“Wear gratitude like a cloak & it will feed every corner of your life.”
Gratitude turns what we have into enough. When we focus on the positive & the blessings in our lives, we discover more wonderful things around every corner. It’s a mindset thing more than anything else. Our lives in & of themselves do not change, but our perspective does, & that makes all the difference. When we live with an attitude of gratitude & focus on the good things in our lives, the negative things that used to command our attention seem to melt away, or at least lessen in importance.
November is Gratitude Month, so I thought it the perfect time to help us all improve our gratitude practice. Read below for seven easy ways to bring more gratitude into your live, & make sure to read all the way to the bottom to learn how you can win your own personalized Sunshine Box!
1. Keep a gratitude journal

One common way to practice gratitude is to keep a journal. Whether you use it first thing in the morning or as the last thing you do before bed, it gives you concentrated time to focus on the good in your life. Start by just sitting in a quiet space for a minute & writing down three things you are grateful for. Try to make it something different every day, & the more specific, the better. For instance, instead of just saying “friends,” why not write a sentence about a special friend you spoke with today or who has been on your mind. Instead of writing “food,” write about the meal you had today, how it tasted, & how it made you feel. The more you focus on all of the little things in life that bring you joy, the more they will become the big things.
2. Spend time with those you love

The people we love bring us joy & remind us what is most important in life. To bring more gratitude into your daily life, make time to visit with those you love. Whether it’s a weekend visit or just a quick phone call, talking with those we love & feeling their presence can help us feel more grateful.
3. Make time to do activities that bring you joy

It’s not just people that bring us joy. Our passions, hobbies & self-care activities not only bring us happiness, but they can also recenter & energize us. After spending time with ourselves, we can return to work feeling happier & more productive, rather than drained & burnt out. Take some time to do the things that you enjoy, & you may find yourself finding more joy in the daily activities that used to bring you stress.
4. Acknowledge the negative

Not all things in life have a positive spin. Some things that happen are hard. One thing we must do to live a life of gratitude is to acknowledge the negatives. To make everything seem positive invalidates our experiences. When something bad happens, acknowledge it, & give yourself time to emotionally deal with it. Journal, talk to someone, or just take some time to heal. It will make the good times sweeter when you acknowledge that not every moment in life feels good.
5. Meditate

Mindfulness can help us feel more grateful, too. Our perspectives are what matter most when trying to live a life of gratitude. Taking time to meditate can help. To start, take a few quiet moments to be with yourself. Focus on your breath & be grateful to your beating heart & working lungs. Or, if you find this challenging, try a meditation where you focus on your surroundings. Focus on your senses – what can you hear, taste, smell, touch & see. Feel gratitude for the little things that you normally overlook. If you are a busybody & find it difficult to sit still, try a walking meditation, taking notice to your surroundings & expressing gratitude for them.
6. Train yourself not to complain

As noted above, perspective matters in living a life of gratitude. When we complain, it shifts our perspective from one of abundance to scarcity. We feel dissatisfied with our lives when we complain. Instead of complaining, try to talk about your blessings with others. Some people feel this comes across as bragging, but it can be done tactfully, & the people who love you should want to hear about the things that bring you joy! Give others the opportunity to share, too. Ask questions about what joys they have experienced recently. The more you share & ask for them to share, the more it will become a regular practice in your social circles. Not only will this impact you positively, but it will positively impact the lives of those around you.
7. Serve others

An important way to remember how blessed we are is to serve others who are less fortunate. Our schedules are busy, but even taking just a little time to serve others can help us to be grateful for our own lives. Remember, serving doesn’t have to be time-consuming or take a lot of energy. Simply paying for someone else’s meal, holding the door for someone, helping someone carry their groceries, or asking someone who is hurting how you can help can be great ways to serve.
The more you make these activities a practice in your daily life, the more you will find yourself focusing on the good around you. Life is what we make of it, & I personally want to live a beautiful life.
As promised, I have a little challenge for you all that could win you a FREE personalized Sunshine Box, filled with self-care items to help you incorporate more self-love in your life. Below is a month-long gratitude challenge to help you recenter yourself & focus on the positive. Post about the challenge once to your social media, whether it’s talking about your daily activity or the challenge in general, & you will receive a FREE sticker of the month subscription. For every additional post, your name will be entered into a drawing to win a Sunshine Box! The winner will be announced at the end of the month. To make sure I see your posts, remember to tag me @TylerVLayne with the hashtag #TVLGratitudeChallenge.
Good luck & Happy Gratitude Month!

Gratitude Challenge:
November 1 – Get your journal & get ready!
November 2 – Make a list of all the things you take for granted.
November 3 – Share three things that make you special.
November 4 – Think about a friend who has supported you. Write a note or send a text to express your gratitude for them.
November 5 – What’s one simple thing that made today a good day? Share a photo with us.
November 6 – Where did you see God (or whatever higher power you worship) in your life today? Share that with us.
November 7 – Share with us three people you are grateful for & why.
November 8 – Before you start eating lunch today, be thankful for the food on the table.
November 9 – What was your favorite smell, touch, sight, or sound from today? Share it with us.
November 10 – Make a list of all the people that help with your work or life.
November 11 – What are three simple things you are grateful for today? Share them with us.
November 12 – Express your gratitude to service workers you see today.
November 13 – What inspirational quote or words of wisdom are you most grateful for? Share them with us.
November 14 – Share a highlight from your day with us.
November 15 – What is a challenging experience that made you stronger? Write about it.
November 16 – Make a list of the top 20 things you are grateful for in your life right now.
November 17 – What is something you are grateful for today that you didn’t have a year ago? Share that with us.
November 18 – Make a list of the things you own that money can’t buy.
November 19 – What are three ways you can bring gratitude into a current challenge? Write about it.
November 20 – When you go grocery shopping, take a moment to be grateful you have the resources to buy your food. If you can, pay for someone else’s groceries as well.
November 21 – What about this planet are you grateful for? Pick a beautiful spot in nature to spend some time in today.
November 22 – What made you smile today? Share it with us.
November 23 – Write about a fear you have overcome.
November 24 – When you get coffee or breakfast, pay for the next person in line.
November 25 – Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy the holiday.
November 26 – Think of something you have learned that was very helpful. If you want, share it with us so we can learn it, too!
November 27 – Share with us your three favorite activities & why you love them.
November 28 – Volunteer for a nonprofit you care about.
November 29 – Write about what you are most grateful for about your mom, or the person you consider to be a mom to you.
November 30 – Reflect on the past month. How has practicing gratitude in your daily changed your perspective?