by Jessi Ceiri
Introducing our special guest writer, Jessi Ceiri! Jessi brings a wealth of expertise to the table as a NASM certified personal trainer, Yoga Foster kids yoga instructor, and running coach. With a fervent dedication to helping individuals integrate fitness into their lives in a personalized and sustainable way, Jessi’s philosophy centers around the belief that everyone can incorporate strength and mobility training into their routines. Drawing from her expertise as a former elementary school PE teacher and her current role managing Charm City Run Fells Point, Jessi’s passion for fitness shines through in her approachable and holistic perspective. Whether she is designing comprehensive workout programs that encompass strength, balance and cardio, or hitting the pavement with her beloved french bulldog, Bronx, Jessi embodies the essence of living a balanced and active lifestyle.
Dude, some days the will to workout is nowhere to be found. Yes, we all know that building routines and habits is the best way to stay on track with your fitness routine. One of my favorite ways to do this is to schedule my workouts for the week in my Google calendar on Sunday nights so they show up just like a meeting at work. But what happens when you’ve done all that and you still need a little convincing to start your workout?
Here are some of the ways I can motivate myself to get a workout in when I am just not feeling it.

1. Phone a friend
Make plans to workout with a friend. Invite them to take a class with you, or go for a run or walk. Once you are accountable to someone else, you are less likely to skip.

2. Bribery
Yup, sometimes it’s that simple. If you go for a run this morning, you can buy coffee at the coffee shop instead of making it at home. That one works for me. I can be convinced to do lots of things for caffeine.

3. Shopping
Buying a new workout outfit or a pair of workout shoes is usually enough to get me excited for a workout. I can’t wear my new clothes if I don’t workout, right? (Who am I kidding, I live in athletic clothes, but I do separate my “workout” clothes from my “everyday” athletic clothes.)

4. New music or book
Get excited with a new playlist. Or pick an audiobook and you are only allowed to listen to it during your workouts. Now, you are looking for excuses to workout so you can listen to that next chapter.

5. Hire a personal trainer
A trainer can help you come up with a workout routine that works for you. It also gives you someone else to be accountable to. If your trainer shows up at your house for a session, you have to let them in (hopefully…that would be really mean otherwise).
What other tricks do you use when you’re not motivated to workout? Let us know in the comments below!