Introducing our special guest writer, Deborah Starr, RN! With years of experience in healthcare and a passion for holistic wellness, Deborah brings valuable insights and practical tips to help us navigate the journey toward better health. In this blog post, Deborah shares her expertise on how to love yourself through healthy eating without sacrificing flavor. Get ready to discoversimple yet powerful ways to transform your favorite recipes into nourishing delights that support your heart and overall well-being. Let’s dive in and learn how small changes in our culinary choices can make a big difference in our health journey.
Loving yourself by eating healthy doesn’t mean not loving the taste. A few changes in your favorite recipes can help reduce calories, unhealthy fats and salt. Yet they will keep the taste yummy.
Thickening soup? Skip the flour or cornstarch. Try pureed cannellini beans instead. You won’t get that pasty flavor. You will get fiber and protein!
Making brownies or cookies? Mash an avocado and use instead of half the butter. You’ve just replaced half the fat. Don’t try to replace all the butter. For food science-y reasons, this won’t work.
Very finely ground flaxseed + 3 tbsp of water may be substituted for an egg in some baking. You’ve added fiber and reduced cholesterol. This won’t work if the recipe calls for the eggs to be whipped or in an item like a quiche, where the eggs make most of the structure.
Non-fat Greek yogurt is the over-looked cooking hero. Use it instead of mayonnaise or sour cream in dips, salads, sandwiches, and sauces. If you want the tarter bite of the mayo or sour cream, make it half Greek yogurt and the others. Better yet, add a few drops of lemon juice to the Greek yogurt. You trade up to healthy fat in a big way and reduce calories.
Forget bottled salad dressing high in preservatives and salts. Go for some rice wine vinegar or balsamic vinegar. Add some walnut oil or honey, and voila — delicious, easy and healthy. Your heart adores it!
Do you use breadcrumbs? Next time the container is empty, wipe it out and refill it with whole oats you ground up a bit in a food processor. You can’t taste the difference. They work exactly the same in recipes. No added salt or preservatives. Higher in fiber than the breadcrumbs. Fabulous, right?
Cauliflower for mashed potatoes — you know this, right? Drizzle with olive oil. Add some garlic. Make life easy and use the food processor.
Spaghetti squash for pasta. It does taste a bit different, but it is still delicious and so much healthier. The squash has fewer calories, more vitamins and fiber. Cut the spaghetti squash in half, put it cut side down in a baking pan, and roast until just getting soft. Then pull out the strings of squash with a fork. Serve with your favorite sauce.
Applesauce may be used to replace oil in baking, a 1:1 ratio. 1/4 cup of applesauce may replace 1 egg. Try using applesauce to replace 1 cup of sugar. You also have to reduce 1/4 cup of liquid elsewhere in the recipe (water, milk, etc.) or you will have a soggy mess. This cuts out a ton of calories and adds fiber. It will alter flavor, so keep in mind which recipes you use this in (think oatmeal raisin cookies and gingerbread, but maybe not peanut butter cookies).
A few easy changes can make a huge difference to your health and heart. So go ahead and show yourself some love. Take the time to care for yourself and those around you.
The holidays are upon us, which means lots of time spent with loved ones, enjoying the warmth of the indoors, a lavish dessert table always just a few steps away.
The holiday season is a wonderful time of year that should be enjoyed & indulged. But with a different party at every turn, it can be easy for those holiday treats to add up.
In my holistic wellness business, I focus less on the number on the scale & more so on the numbers of health biomarkers. Put more simply, I focus on how my clients are feeling & how healthy they are. When people engage in healthy habits, they feel better, mentally & physically, & a healthy weight will come from those healthy habits in its own time.
This holiday season, it’s important that we focus less on our weight & more so on how we are feeling. Despite the fun festivities this time of year, there are many factors that impact our emotional & physical health in a negative way. The limited sunlight, busyness of the season, & tempting sugary treats can cause anyone’s health to decline. Given most of us would like to enjoy this special time of year, it’s important that we take care of ourselves, emotionally & physically.
If you are struggling to find ways to keep your health goals on track this season, read below for seven healthy habits that will help you take care of your body & mind. And like I said before, if you are worried about those holiday pounds, these habits will also keep your waistline in check, or possibly even shrink it a little.
1. Prioritize eating enough vegetables & protein at parties
There is no doubt that there will be plenty of carbohydrates & fats at every party. Dishes laden in butter always find themselves on the dinner table, along with rolls & potatoes, & the desserts are always full of delicious sugar. To keep your goals on track, instead of focusing on & limiting foods deemed “unhealthy,” intentionally nourish yourself with protein & vegetables.
Focusing on limiting our intake of certain foods can negatively impact our mental health. While portion control is always a good idea, completely restricting or starving ourselves of foods we love can make us feel unhappy, & it is correlated with unhealthy binges when we finally give in to our desires.
Instead of limiting or restricting, focus instead of what your body needs. There will be plenty of carbs & fats, so fill your plate first with protein & vegetables. Nourish your body. Then, if you are still hungry, enjoy some of your favorite fat- or carb-heavy dishes. By making your protein & veggie intake a priority, you are more likely to have a balanced plate, which means a well-nourished body. Remember, carbs & fats are an important party of our daily nutrition intake, too, so they do not need to be entirely avoided.
The easiest way to keep your metabolism running, gut moving steadily, & to get a lovely serotonin (or happy hormone) boost is to exercise. Keeping your body moving can also help you detox from anything you have eaten that your body doesn’t enjoy, & it will help you use up some of the extra energy (food) you have consumed.
Most importantly, exercise makes our bodies feel good. Eating more sugar can increase inflammation, eating more salt can increase water retention, & eating rich foods in general can cause bloating & discomfort. Exercise can help combat all of these symptoms, which will help us feel our best for our next celebration.
