23 healthy habits to make 2023 your best year

Me practicing yoga

If you’re feeling a little stumped as to what your New Year’s resolutions should be in 2023, I have 23 suggestions that will positively impact your mental & physical health.

In fact, even if you already have your resolutions made, these 23 healthy habits are ones that anyone can incorporate into their life. They focus on your mental & physical wellbeing, as well as the wellbeing of those around you. Some of the habits will challenge you to step outside your comfort zone, while others will encourage you to stay safe & cozy inside.

Adopt a few habits that resonate most with you, or make 2023 the year of radical change in your life & adopt them all. By the end of the year, you may find your lifestyle has changed for the better, your mindset is one of abundance & gratitude, & your health is the best it’s ever been.

1. Be intentional with your time

Photo by Jess Bailey on Unsplash

We are all guilty of it, myself included. In fact, this is my main resolution for 2022 – be more intentional with my time. It’s too easy to work until we feel burnt out, & then spend an hour or two scrolling through social media or bingeing TV shows on Netflix. The activities may seem restful, but I never feel filled after doing them. In fact, I feel just as tired as ever & less productive.

This is the year I decided that would change. I bought some colorful pens & a planner with which I could plan every hour of my day. With it, I schedule everything: Work, play, house chores, & more. With scheduled time every day for self-care, I always know when the next rest period is coming. That makes my hours of work more productive, & my self-care time much more meaningful. I’m actually sitting down to read a book or rolling out my yoga mat to stretch! House chores are getting done, & I can spend date night focused on my husband instead of thinking about what I have to get done the next day.

You don’t have to plan every hour of your day to be intentional with your time. Setting timers on apps, making to-do lists, & focusing on the present moment are all great ways to bring more intentionality & productivity to your day.

2. Fuel your body

Harvest Salad – find the full recipe here

As a nutrition coach, I know that food has many meanings for us. It can be source of comfort or stress. Certain foods can bring back warm, comforting memories, & there are certain dishes that are traditional to eat at various family gatherings & holidays. But first & foremost, food is fuel. It is what gives us energy & makes our brains & bodies work.

When we eat to fuel our bodies, we are more likely to focus on nourishment rather than restriction, & we are more likely to eat healthier options. There is nothing wrong with indulging in a treat every once in a while, but when you eat to fuel your body, you are more likely to eat whole food sources throughout your daily life. And in order for your brain & body to work at peak performance, they must be fueled adequately, which means no more restrictive dieting or starvation. Good food, & lots of it, is what your body needs.

3. Drink more water

My Fill It Forward water bottle

This is something almost all of us can improve on. Aim for at least eight cups of water a day (if you can drink more, even better!). Our bodies need water for proper organ functiongut healthbrain function, & more.

4. Spend more time outdoors

Me running in some snow flurries

The sun has lots of benefits for our mental & physical health, including an increase in serotonin (one of our “happy hormones”), an increase in Vitamin D, & stronger bones. Aim to get at least 15 minutes of sunlight a day. You can go for a walk, sit outdoors at a restaurant, or even just enjoy a cup of coffee on your porch.

5. Move your body in loving ways

Me hiking in Vermont

Too often, I see people exercising as a form of punishment or as a trade-off for food (because they burned this many calories, now they can eat these many calories). Exercise is meant to make us feel better. It strengthens our muscles & bones, releases serotonin, improves our sleep, improves gut health, gives us an energy boost, & more! It is not meant to be a punishment for indulging in a special treat, or to be a required activity before eating.

Move your body in loving ways. Find types of exercise that you enjoy, & do them because they make you feel good. When your body is sore, make time to stretch your tired muscles. It’s a wonderful feeling to discover how far you have progressed in an exercise regimen & to feel yourself getting stronger & healthier. Make it a regular self-care habit in your life, & appreciate your body for all that it does.

6. Make time for self-care

Me meditating by the water

Whether it be exercise, reading, taking hot baths, or spending time doing a hobby, it is important to regularly engage in self-care. Schedule in that time with yourself, & make it as much of a priority as you would a meeting with your boss. Do activities you know you love, or try something new! The most important part is that you are taking time out of your day to take care of your mind, body, and/or spirit. The activity is up to you!

7. Spend time with people you love

Me with my family on Father’s Day

Do something positive for your mental health & for the mental health of your loved ones by spending time with them. Studies show spending time with family & friends can help improve your self-confidence & self-worth, help you cope with difficult stressors, & can give you a greater sense of purpose. Even better, spending time with those we love decreases stress, which, in turn, means less inflammation in the body.

