
You know what’s interesting though? My pain level hasn’t changed in the last week. I feel the same as I always do. Despite the disappointment, the most painful thing about receiving this letter is that I felt like I couldn’t talk about it. I succumbed to the social pressures that said talking about pain was taboo & thought that expressing my feelings about this experience would bring other people down, so I tried not to talk about it at all. I shared about my job, had a date night with my fiancé, & posted pictures on Instagram about what was happening during my day, never even mentioning the biggest thing that had happened in my life because it would make things “awkward.”
The most painful thing about this past week is that I felt alone. While gathering documents to re-apply to the program & shuffling through lab report after lab report, I felt like I was the only one who could possibly understand what I was going through. It made my pain feel isolating.
But, I’m not alone. Whether you have experienced something like this or not, you have experienced pain. We all have. And, I think it might be time to start talking about it.
When I finally broke down this past week & shared my feelings, I felt a weight lift off of my shoulders. For days, despite all of the good happening around me, it felt like this was all I could think about. That letter had me shackled in silent suffering. Now, despite the fact that I am still experiencing pain & I still haven’t been accepted into the program, I feel free.
No matter what pain you are experiencing in your life, I want you to know that you’re not alone, & I encourage you, as awkward as it may be, to talk to someone about it. And if someone comes to you expressing a pain they have been experiencing, I encourage you not to change the topic because it’s “uncomfortable.” Lean into the discomfort. Get to know someone at that deep & personal level. And if you can, try practicing vulnerability & sharing some of your pain as well. I truly believe that if we start doing this, despite the different experiences of pain that we have, we will all realize once again the universal aspect of pain, & therefore, we will feel less alone & more connected than ever before. And that’s important, because connection – true human love & empathy – can be healing. Human connection has been proven to strengthen our immune systems, reduce stress, & help patients heal from trauma. Pain, in & of itself, can be traumatic. It wreaks havoc on our immune systems, & it can be the source of or a symptom of stress.
I know it’s not a magic pill. It won’t heal any pain you are experiencing, whether it be mental or physical. But speaking up & connecting with others will bring you comfort & support during your journey, & for a lot of us, I think that’s all we really want from our community.
Speaking up isn’t easy. This blog post is a start. If you need someone to talk to, please reach out to me. I would love to listen to your story.