Exercise also impacts our mental health in a positive way. Despite the extra exertion of energy, exercise releases hormones in our body that make us feel happy & energized. This means more productive work days & more fun at parties. Engaging in regular exercise can also help us have more productive sleep, which brings us to our next topic.
Sleep is one of the most important things we can do for our health. It is essential for our bodies to rest in order to grow strong & healthy. Our muscles repair & grow from exercise when we sleep, & our minds are able to decompress during REM sleep from anything stressing us in our lives.
When we don’t get enough sleep, it impacts us both mentally & physically. Limited sleep actual causes a reversal in the hormones released in our bodies. Normally, sleep releases leptin, which makes us feel rested & satisfied. But when we don’t get enough sleep, cortisol & ghrelin are released instead. Ghrelin makes us feel hungrier & causes sugar cravings, which means the morning donut you might normally pass up for a healthier choice suddenly becomes a donut or two for breakfast. Cortisol causes stress & inflammation in the body, & it can also cause an unhealthy weight gain around your stomach & thighs. Limited sleep is directly related to a weakened immune system & higher risk for disease.
Cortisol negatively impacts our mental health as well. When we have higher levels of cortisol, even small stresses in our daily lives seem unmanageable. There is a mind-body connection, & when we don’t take care of & let our bodies rest, our minds feel it, too.
If you are feeling extra stressed in your life, think about whether or not you are getting enough sleep. The phrase “Have you tried turning it off & on again?” applies to humans, too. Aim to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night for the best results. This will also allow for an ample amount of REM sleep, which, as stated above, is our body’s way of handling daily stresses in our lives. If you have a big problem you can’t solve, you may want to sleep on it. You might find in the morning, your subconscious brain has created a solution for you.
We can’t always use sleep as our means for rest, especially in the middle of a work day. If you find yourself feeling stressed during your day, take a few minutes to practice mindfulness exercises.
Engaging in a regular mindfulness practice has numerous benefits. From lowering stress to decreased blood pressure, mindfulness exercises like meditation, mindful walking & yoga can help increase our quality of life. Even if you only have 30 seconds to spare, sit, focus on your breath, & be present. You will be amazed at how much this simple exercise can make you feel more at peace in your daily life.
Like stated above, completely restricting or starving yourself of your favorite foods can negatively impact your mental & physical health. We tend to feel discouraged & saddened when we completely restrict ourselves from the foods we love, & when we do give in to temptation, its all too common to go on an all-out binge & eat way more than we would have initially.
The holidays are a perfect time to enjoy special treats. When you go to a party, give yourself a chance to make a selection of one or two desserts instead of sampling every single one. Walk down the table once to take a look at the options, & then a second time to get a piece of the ones you want. This helps you to avoid the all-too-common mistake of grabbing the first dessert that looks good, & then realizing the one you really wanted was all the way at the end of the table. Eating only one or two desserts will also help keep those carbs & sugars in check, so you can enjoy the holidays while keeping the inflammation & weight gain to a minimum.
Intentional exercise is not the only time we should be moving our bodies. Many people engage in regular exercise, but then spend the rest of their days sedentary at their desks. This not only increases your chance for weight gain, but it can increase inflammation & muscle tightness, which can lead to more chronic illness.
If you find yourself sitting for most of your day, set a timer to get up & take a walk every once in a while. Even if it’s only for 15 minutes on your lunch break, or a quick 2-minute walk to the water cooler each hour, your body will reap the benefits, & it may help you feel better mentally, too! Working all day can be draining, but taking a quick break to move & breathe can help you to refocus & re-energize.
There are fewer hours of daylight in the winter, which means more time spent indoors. Often, this time spent inside is much less active than the time spent outside, which means people tend to get more sedentary. The extra energy we are getting from holiday foods is stored rather than burned, & our muscles get stiff from the lack of use. The limited sunlight can also cause a deficiency in Vitamin D, which can weaken your immune system.
The best remedy is to get outdoors. It may be cold, but even just spending15 minutes in sunlight daily can combat all of the regular effects of the winter darkness. Go for a walk, meditate, or just relax on your front porch drinking a hot cup of tea.
If you absolutely can’t get outdoors during the day, consider getting a sun lamp. It’s not as good as the real thing, but spending 15 minutes basking in the glow of this fake sun can help improve your mental health.
8. Eat mindfully
Harvest Bowl with Pumpkin Polenta – click here for the recipe
There is so much good food during the holidays that we often tend to stuff ourselves far beyond what our bodies need. Remember, food is fuel, & the goal at feeding times is to nourish ourselves.
When you arrive at a buffet-style party, use the same strategy as used for the dessert table. Walk down once to peruse what the options are, & then walk through a second time to fill your plate with what you want. Remember to make the majority of your plate proteins & vegetables, & then add smaller portions of the carbs & fats you want. Eat slowly, engage in conversation, & relax for at least 15 minutes after eating before getting up for seconds. You may find you are satisfied with the amount that you initially ate.
The holidays have a lot of fun foods that we don’t normally get, so to make sure you don’t feel like you are missing out with smaller portions, eat mindfully. Chew slowly & savor the flavor of what you eat. Pay attention to the smell, texture & taste, & feel how good it feels to put these warm, comforting foods in your stomach. The goal of eating mindfully is to feel satisfied, instead of restricted or stuffed, at the end of the meal.
One of the most important things you can do for your health is to hydrate your body. In the winter, your body will thank you for this in many ways.
Our bodies need water to operate. When we don’t drink enough water, it negatively impacts our organ function, immune system, & energy.
Try to drink at least 64 ounces of water a day. If you are traveling, regularly exercising, struggling to get in enough sleep, or fighting off illness, consider also adding electrolytes to your drink. Nuun is a great choice, with different options depending on your activity level & personal needs. Nuun Vitamins, Nuun Immunity, & Nuun Rest can all be great every day options to drink.