Whether it’s in person or over the phone, make time regularly in your schedule to talk to & spend time with the people that matter most in your life.

8. Become fiscally fit

Money is a huge stressor for many people. Debt looms over the heads of college students, new home owners, & anyone who has ever missed a credit card payment, & trying to pay off that debt while paying other bills, buying food, & trying to enjoy life can be a major stressor.

Take time this year to become more fiscally fit. Find a budget that works for you & stick to it. If you need help, there are lots of books & online programs available. Find one that works best for you. Simply having the knowledge of how much money you have & where it is allocated can be an enormous relief. Once you know what you can afford to spend, it becomes less stressful to be spending. And creating a savings account that you regularly add to can be a great self-confidence boost & a source of comfort for the future.

9. Travel somewhere new

Me in Yellowstone National Park

We don’t just learn more about the world around us when we travel – we learn about ourselves. When we engage with other cultures & explore new places, it increases our own empathyproblem solving skillsspontaneityrelationship building skills, & self-confidence.

You don’t have to go far to reap the benefits of traveling. Even just going on a road trip to a nearby state or a day trip around your own city is a great place to start. Make an itinerary, or just see where the wind takes you! Exploretry new foods, meet someone new – make it a trip you will never forget, even if it’s just a short walk from your own neighborhood.

10. Try a new hobby

Baking mini pumpkin pies for Thanksgiving

There are so many things to try in this life! Kayaking, painting, baton twirling – the list is endless! Find something new that you have always wanted to try & give it a shot! Whether it ends in you mastering the skill, or in a heap on the floor laughing at yourself, it’s a great experience to step outside your comfort zone & try something new.

11. Live more sustainably

Grove provides sustainable cleaning, beauty & health products that are healthy for you & the environment – click here to get your first box FREE

As I always say, we only have two homes – our bodies & the earth. We have to take care of both of them.

Whether it’s a huge change like biking to work each day, or a smaller change like remembering to turn off the light whenever you leave the room, you are making a difference in the sustainability of our planet. And a lot of the changes you can make are healthier for you as well! Biking to work means increased physical fitness, better cardiovascular health, & more time spent in sunlight. Turning off the lights means a decreased energy bill, which is a fiscally fit lifestyle change. Natural cleaners are great for the environment & for reducing the toxins we breathe, & eating more vegetables & fruits means fewer animal products eaten, which is healthier for you & for reducing carbon emissions.

It can be overwhelming to try to live a completely sustainable lifestyle, so instead, pick at least one sustainable living habit & make it a regular practice in your daily life.

12. Do random acts of kindness

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Brighten someone else’s day (& your own day as well) by doing random acts of kindness! It can be huge gestures like paying for someone’s meal at a restaurant, or smaller things like holding the door open for someone. The idea behind it is that it goes without notice – don’t pull attention to yourself or take credit for what you have done. And, if someone does insist on thanking you, tell them to pay it forward! Keep the kindness train moving!

13. Hand out compliments for free

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

We all need a little encouragement. Give out compliments as if you have too many to hold. Let people know what you like about them! You get bonus points if you can move past appearance. Compliment someone’s work ethic, their positive attitude, or how they parent their kids. It can be a huge boost to someone’s self-confidence, & their smile will be infectious – you will end up smiling, too!

14. Read a book

Little Milestones by Stephanie Verni

If you can, read lots of books. Whether it’s to learn something new or to escape into another world, books are a great way to engage in self-care. Additionally, reading has been shown to strengthen our brainsincrease empathyreduce stress, & improve our memory retention. Find a book in a subject that interests you or a story that makes you want to keep turning the pages & get reading!

15. Keep your environment clean

Photo by Daiga Ellaby on Unsplash

The environment we live in has a direct impact on our physical & mental wellbeing. Just keeping our desk clean can greatly reduce stress & improve our productivity. Even more than this, keeping a clean home means fewer germs & reduced stress in the space that is supposed to give us rest.

If you want to go above & beyond, get a plant! Despite the climate-controlled buildings we have been living in for so long, humans used to live in nature, & our minds & bodies still reap benefits from having nature in our living quarters.

I am absolutely fascinated by biophilic design, which connects people with nature within our buildings & communities. People have done some really amazing architectural feats to achieve this balance between architecture & nature, but simply bringing some plants into your home can have some incredible health benefits, including reduced stress & air purification.

