It feels like the to-do list never ends. There are so many different areas of your life to manage, & the tasks to get done keep piling up. What you want to get done never does – there are too many other last-minute things that pop-up & take up your time. The to-do list from one day simply gets transferred to the next page of the journal, with few, if any, items ever being crossed off.
If this sounds like you, I have seven simple tips that will transform your daily life. These productivity tips will help guide you to take charge of your schedule, get your most important tasks done, & still have time to rest & recharge.
1. Write a to-do list

This seems like the most simple step, but many people have to-do’s simply running around in their head that never get written on paper. This makes it difficult to remember all that has to be done, which means more mental energy is spent trying to remember the day’s tasks. It also makes it more difficult to prioritize which tasks are most important. Take out a pen & paper or open a note in your phone & write out everything that has to be done & everything you would like to get done today.
2. Highlight the three most important tasks

There are only so many hours in a day, but if you are strategic, you can get a lot done in those hours. Now that you have all of your tasks written down, highlight the most important three that need to get done today. If you like, you can take this a step further & number the remaining tasks in order of highest to lowest priority.
3. Write a schedule for the day

Based on the information from the last step, create a schedule for the day. Write what you are going to do every hour or, even better, every half hour. Make sure your most important tasks are on that schedule. For at least the first few days of doing this, try to also keep track on what you actually do during your scheduled hours to see if the allotted time you give for regular tasks is realistic, or if it’s too long or too short. You want your schedule to be realistic to follow, or you will find yourself not adhering to it at all.
I recommend also writing out your schedule with pen & paper, not on your phone. Schedules written in phones are too easy to edit. Write out the schedule with pen & paper & put it somewhere where you will see it all day.
4. Think about when you are most creative, most productive, & when your body wants to move

This step goes along with the previous one, but it’s important enough to get its own section. This step is not possible for everyone, especially those that have to adhere to strict work schedules, but for those who have more flexibility in their scheduling, it can be incredibly helpful.
When scheduling out your day, think about when you are most productive, when you are most creative, & when your body most wants to move. It doesn’t make sense to schedule something tedious & that you have to sit in your office for if it’s at the time of day when you feel most restless. Schedule your workout session for that time of day & schedule the office tasks for when your body is more relaxed but your mind is alert. Similarly, you don’t want to schedule your creative time for when you are feeling productive & want to knock out tasks. Many of us are naturally creative either early in the morning or late at night – schedule your creative tasks accordingly.
It will be easier to stick with your schedule & you will have a more productive day if you schedule tasks according to when your body & mind naturally feel most attuned to doing them.
5. When the hour or half hour starts, focus solely at the task at hand

Try to stick to your schedule as closely as possible. When an hour or half hour block starts, focus solely on the task you have scheduled. Resist trying to multitask. If you finish early, you can spend that time on another task or to rest & reset for a few minutes. If the hour or half hour ends before you finish the task, make a note in your journal of how long it actually takes you to do that task &, if it is not a high priority task to finish that day, move on. This will help you stay on track with your schedule & not fall behind.
6. Create a healthy work environment

Make sure the environment you are working in is conducive to a productive day. This may mean different things to different people. Some people work great at a neat & tidy desk, while others work best outdoors. Some people enjoy a cup of hot tea within close reach, while others would rather have a glass of cool water. Change your environment to reflect what you need to work at your best. For me, natural light is a must. I enjoy sitting on my couch in front of my fireplace, a cup of hot tea or coffee on the table in front of me, my journal opened beside me, & natural light streaming through the window. Here, I am at my most productive.
7. Schedule in self-care breaks

Because you are now so productive & you have a schedule to follow, make sure you also schedule in self-care breaks throughout your day. This is something to help you stay on track because you know a break is coming soon, & it is a reset before whatever else is left in your day. When I schedule self-care breaks into my day, I find I am even more productive in what I do with this time. Instead of mindlessly scrolling TikTok at whatever time in the day because I feel burnt out, I schedule in time to read, write, go for walks, & do yoga. These self-care habits are much healthier for my mental & physical health, & they leave me feeling much more refreshed & ready to tackle the rest of my day.
What are your favorite productivity tips? Share in the comments below!