10. Check-in with yourself
Me meditating
The most important thing you can ever do for your health is to check in with yourself. We all have different needs, & you know your body best. What is your lifestyle lacking? What practices would add more quality to your life? If it’s more sleep, create a regular sleep schedule & set a timer to go to bed each night. If it’s drinking water, set a timer on your phone to remind you to drink, or get a fancy water bottle that helps you keep track of how much you have consumed throughout your day. If it’s making healthy food choices, bring the healthy food choice to a party so you know there is at least one dish there that you can enjoy & share with others. If it’s exercising, find a buddy to keep you accountable or a gym class that you enjoy. If you need more time for self-care, schedule it into your planner & be intentional about what you do during that time.
Whatever it is that your body or mind needs, have grace & love for yourself & take the time to engage in self-care. More than anything, this is what will help you live your healthiest lifestyle & feel your very best.
Note: This post contains affiliate links. If you purchase a product after clicking a link, I may earn a commission off of that purchase.
Summer grilling season has arrived, & with it, the Memorial Day holiday weekend.
While for many this is a somber occasion, but it’s also a time to gather with loved ones & appreciate the simple joys in life, like gathering for a good meal in the beautiful outdoors.
To keep achieving your summer body goals & to feel good during your cookout, check out these delicious & healthy Memorial Day recipes that everyone will enjoy!
Forget the bread! Enjoy this delicious burger sandwiched between a portobello mushroom & melted Pepper Jack cheese topped with caramelized onions. Check out the recipe from Living Chirpyhere.
If you’re in the mood for something other than burgers, try this Honey Garlic Sticky Ribs recipe from The Asian-inspired glaze is finger-licking good, but it uses honey instead of sugar for a naturally-sweetened recipe. Check out the recipe here.
Don’t have a grill? No problem! Try this easy & healthy Crockpot BBQ Chicken recipe from Skinny Fitalicious. It only has three ingredients, & all you have to do is throw them all in a Crockpot & cook it on low for 6-8 hours (or on high for 3-4 hours). It could not be simpler for a day of entertaining. Check out the recipe here.
It wouldn’t be Memorial Day without some creamy potato salad. Try this lighter recipe from Whole New Mom that uses cauliflower instead of potatoes. It’s still just as rich & filling, thanks to the vegancashew sauce that’s used in place of mayonnaise. Check it out here.
I love fresh fruit at any party – that’s always the platter I grab from first. But, if you would rather have a fruit dish than a fruit platter, try this nutty & bright Coconut Greek Yogurt Fruit Salad from Skinny Fitalicious. It combines berries with nonfat Greek yogurt & unsweetened coconut for a tasty dish that’s filled with healthy fats & protein, without adding any extra sugar! You could sub in your favorite fruits for different flavors. Check out the recipe here.
Broccoli salad is another one of my favorite dishes at any event. Get some greens on the table with this delicious low-carb, high-protein Greek Yogurt Broccoli Salad from Skinny Fitalicious. All of your guests are going to be asking you for the recipe. Check it out here.
You can still enjoy coleslaw without having to layer it with endless globs of mayonnaise & cups of sugar. This Paleo Coleslaw recipe from Paleo Cupboard uses apple cider vinegar, olive oil, & raw honey to create a light & subtly sweet coleslaw recipe that everyone is going to love. Check out the recipe here.
If you are in need of a red, white & blue dessert to end the evening, try this delicious Triple Berry Cobbler recipe from Whole New Mom. It uses liquid stevia instead of sugar, so the only sugar you get from this dish is from the berries themselves! And there are two topping options: One is grain-free & low-carb, & the other is egg-free. No matter which diet you are following or what accommodations your guests need, you can modify this dessert to be a dish everyone will enjoy. Check it out here.
Want to end the evening with a campfire & s’mores? Try these delicious Sugar-Free Marshmallows from Whole New Mom! By using a low-carb sweetener, these tasty confections are a low-carb & Keto dream, & it gets rid of all that nasty corn syrup that is in normal marshmallows. Get the recipe here.
Thank you to our veterans & to the service men & women we have lost who have given us the opportunity to gather safely with our loved ones. Let us always remember & honor those who have courageously given their lives for us.
When the mid-afternoon slump comes around, or when you’re watching TV late at night, it’s natural to want something to much on. And sometimes, such as during that afternoon slump, you need food to give you the energy you need to get through the rest of your day. Unfortunately, many of the foods we reach for don’t actually give us the energy we need – they taste good & satisfy our sweet or savory craving, but they do little to fuel our bodies.
When you need some energy, or if you’re just looking for something yummy to munch on & kick your craving, it’s important to give your body what it needs, instead of just giving your taste buds what they want. People often give cravings a bad rap – they happen when you’re thirsty or bored & should be avoided at all costs to achieve your health goals. Sometimes this is true, but other times, our bodies are actually trying to signal us that they need something. When your stomach starts to growl & you feel your energy waning, that means your body needs food. Food is fuel, & not only does it help us focus, but eating every two to four hours also increases your metabolic rate, which actually helps you lose weight!
When you are craving a certain food, think also about what it is about that food that you are craving. Sometimes, you just really want a bowl of ice cream, & it is just a legitimate craving for that particular food. But other times, your body is trying to tell you what it needs. If you are craving ice cream, maybe your body needs sugar or calcium, which it can get from fruit, yogurt or milk. If you are craving potato chips, you might need sodium, which you can get from cheese or roasted, salted nuts. If you are craving red meat (which can be enjoyed in moderation), perhaps your iron levels are low & some dark leafy greens would help. It doesn’t always satisfy your craving, but clients I work with are often surprised how much this practice helps in satisfying their body & cravings without indulging in unhealthy foods.
However, if you just can’t kick the craving, there is still another option. There are plenty of healthy foods on the market & recipes you can make in your kitchen that taste just as good (or even better!) than the unhealthy snack you are craving, but eating the healthy swap won’t derail your health goals. Read below to find 10 healthy food swaps for your favorite unhealthy snack, & say goodbye to the diet culture idea of deprivation.