16. Focus on what you’re grateful for

Photo by Gabrielle Henderson on Unsplash

Gratitude transforms our mindset from one of scarcity to abundance. It turns what we have into enough.

Ending each day by writing down a few things you are grateful for can have enormous benefits for your mental health, including reduced stressbetter emotional regulation, & increased resilience. The more specific you are in the things you write, the more effective this practice will be.

17. Use positive self-talk

Me meditating in Wyoming

Just like we should be handing out compliments regularly to the people we are with, we should also be sharing them with ourselves. How long would you stay in a relationship with someone who spoke to you the way that you do? Would it be a healthy, long marriage, or would you not even make it past the first date?

Use kind words. When things go wrong, have grace for yourself. Encourage yourself & take time each day to build yourself up, not tear yourself down. It seems simple, but speaking more positively to ourselves can radically transform our lives. Our mindset is in control of how we perceive the world & ourselves, & when we have a more positive outlook of our life situation & an appreciation for who we are, we can gain increased self-confidence, increased self-worth, & perhaps even a better understanding of what purpose we may play in this world.

18. Engage positively with social media

Photo by Adem AY on Unsplash

Social media can be a source of information & connection, but it can also be draining & stressful. Take some time to go through the accounts that you are following & unfriend the ones that are no longer adding value to your life or, even worse, are contributing to any toxic thoughts or habits you may be engaging in. Fill your feed with positivity & useful information that helps you engage in healthier habits. And when you do interact, consider setting a time limit. Time slips away when we are scrolling through our feeds, & that can be a huge detriment to our productivity & quality of life.

19. Do something that scares you

Me hiking up to Grinnell Glacier in Glacier National Park

I don’t necessarily mean face your darkest fears, but do something this year that makes you step outside of your comfort zone. Whether that’s standing up for yourself at work or telling a friend how much they mean to you, doing something that makes us cringe can increase our self-confidence & self-worth. Go on a trip, try a new food, sign up for a talent show – even if it doesn’t go as planned, you can still look back with pride knowing that you faced your fear.

20. Have a regular morning & nighttime routine

Me using the Aceology Blue Ice Globe Facial Massagers as a part of my nightly routine

Regular routines can help us de-stress & feel motivated for our days. Have a regular morning routine that excites you to get out of bed in the morning can help you feel refreshed & energized for your day. You can spend time journaling, reading, washing your face, exercising, making a fancy breakfast – there are so many possibilities. And at night, engage in activities that help you relax & rewind from the day. Journal about what you’re grateful for, wash the day off your face, & spend time reading or engaging in a quiet activity away from screens. It will improve your sleep, reduce stress, & help you feel more refreshed the next morning.

21. Listen more

Photo by Mayur on Unsplash

Too often, we spend the moments other people are talking to think about what we want to say next instead of really listening to what they are saying. Make listening a priority this year.

When I was little, I was always told the phrase, “You have two ears & one mouth, & they should be used in that proportion.” I find this holds up in almost every situation in my life. Even when I feel I have something meaningful to say, or when I am debating about an important topic, I find whatever point I wanted to make or thought I wanted to share can always wait. And when I take the time to listen to the person I am talking with, I often find we are more aligned in our thoughts than we realize. Coming to a conclusion, having empathy for one another, & building a healthy relationship all become more more probable when I take the time to listen to what someone is saying.

22. Practice mindfulness

Me in Vermont

Engaging in a regular mindfulness practice has numerous benefits. From lowering stress to decreased blood pressure, mindfulness exercises like meditationmindful walking & yoga can help increase our quality of life. This year, your resolution can be to set aside regular time in your day – when you first wake up, right before you go to bed, or whenever you are feeling stressed – to take time to be present & mindful.

22. Check-in with yourself regularly

Me in Vermont

The best habit I can ever recommend to anyone is to have regular check-ins with yourself. Make time each morning to think about how you are feeling, & based on that information, schedule in time that day for what you need. If you are still feeling tired, maybe a little 20-minute nap would be good this afternoon, or maybe a nice hot cup of coffee is a good way to start the day. If you are feeling sore, take some time to stretch. Or, if you’re feeling lonely, make it a point to call someone you love today.

Check-in with yourself at the end of a long week & see how you are feeling. Are you energized by the work & want to be productive this weekend, or do you need some extra time to relax & recharge before Monday comes again?

