by Julie Kolb
I am blessed to be a woman who studies energy, especially the energy of love.
We are the creators of our own existence through our intent and our energy. But how often are we taking the time to look at our experiences and break them down into the energy of our creation, especially when it comes to love?
Love does not just refer to romantic love, but the energy of love for all things. Most are familiar with 1 Corinthians 13: “Love is patient, love is kind….” Break that down into energy. Are you approaching that which you love – whether it be a parent, a child, a sibling, a romantic partner, your career, your home, or yourself – with the energy of kindness and the energy of patience?
I was recently reading a book, The Path of Empowerment by Barbara Marciniak, and it talked about how if something in your life is not going according to plan, look at it, take responsibility for it, and then begin again. I had a situation about a week ago that deeply hurt and angered me. Through closer contemplation, I realized that I had not been in the energy that what I wanted mattered in my relationship with the person who upset me. I had allowed this person to continually think that what they wanted mattered more.
To begin again, I revisited 1 Corinthians 13: “Love does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.” How many of us can say that we truly function in life this way? And again, this is not just with love of others, but includes love of self. Is there something you are beating yourself up about in regard to choices you may have made in the past? Past words spoken? Let it go. Love keeps no record of wrongs and that includes holding onto things of the past you regret or wish you had done different. There is no wrong turn – all of it lead us to this moment right here today and you are exactly where you are supposed to be. There are so many beautiful energies in the world, and they are all yours to be experienced.
As you move into 2023 think about what you want the year to feel like. What energy do you wish to experience? Know that you are capable of creating it and worthy of all of it.
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