Craving potato chips? Try plantain chips
Plantain chips are actually one of my favorite snacks. It’s a little more dense than a potato chip, which I actually enjoy, & it still has the salty flavor that I love. Plantain chips have only two ingredients – plantains & salt. They aren’t fried, & the plantain itself is a little more nutrient dense than a potato, making plantain chips a healthy alternative to this salty snack. My favorite plantain chips are made by Aurora Natural.
Swap dark chocolate for your favorite candy bar
I know, this isn’t quite the same. But dark chocolate’s rich & bold flavor is something I personally enjoy. The darker you can go, the better, but start with 72% if you’re used to sweeter chocolate. If you go darker, I personally recommend Lindt chocolate – it’s the only brand I have found (at a decent price point) that maintains the creaminess of chocolate even as the cacao content goes up.
Dark chocolate, unlike a regular candy bar, has health benefits, too! It’s full of minerals & has lots of antioxidants to help keep your body healthy.
If you want something a little more nuanced than just plain chocolate, spread a thin layer of natural peanut butter on top for a sophisticated peanut butter cup flavor.
Instead of buying trail mix, make your own at home!
Store-bought trail mix (or, as I like to call it, chocolate with obstacles) is loaded with added sugar. And let’s be honest, it’s normally pretty peanut heavy, instead of including a range of different, healthy nuts. Make your own trail mix at home with a variety of roasted nuts & unsweetened dried fruit. If you need a little chocolate flavor, try adding carob chips instead of chocolate chips or M&Ms for a healthier alternative that still satisfies your sweet & salty craving.
Ice cream? How about n’ice cream?
N’ice cream, or banana ice cream, is just as creamy & sweet as regular ice cream, but it has none of the added sugar! And it’s so easy to make!
Chop your banana into 1-inch slices & freeze. When frozen, blend in the bowl of a food processor with your favorite ice cream flavors (I personally enjoy adding unsweetened dark chocolate cocoa powder & peanut butter for a chocolate peanut butter flavor, or adding fresh strawberries for a strawberry banana flavor). If needed, add a small bit of milk (1 tablespoon at a time) until the mixture is able to blend into a smooth, creamy confection. If needed, add a little honey or pure maple syrup (not pancake syrup) to get the sweetness level that you desire.
The only downside to n’ice cream is that it doesn’t freeze well – you have to eat it immediately. But it’s so easy to make, & there are so many flavor combinations to try, you could make a new batch every night if you wanted!
Instead of buying a sugar-laden fruit cup, meal prep some small fresh fruit cups for the week
Many fruit cups have hidden sugar & preservatives added. Instead of buying this faux healthy snack from the store, consider prepping little fruit cups for the week so you have a healthy snack that’s easy to grab & go. Chop up your favorite fruits & store them in small foodstorage containers in your refrigerator. It tastes even better, & it’s much healthier.
Want some crackers with your cheese? Sub your starchy favorites for Nut Thins
If you have ever ventured to look at the serving size of your favorite cracker, you may have been shocked to see it’s far fewer than the amount of crackers you probably eat in a serving. In fact, some crackers have as few as four crackers per serving! Instead of eating these starchy, high-carb choices, try Blue Diamond Nut Thins. They are gluten-free, made with ground nuts, & their serving size is 19 crackers (a much more reasonable serving size in my opinion). They are a great low-calorie, low-carb alternative to your favorite cracker, & they still make a great vehicle for your favorite toppings. And, if you are a fan of flavored, cheese-y crackers, try their Pepper Jack Nut Thins for a healthy, savory snack!
Not all protein bars are created equal – try Simply Protein for a healthier snack
I hate to say it, but many protein bars on the shelves are basically candy bars in disguise. With sugar contents that sometimes reach over 30g per serving, it’s a wonder to me how they get away with this marketing scam. If you’re looking for a quick, grab-and-go snack that’s high in protein but won’t derail your health goals, try Simply Protein. Unlike many of its counterparts, Simply Protein never has more than 3g of sugar, & many of its bars don’t have any sugar at all. Additionally, instead of the ingredients being a long list of unpronounceable words that make me think the snack was made by people in white lab coats instead of chefs, Simply Protein bars are made with high-quality natural ingredients that are easy to read & pronounce. When you take a bite of a Simply Protein bar, you know that you are nourishing your body. Their Peanut Butter Cookie Bar is my personal favorite, but check out their website for more flavors & other fun snacks!
Craving cookies with milk? Try these healthy banana oatmeal cookies
Cookies with milk is a nostalgic snack that I still crave every once in a while. Instead of grabbing a package of OREO cookies or baking a batch of Pillsbury sugar cookie dough, try making these easy banana oatmeal cookies for a healthy snack with no added sugar!
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F. Line cookie sheets with parchment paper. In a bowl, mash 2 bananas with a fork. Add 1 1/2 cups oats & stir until combined. Now comes the fun part – add your favorite flavors. Cocoa powder, cinnamon, semisweet chocolate chips, unsweetened dried fruit, or natural peanut butter all make great additions to this recipe. Add your mix-ins & then scoop out tablespoon-sized balls onto your cookie sheet. Press the balls flat (they will not spread in the oven) to give them a cookie shape. Bake for 12-15 minutes, or until lightly golden brown. Enjoy!
If you need something a little sweeter, try adding a touch of raw honey or pure maple syrup to the batter before baking.
Do you enjoy cereal for breakfast? Swap the sugary selections for healthier options
Cereal is one of my secret vices. It’s one of my favorite breakfasts (even though I know I’ll end up feeling hungry again within the hour), & I absolutely love it as a late night snack. If you just can’t kick your craving for cereal, there are plenty of healthier choices on your store shelves. Choose organic brands, selections without added colors & dyes, & those that have less than 10g added sugar (or less than 5g if you’re really trying to stay healthy) per serving. Cascadian Farm’s Purely O’s, Barbara’s Original Puffins, & Nature’s Path Flax Plus Raisin Bran all make great choices that taste just as good as their sugary counterparts. Cereal isn’t all bad either! When you choose healthier selections, they can be a great source of fiber, & many cereals are fortified with essential vitamins & minerals that your body needs.