Scheduling regular check-ins about work, school, exercise programs, relationships, & just general well-being can be immensely helpful in discovering what you actually need in your life to be healthier, mentally, physically & spiritually. Too often we rush through life without actually thinking about how we feel. Sit down with yourself the way you would with a good friend & make time for your inner voice to be heard.

What are your resolutions for 2023? What healthy habits are you adding to your lifestyle? Leave me a comment below!

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Be Kind by Ellen Spring 2021 review: Be kind to your body & the earth

Watch my unboxing video on my new YouTube channel

Note: This article does contain affiliate links. If you buy a product after clicking a link, I may earn a commission off of that purchase.

Sustainable living is simple, fun, & fashionable thanks to the Be Kind by Ellen subscription box.

Ellen DeGeneres was my childhood hero. I loved her mission of sharing kindness with the world through our gifts. Her way of sharing that kindness was through comedy & her philanthropy. She inspired me to always think about ways that I could use my own passions, such as writing & running, to help the world around me. 

Ellen’s Be Kind box is a fantastic way to take care of yourself & the world around you. When I saw the advertisement online, I could not resist purchasing my own subscription that night. Every season, a new box filled with socially-conscious products are released. Every item in the box makes a positive impact in the world, whether it be for the environment or for another important cause, such as women’s health. And all of the items will help you feel better about yourself, too. It’s an opportunity to treat yourself with something special, & to feel good about it because you’re helping the world around you as well.

A different box is delivered each season of the year, & each box costs $54.99, but the items inside add up to over a $200 value! When you sign up for an annual subscription, you save 10% off of all four boxes. I personally signed up for the annual subscription, & now that I have received my first box, I could not be happier that I did. 

I received my first box last week (watch the unboxing video here!), & after a week of using these products, I can confidently say that I adore each & every one of them. They each fit seamlessly into my lifestyle but help me to take better care of myself, & I feel good about using each of them because I know they are helping the world in some way. 

The Spring Box was themed around the idea of setting new intentions for the year. Now is the time to think about the causes that mean the most to us, & setting positive intentions of how we can contribute meaningfully to them. It is the time to think about what things most touch our hearts & convict us to act, & then set up for our life the tenets, & the actions behind them, that will aid us in helping those movements grow & make a meaningful difference in our world.

The Be Kind by Ellen Spring Box was dedicated to giving back to brands that are doing their part to help our planet, & the creatures that call it home, to thrive. Keep reading to learn more about these amazing brands & the products they have created that have now become a part of my regular routine.

SAMARA Shoulder Bag

SAMARA is committed to making luxury fashion items that are both simple & elegant from vegan sources. All of SAMARA’s products are eco-friendly & affordable, so everyone can enjoy being fashionable while helping the planet. And SAMARA’s products are as eye-appealing as they are innovative – this brand is leading the way in the use of apple-based leather & recycled ocean plastics to create their products. My favorite part of this brand is that they are committed to giving back to the community as well. The Soular Backpack is an initiative founded by SAMARA CEO Salima Visram. This initiative provides solar light to students in East Africa, which eliminates the need for kerosene lamps that emit harmful & dangerous fumes, as well as helps students to study safely at home. 

Personally, I love this bag. I don’t normally use a purse; I have always been more of a backpack lover. But sometimes I need something a little more fashionable & small for an afternoon or evening out, & this bag is perfect for that. It’s simple but elegant, a fashionable choice that carries everything I need without being overly bulky or attract too much attention. And, of course, I can feel good about using it, because I know it is made from sustainable materials & is helping the world in more ways than one.

The SAMARA shoulder bag in the Be Kind by Ellen box was designed exclusively for this subscription. However, you can find a similar bag in a range of available in four different colors here.

Alt Linen Kitchen Towel Set

I have always wanted to switch to reusable, cotton towels. They are better for the environment, & they have to be more cost-effective. The initial investment is more expensive, but after years of buying endless rolls of paper towels, I know I would have spent less if I had just bought a set of reusable linens. The problem is, they get dirty, & as terrible as it sounds, I didn’t feel like dealing with that. I felt like they would get stained to the point that I would not be able to get them clean in the wash (I have seen my paper towels after I use them, & I am often grateful I am just going to throw them away rather than try to wash them). No one wants to use a stained towel – as privileged as it may sound, it just feels dirty, even after it’s been in the wash. I like the feeling of a clean towel to dry my hands. 