What’s your favorite healthy snack swap? Leave me a comment below!
Read to the end for a bonus quick & easy recipe to make with stale bread.
I hate wasting food. It’s one of my biggest pet peeves. So, when the baguette in my fridge went a little stale, I immediately knew what I was going to make: Strata.
Strata is a classic American egg casserole dish made with stale bread cubes, eggs & cheese. It is one of my favorite breakfasts. It’s comforting & filling, but it also has lots of protein & carbs to keep me fueled for my entire morning. And it can be made ahead of time for an easy, grab-and-go breakfast.
Bell pepper & feta strata
Makes: 4 large servings
8 eggs
1 cup milk of choice (I like unsweetened almond milk)
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
8oz day-old baguette, cut into 1-inch cubes
2 bell peppers, thinly sliced
1/2 cup crumbled feta cheese
Parsley, for garnish (optional)
Salt & pepper, to taste
Preheat your oven to 400 degrees F. Spray an 8-inch by 8-inch dish with cooking spray.
Whisk together eggs, milk, & grated Parmesan cheese. Add salt & pepper, to taste. Toss bread cubes in egg mixture until coated, & then pour into the prepared baking dish.
In a nonstick pan, sauté bell peppers until soft. Top egg mixture with bell peppers, feta cheese, & fresh parsley.
Bake for 1 hour, or until the center of the strata is puffed up & the eggs are no longer liquid. Let sit for 5 minutes before slicing. Enjoy!
Bonus Recipe: I had a little extra bread leftover (it was a BIG baguette), so I made fresh croutons. Honestly, I could just eat these as a snack.
Parmesan Croutons
8oz day-old baguette, cut into 1-inch cubes
1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
Salt & pepper, to taste
Grated Parmesan cheese, to taste
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Cover a baking pan in foil & spray with cooking spray.
Toss bread cubes in olive oil until coated. Add salt, pepper, & Parmesan cheese, to taste.
Bake for 15-20 minutes. Enjoy!
Note: Bread cubes can be stored at room temperature in an airtight container for up to one week.
Read to the bottom of this article to learn about a special FREE gift just for you!
Happy Earth Day!
For some time, I have wanted to switch to more natural products & sustainable living practices. I made a few changes here & there, but I struggled with finding ways to reduce my waste or carbon footprint that weren’t unbelievably inconvenient. And many of the natural products that I encountered were far too pricey for my young adult budget. I knew switching to natural products was good for the environment & myself, but I thought it would have to be something that I did when I was more established with a full-time job & benefits.
Grove Collaborative changed everything. Grove is a natural home & personal care brand that delivers everything you need for a sustainable, healthy home right to your door. All of the products are made with natural ingredients that are healthy for you & the environment, & they all help reduce household waste. Additionally, Grove carbon offsets every delivery, & every purchase benefits the Arbor Day Foundation, which plants trees to help solve a number of the world’s problems today, including air & water quality, climate change, deforestation, & hunger.
Grove is a monthly subscription, but you can skip months & edit your cart to include the products you want, so it’s honestly a great way to get the products you want, when you want or need them. You can customize the process every step of the way.
My future sister-in-law (but already sister-at-heart) Joanna introduced me to Grove just after I moved into my new house. She was already a subscriber, & she recommended it to me when I mentioned that I wanted to switch to more sustainable products. After checking out the app, I knew immediately that it was something I was interested in, & I purchased my first box the same day.
I could not be more pleased with my first Grove delivery. My box contained silicone straws, reusable bags, walnut & cellulose sponges, bamboo tissues, a glass spray bottle, a glass soap dispenser, toilet bowl cleaner, moisturizing hand sanitizer, dishwasher detergent packs, gel hand soap, glass cleaner concentrate, toilet spray, three reusable cotton face masks, compostable cleaning wipes, & bamboo toilet paper. Now that I have had the chance to try out all of these products, I am happy to report they are all up to my cleanliness standards, & I am quite sure I am going to be a Grove subscriber for life.
The silicone straws are a cute, turquoise blue color, so now I can sip my summer drinks in style. They are durable, & the pack of four straws comes with a bottle brush to help keep them clean.
The reusable bags are adorable. I purchased a set of two, one large & one small, that had a lemon design to match my kitchen (which is tones of blue & green with lemon yellow accents). The bags are air-tight & keep my snacks fresh, & they are easy to clean as well. All you have to do is rinse them out with soap & water & let them dry.
Seedling Tissues by Grove on my coffee table
The walnut & cellulose sponge is another great product. The sponge scrubs as hard as I want it to, but it’s still gentle on my pots & pans & it’s durable, too. It’s made from plant cellulose & walnuts, so when the time does come to throw it away, it will naturally break down (no more plastic sponges sitting in landfills).
The bamboo tissues are one of my favorite products in this box. The tissues are thick & soft, which feels great on my irritated nose during allergy season. They are made from sustainable bamboo instead of trees, so there’s less deforestation. The bamboo toilet paper is made the same way, and, this may be too much information but to be perfectly honest, my butt has never felt more pampered. The toilet paper is three-ply, which I wasn’t aware that I needed but now that I’ve had it, I don’t think I can ever go back. It’s soft & thick, which means it feels good & I need less toilet paper per toilet visit. This means that, despite it maybe being a little more expensive than your average roll, it lasts longer, which I think makes up for the price.
I wish I had been using the moisturizing hand sanitizer all winter. It has a lovely scent, & it feels so good on my dry hands. After lathering up with hand sanitizer regularly for over a year now, I needed this product. It is my new best friend whenever I leave the house.