Alt Linen is the solution to all of my problems. They have created beautiful, white, reusable cotton towels & napkins to replace paper products. The best part is that you only pay for them once, & then you can replace them for free when they are worn! That’s right: You can send your used linens back to Alt Linen, & they will send you new ones for free. All you have to do is pay for shipping. There is now no reason not to use reusable kitchen towels. It’s more cost-effective, beneficial for the environment, &, thanks to Alt Linen, it’s actually more convenient, too.

You can purchase your own set of Alt Linen towels here.

Fill it Forward Water Bottle & Refill Tracking Stickers

Fill it Forward has created an entire community committed to making the world a better place just by drinking their water! With the Fill it Forward app, you can contribute to meaningful causes with every bottle of water you drink. Here’s how it works: You put a refill tracker sticker on your reusable water bottle. Then, every time you refill your water bottle, you scan the sticker with the app. According to the Fill it Forward website, with each scan, funding is donated to charitable partners that “specialize in creating sustainable solutions that help bring clean water & nutritious food to people in need.”

And the sticker does good for you, too! By scanning the sticker every time you refill your water bottle, you can keep track of how much water you are drinking, which can help you to stay hydrated

The Be Kind by Ellen box came with the sticker & a lightweight, leak-proof reusable water bottle. Eliminating plastic water bottles also helps the environment, so this product is good for the world in so many ways. The Be Kind by Ellen Fill it Forward water bottle has positive affirmations written on it, so it’s good for your mental as well as your physical health. I love drinking my water while I repeat the mantras to myself. It helps my body to feel better, & it rejuvenates my mind as well so I’m ready to take on the rest of my day. 

Aceology Ice Globe Facial Massagers

I am not good at giving myself self-care, & I don’t think I am alone in this. That’s why I created the Sunshine Box – to give people more self-care & joy. And that’s why I am loving these Aceology ice globe facial massagers. They are an easy way to give myself a little more self-care in my life. 

Aceology creates vegan & cruelty-free products that help you take care of your skin. They make a variety of masks for all different benefits, including detoxification & skin illumination. And I can tell you first-hand, their facial massagers are so soothing & relaxing. They help to reduce face redness & puffiness, & they shrink your pores, which means less acne. They can also help with sinus, headaches, & muscle tension. Using these facial massagers literally brings a spa-like experience at home to you.

Starfish Project 14K Gold-Plated Bracelet

The last item in my box was a beautiful, gold-plated bracelet from the Starfish Project. The Starfish Project helps women who have been exploited and/or trafficked find freedom. Through vocational training, holistic care programs, & skill training, the Starfish Project gives these women the tools, skills & confidence they need to secure their independence. Additionally, all of the jewelry they make is quality-controlled, plated sustainably, & made by hand. 

I love my new bracelet. It’s simple but elegant, a perfect piece to wear every day or for a fancy occasion. And every time I look at it, I think about the women this bracelet is helping, & it helps me to feel more empowered to take on my day as well.

A Final Note

Last but not least, I would like to touch briefly on the design of the box. Ashely Price, a Black female artist based in Houston, designed the beautiful art on the front of the box. Ashley left her corporate job seven years ago to create PinkLoMein. According to her website, Ashely says she is committed to reflecting “everyday people with a focus on women empowerment & positive affirmations” in her artwork. For the Be Kind box, Ashely said she wanted to represent “empowerment & simply feeling good about yourself.” The quotes in the women’s hair were meant to encourage recipients to be bold, brave, grateful, & most importantly, kind.

I absolutely loved my Be Kind box. It brightened my day when I received it in the mail, & the products I received have brightened every day since. If you are passionate about helping our planet & bettering the world around us, I strongly suggest subscribing to your own box. It’s good for you, & for the environment.

As I said in my unboxing video, take care of your body & take care of the earth: They are the only places you have to live.

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Arizona vacation: Day 5

My family having lunch at Pam’s & Rick’s house – from left to right: Dad, me, Mom, Kathleen, Pam, Samuel, Gus, Thomas, Bev, Jake, Isabella, and Steve

Today, I started my morning far earlier than my body wanted. The heat in Sun City becomes unbearable by 7:00am, so we had to start running as soon as the sun rose. 

Dad and I mapped our route to end at Starbucks, and afterwards we each enjoyed our first cup of espresso since the trip began. After four days of very little sleep, my body needed that boost of caffeine.

Getting up so early gave us the luxury of relaxing for the rest of the morning. We sipped and enjoyed our coffees on the veranda outside until it was too hot to sit, and then we sat in the air conditioned living room. Bev and Gus had locally grown grapefruits, and even though they are strictly not allowed by my current low-FODMAP diet, I couldn’t help but taste a small bite. The citrus fruit burst inside my mouth, yielding a delightfully tart juice that was the perfect balance between bitter and sweet. 

At noon, we left to go to Pam’s house. Pam is Bev’s eldest daughter. She lives in Fountain Hills, an hour away from Sun City. On the way, we chatted with Bev and Gus and shared stories and pictures from our latest life adventures. The hour flew by. Sooner than I realized, we were arriving at the mansion-sized homes situated on the sides of canyons, overlooking red rocks and the valley far below. 

Pam is a beautiful soul. There are some people who just seem to understand life at a different level. They are humble, loving and giving to no end. They are the kind of people you can spend hours with without even realizing the passage of time, and when you do leave, you feel better about yourself and inspired to love others well. This is the kind of person Pam is. She was an incredible hostess, and despite the fact that I had never met her before, she greeted me with love and treated me as if I was her own daughter. At the end of our visit, she hugged me tightly and requested I return any time I needed a place to sleep. 

While at Pam’s house, we spent time with her and her husband, Rick, as we savored our last moments with Steve and the kids. From here, we would part ways – Steve and the kids would return home while we drove back to Bev’s and Gus’ house. We talked and shared a commemorative last meal together. The hours ran away from us quicker than we could chase them, and before we knew it, it was time to say goodbye. 

Uncle Steve and Mom just before saying goodbye

It was hard to say farewell not knowing when I would see them again. Before this trip, I had not visited Steve in eight years; the kids had truly been children and toddlers, and I had been a mere freshman in high school. Now, those “kids” are almost full grown, and I have graduated from college, started a career, and gotten engaged. So much has happened since we last visited, and so much could happen before we see one another again. In another eight years, even the youngest will be a legal adult and I will be in my thirties. 

I hugged each of my relatives, requesting that, this time, we wouldn’t wait as long until we saw each other again. Thomas seemed the most upset by the separation; he gave me at least five earnest hugs, assuring me each time that he would come to visit me in Maryland next year. I really do hope that we can make that happen. 

After Steve and the kids left, we said goodbye to Pam and Rick and began the drive home. It was a somber mood in the car. Luckily, we had a sermon Pam recommended to distract us. The message was focused on kindness, and it used the movie “A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood” to lead its trajectory. 

Playing cards a few days ago at Steve’s house – from left to right: Sam, Kathleen, me, Thomas, Mom, and Jake

Kindness truly is what makes life beautiful. Mr. Rogers said the way to become successful in life is to be kind, and I think that must be true. I have never felt more fulfilled than after a day when I believed I truly did some good in this world, when I had been kind to others. The message reminded us that we should never so busy in our lives that we don’t realize or recognize when other people need help, and that we should extend kindness to all, even those who do not give it back to us. So many of us think of kindness as conditional; if someone is kind to one of us, we are kind back. But the beauty of true love – of God’s love – is that it is unconditional; there is nothing someone has to do to earn it, and, even more importantly, there is nothing someone can do to get rid of it. As Christ’s followers, we are called to love like that.

When we arrived home, the bittersweet taste had not left us. After such a long day and with another early morning ahead of us, we went to bed early. Lying in the guest bedroom, I couldn’t help but think back over the last few days of our trip.

It’s the finitude of moments in life that makes them both sweet and bitter. I can’t help but feel sad when wonderful moments come to an end. But endings are truly beautiful. Without them, we would not appreciate the time we have. Endings bring closure to long-awaited journeys and hope for an unknown future. Endings are what remind us to make the most of the moments we are in, and they are what make memories so precious. 

Eating dinner our first night at Steve’s house – from left to right: Thomas, Jake, me, Samuel, Kathleen, Mom, and Dad

The sermon today and the interactions I had with my family members also reminded me what makes endings a little sweet rather than only bitter. After all, there certainly are endings that leave us with only a bitter taste in our mouths. What gives moments meaning is the kindness exchanged within them. Love makes life worth living. 

The best way to make the most of the moment I am in is to focus on being kind to those around me. When I am that devoted to being kind and cognizant of others’ needs, it helps me to remember to be present with those around me. So, when those moments end and it is time to say goodbye, the farewell is not nearly as bitter because I have made so many fond memories with those I love. 

The most beautiful thing about today’s ending is that I know it is not final. While I am not sure when I will see these family members again, I do know that we will be reunited someday. The beauty of today’s ending is that, while this chapter has come to a close, the story is not yet finished.

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