And speaking of COVID-19, the three reusable, cotton face masks I received are some of the most comfortable face masks I have ever had! They fit perfectly, which is something no face mask has done yet, & they are super cute. I love the striped yellow & white one – it perfectly fits my vibe. And the two green & blue toned masks match so many outfits. And they aren’t just fashionable! The masks have three layers, and the inner layer is anti-microbial, making it a great choice to stay safe during this pandemic.
Me & my new reusable face masks from Grove
One thing I often hear about natural cleaning products is that they aren’t as effective as the ones made with harsh chemicals. Until trying Grove, I actually believed this, but I am happy to report that this is a myth. The dishwasher detergent packs gave me sparkling clean dishes – I honestly think they look better than when I use my normal dish detergent. The glass cleaner concentrate worked wonders on my smudgy windows, & the toilet bowl cleaner got everything clean with minimal effort. And the compostable cleaning wipes are the first product yet that has gotten my counters as clean as I want them. I cannot wait to try more cleaning products from Grove.
Speaking of toilets, the toilet spray was also quite pleasant. I have used Poo-Pourri before, & I thought this had just as nice of a scent, albeit not as strong. So, if you’re looking for a more mild scent (Poo-Pourri has a very strong scent – it’s for the bigger poos), this toilet spray is a great choice.
The lavender & thyme hand soap smells so lovely, but it’s not over-powering or super feminine like a lot of nice smelling soaps are. Even Joseph liked it, & we almost never agree on a soap scent (he even put up his own soap dispenser in the bathroom because he can’t stand the lemon soap I have in there). My hands also feel squeaky clean after using this soap, which means it gets an A+ grade from me. The glass soap dispenser & spray bottle are both a simple but fashionable design that will match any decor, & they both have a durability to them that makes me believe they are going to last for a while.
Me & my new lavender & thyme hand soap from Grove
If you’ve been looking for a way to switch to natural cleaning products, reduce waste, live in a healthier environment, or just to live a little more sustainably, Grove is a great choice. The chemicals that are harsh for the environment are bad for our bodies as well. Grove makes it easy to make your home a healthy environment, for you & the earth.
Do you want to try Grove without the commitment? I have a great surprise for you. Use this link to try your first Grove box for FREE! If you don’t like it, you can cancel your subscription at any time (but if you enjoy lovely smelling cleaning & beauty products that are good for you & the environment, you’re going to love it).
Switching to sustainable living can seem overwhelming, but small changes, like using natural cleaning products or drinking from reusable water bottles, make an impact. It might not seem like much, but if we all do it, those small changes add up to having a big impact on our earth’s health.
We only have two places to live: Our bodies & our world. Appreciate them, love them, & take care of them.
You only have two places to live: Your body & the earth. Take care of both.
The idea of switching to sustainable living can sound overwhelming. Entirely eliminating waste from a house seems impossible, & I can’t even imagine how long an hour-long commute would take when ridden on a bicycle. But there are some small changes we can all make to help save our planet, & many of them won’t even affect the flow of your daily life.
Read on for 10 easy changes you can make in your life today to start living more sustainably.
I know there are some spills that you just want to mop up with a paper towel & throw away, so the idea of switching to a cloth towel can be unappealing. But Alt Linen makes it worth it. When your towel gets too dirty to clean, you can send it back to the company, & they will send you a new one free of charge! Not only is it good for the earth, but I guarantee you will save money that would have been spent on endless rolls of paper towels that would have just been thrown away. Learn more about Alt Linen here.
2. Use reusable lunch bags & containers instead of plastic throw-aways
I know it’s more cleaning, but it’s worth it. There is so much plastic waste on our earth, & using reusable containers & bags is an easy way to limit your own waste contribution. Plus, there are super cute containers out there that honestly make me happy when I eat out of them. Lunchtime just got a lot more fun & eco-friendly.
To me, this one is a no-brainer. No matter what I am drinking, I can use a reusable bottle. And I can’t even tell you how much money I save by just filling up my water bottle at the sink instead of buying countless plastic bottles that are going to litter the earth. You can get a super cute water bottle, too, with little reminders to help you stay hydrated, so it’s good for your health, too.
And while you’re at it, unplug appliances that you aren’t currently using. Of course, the refrigerator & stove should stay plugged in, but the blender sitting on the counter? It’s not doing you any good to keep that outlet in use. Save some energy & lower your monthly bill by turning off the lights & unplugging the electronics & appliances you aren’t currently using.
To be completely honest, I just learned about this, so I haven’t tried it yet, but I am excited to give it a shot! Junk mail is annoying, & it’s a waste of paper. Save the earth & avoid having to sift through junk mail by putting a “No Junk Mail” sign on your mailbox.
It’s so easy to waste water without thinking about it. A water-saving shower head will help you save water by giving you the option to adjust the water pressure. If you don’t want to invest in a shower head, set a timer before you take a shower & challenge yourself to finish the shower before the timer goes off.
Reduce plastic waste by using reusable cloth grocery bags. They also hold a lot more food, which means less trips back & forth between the house & the car carrying in groceries.
Living sustainably is good for you & the earth! And as my dad always told me, “The best day to implement change is yesterday. The second best day is today.”
Note: This post contains affiliate links. If you buy a product after clicking a link, I may earn a commission off of that purchase.
Spring is in the air, & that means it’s time for delicious spring produce!
Spring is the perfect time to start a healthy lifestyle. While the world outside is beginning to grow once again, you can commit to growth in your own life. With the weather outside getting warmer, there’s no better time to get out & start moving! And there are lots of spring fruits & vegetables that taste delicious & are beneficial for your health.
Look below for over 20 healthy spring recipes that can help you achieve your goals & have fun while doing it!
Quiche is my absolute favorite breakfast food. I love the savory taste paired with the perfect cheeses & vegetables, &, of course, the buttery, flakey crust. This quiche recipe from Pure Wow was created by Joanna Gaines, the home improvement guru, & it does not disappoint. However, feel free to play around with the vegetables & cheeses added for different flavors!
Last but not least, if you’re in a big rush in the morning, try this easy toast recipe from Breakfast for Dinner that’s both savory & sweet. It has ricotta cheese for some much-needed protein, & it’s topped with delicious, fresh berries & honey to satisfy that sweet tooth.
Are you ready to detox your body after a long winter? Try this delicious Rainbow Roll-Ups recipe from Pinch of Yum. They are packed with fresh vegetables, & the sweet & salty peanut sauce is dreamy & delicious.
Kiwi Strawberry Spring Rolls with Honey Lime Dipping Sauce
This bright & delicious spring roll recipe from A Sweet Pea Chef highlights all of the wonderful fruits of the season. It’s a fun & inventive way to get in your serving of fruits for the day.
Shaved Spring Vegetable & Apple Salad with Ginger-Dijon Dressing
Salad doesn’t have to be boring. This spring vegetable & apple salad from Pure Wow has tons of fresh vegetables you normally wouldn’t expect to taste raw, but they taste so delicious that way! The ginger-dijon dressing really pulls the dish together with a fun, Asian twist. Leave the recipe vegetarian, or add your favorite protein for a more filling lunch.
Forget boring Caesar salad! Try this fun spring recipe from Pure Wow that uses fresh asparagus in place of the lettuce. That’s right – this recipe has no leafy greens! It’s a fun twist on the traditional salad that is going to delight your taste buds.
This easy burgers recipe from Pinch of Yum uses canned salmon, eggs, & breadcrumbs (gluten-free alternative here) to create patties that are simple to make but taste delicious. The slaw is made with Greek yogurt instead of mayonnaise for a higher protein & lower fat content than the traditional dish.
If you’re in the mood for some light Italian fare, try this delicious & easy bruschetta chicken recipe from Evolving Table. Instead of putting the tomato mixture on top of bread, it’s served on top of the chicken for a high-protein, zero-carb alternative. The bright asparagus is a delicious finishing touch that helps make this a filling but still low-carb meal.
This chicken tacos recipe from Jessica Gavin is a current favorite in my house. The tart & sweet pineapple salsa recipe is so refreshing, & the chicken is cooked to a succulent perfection. Warming the tortillas in the pan at the end is the delicious secret to this tasty, balanced dish.
Sometimes, we all just need some comfort food. If you’re in the need of some pasta, try this Pasta Limone recipe from Pure Wow. Instead of topping the noodles with marinara or Alfredo sauce, it uses fresh lemon & basil. It’s a bright & delicious dish that’s still hits the spot.
Make fresh spring fruits the star of the show with this Fruit Pizza recipe from Life Made Sweeter. You can top it with the recommended fruits, or use your favorites. The crust is made with oats for a gluten-free & fiber-rich alternative, & the “sauce” is made from Greek yogurt, which adds protein to the dish.
I love lemon! I will choose a lemon dessert before anything else on any dessert table – hands down. These Lemon Cheesecake Bars from Spoonful of Flavor are the perfect balance of tart & sweet, & the Greek yogurt & cream cheese filling has extra protein, making this a delicious, healthy dessert.
The first fruit I think of when I think about spring is strawberries. I remember going strawberry picking when I was little & coming home to make delicious cobbler. These Strawberry Oatmeal Bars from Well Plated are made with whole wheat flour & old-fashioned oats for a fiber-rich dessert that’s just as sweet as the one from your childhood. The powdered sugar glaze is completely optional, but you can add it for a sweeter dish.
Blueberries & lemon are a match made in heaven. This lemon poppyseed cake from Ana’s Baking Chronicles has a delicious, tart, lemon-y punch that’s balanced by the sweet blueberry jam & glaze for a delightfully balanced dessert. It’s the perfect treat for a lovely spring occasion.
No matter where you are in your health journey, I hope you found some recipes that inspired you. Cooking with fresh ingredients is a simple way to get more nutrients into your diet, & it’s a big step towards a healthier lifestyle. The bright & beautiful flavors of spring are a delicious way to eat healthy without even realizing it!
What are some of your favorite spring recipes? Leave me a comment below!
Note: This post contains affiliate links. If you buy a product after clicking a link, I may earn a commission off of that purchase.
Lent is over, which means for a lot of people, so is the self-inflicted ban on sugar, & just in time for Easter candy.
Easter is a wonderful time to celebrate new beginnings – why not start fresh with some healthy lifestyle choices as well? There are still plenty of delicious foods to eat that don’t negatively impact our health.
Read below for some healthy brunch, appetizer, dinner, & dessert recipes that will delight your taste buds & help you achieve your wellness goals.
Pancakes are a great, easy breakfast that everyone loves. This low-carb, Keto, & paleo recipe from Wholesome Yum uses almond & coconut flours to keep the recipe healthy, & you can use any sweetener you like. Check out these Easter-inspired bunny butt & bunny face pancakes to make the dish more festive.
How cute are these egg nests? They are the perfect festive breakfast for Easter! You can use frozen or fresh shredded potatoes to make the hash brown nests. And the eggs are a perfect way to get in some protein to keep you full until dinner. You can find the full recipe on Kids Cooking Activities.
Deviled eggs are a must-have on Easter. They are delicious, festive, & the perfect way to use up all those dyed eggs. This clean-eating recipe from The Wooden Skillet is just as delicious as the classic one we all love, but it’s paleo & made with all-natural ingredients.
Between making brunch & dinner, I definitely don’t want to be spending a lot more time in the kitchen making appetizers. These roll-ups recipe from Seeking Good Eats are an easy, low-carb & Keto appetizer recipe that can be made ahead of time. Use fresh ham from the deli for an even better flavor.
This recipe from Family Fresh Meals is so cute & the perfect addition to any Easter appetizer table! It’s super easy to make, & it can be made ahead of time, too! Pair it with veggies & gluten-free crackers for a low-carb option.
This classy roast recipe from The Wooden Skillet is perfect for a special occasion. It’s easy to make, which means you can spend more time working on the side dishes & spending time with family.
Ham is a classic main dish on Easter. Make it healthy & give it a fun twist with this hickory-smoked ham recipe from Seeking Good Eats that uses a brown sugar substitute & bourbon to give it the delicious glaze we all love.
Want to try something a little more ambitious & traditional? This leg of lamb recipe from Seeking Good Eats walks you through step-by-step, & it’s actually not as difficult as it sounds!
When I think of sweet potato casserole, I think of perfectly healthy sweet potatoes laden in sugar & corn syrup. This dairy-free & paleo recipe from The Wooden Skillet uses pure maple syrup instead of sugar to sweeten the potatoes, & the marshmallows on the top are optional (but not really 😉). Look for corn syrup-free marshmallows in the grocery store (or buy them here) for an even healthier but still tasty twist.
If you’re looking for a more savory potato recipe, try this delicious, Whole30 & paleo scalloped potatoes from Real Food with Jessica. To make it gluten- & dairy-free, the recipe uses cassava flour & unsweetened almond milk, but you can’t even tell. And the fresh rosemary & thyme add a lovely flavor.
Get some fresh greens on the plate with this delicious & easy roasted broccolini recipe from The Wooden Skillet. All you add is oil & salt, but the roasting brings out such a lovely flavor, you won’t need anything else!
Are you used to having a big bowl of carb-heavy macaroni & cheese on the table? Why not sub it for this low-carb, cauliflower mac & cheese recipe from Seeking Good Eats that doesn’t skimp on the cheese or flavor at all? Trust me – no one will miss the pasta.
When I think of Easter, I instinctively think of bunnies & carrots. Get these Easter-themed, naturally-sweet vegetable on the table with this delicious ginger-glazed recipe from Gourmande in the Kitchen. Instead of using sugar, the glaze is made with pure maple syrup for a healthier twist.
I love the bright flavors of spring. This tart recipe from My PCOS Kitchen is the perfect blend of sweet & tart, & it uses the beautiful fruits to do most of the sweetening. Use powdered erythritol for a Keto version.
Keto Maple Carrot Cake with Maple Cream Cheese Frosting
Happy Easter everyone! As always, remember a holiday is just one day, so if you indulge, enjoy it & the people around you, & then get back on track tomorrow.
Do you have a favorite Easter recipe? Share it with me in the comments below!
Note: This post does contain affiliate links. If you buy a product after clicking a link, I may earn a commission off of that purchase.
St. Patrick’s Day is almost here!
Traditionally, this would be the time for sodium-rich corned beef & cabbage, carb-laden colcannon potatoes, artificially dyed green desserts (see a natural alternative here), & multiple pints of beer. And while this is a perfectly fine way to celebrate on occasion, if you are currently trying to tackle some health & fitness goals for summer, or if you are just looking to make some healthier meals for your family, this may not be the ideal choice.
If you are looking for some healthier but still festive alternatives, check out this round-up of delicious St. Patrick’s-themed recipes, so you can still have fun & feel good.
Sneak some veggies into your breakfast with this Kale Kefir Pancake recipe. If you don’t have kefir, substitute buttermilk (you can make your own by adding 1 tbsp lemon juice or white vinegar to a cup of milk & letting it sit for 5 minutes). These pancakes are gluten-free as well – they use buckwheat flour & oats instead of all-purpose flour. This is a savory pancake recipe, but if you want something a little sweeter, take out the turmeric & add in some honey. Or, embrace the savory component & pair this recipe with salsa & eggs.
This soup is so indulgently creamy, but it’s packed with vegetables, making it a delicious but still nutritious choice for lunch. Enjoy it alone for a light meal, or pair it with a small salad and/or crusty bread for a more filling lunch.
This bento box is too cute, & it has all the healthy foods you need for a balanced meal, plus a fun little treat. Instead of using cream cheese, spread hummus between the spinach tortillas for a higher-protein choice.
This recipe uses real cheese to make the Pot of Gold dip, making it a much healthier choice than traditional queso from the store. The Shamrock Dippers are made from spinach tortillas, making it a simple but festive choice for chips.
On most holidays, I find what people struggle most with is getting in enough fruits & vegetables. This snack board is absolutely adorable, & it’s packed with healthy fruits & veggies, so you can make sure you are getting in all your necessary servings for the day.
Instead of using mayonnaise & green food coloring, this deviled eggs recipe gets its creaminess & festive green color from avocados! It’s a recipe packed with protein & healthy fats.
The whole family is going to love this fun, festive dish. Yellow bell peppers are stuffed with ground turkey, brown rice, & tomatoes & topped with cheddar cheese to make the most delicious pot of gold you have ever seen!
Rainbows are another theme of St. Patrick’s Day, & eating from the rainbow is another way to stay healthy. This Rainbow Bell Pepper Pizza is covered in vegetables, making it a delicious & nutritious choice for celebrating the holiday.
This pesto is made from fresh spinach, walnuts, & extra-virgin olive oil, making it a great choice of healthy fats & vegetables. Stir it into your favorite pasta (or zucchini pasta to keep the dish extra festive), add in some ground turkey for protein if you like, & pair it with your favorite crusty bread for a delicious meal.
If you’re trying to keep your dessert low-carb, try these Keto sugar cookies. They are gluten-free & sweetened with sugar-free maple syrup. The green frosting is made from avocado, monk fruit sweetener, & butter. It’s a delicious, simple recipe that you can have fun making with the kids.
When I think of green desserts, I think of mint. These Mint Chocolate Chip Brownies are paleo & gluten-free, making them a healthy choice for anyone trying to stay away from processed foods. The layers of brownie, mint cream, & chocolate topping make this treat so indulgent, you won’t even miss the traditional sugar.
I hope you all have a fun & festive St. Patrick’s Day! Remember, if the diet breaks for one day, all progress is not lost. Have fun & get back on track tomorrow.